>Start Uni
>Drive red Accord Coupe 15
>"hell ya I'm gonna look so Kewl"
>Hear a BROOOO00000ooom passby while parking on 1st day
>black gtr
>followed by a golden gtr
>see basic ass Arabian girl getting out of a Tesla
>nerdy habibo gets out of gold gtr
>i can't get seatbelt unbuckled for some rason
>get out of car
>one of them looks back at me, snickers and looks away
Feels bad man
I know I have a nice car or fuck at least a car unlike 90% of other students, but why the fuck do Arab parents buy their kids these expensive ass cars just to shove it in our faces?
College Cars
>but why the fuck do Arab parents buy their kids these expensive ass cars just to shove it in our faces?
>just to shove it in our faces
You answered your own question, with your own question.
You should see ASU. I caught 3 GTR's at the same light on the way to class. Some fucking persian had a 458 last semester. All the chines rock the aston martins,
Wow I thought my college was bad with fucking bentleys, porsches and s63’s
Yeah its a shitshow down here.
reminds me of this private high school I graduated from, all the asian kids were driving Evos and WRX's at age 16 while I was still driving a shitbox corolla.
At least you can pretend to be dagumi
>travel to america for study
>use dad's money to buy black gt-r
>"time to flex on all these dumb infidels"
>pull into parking lot
>drive by some faggot in his gay accord
>haha pleb tier cunt
>park up next to religion of peace comrade number 32 in his golden gt-r
>notice accord autist cant get his seatbelt off
>look over at him, throw a shit-eating snicker at him and look away
Feels good man
How can these dumb americans compete with our crude? It's like they're not even trying.
>tfw the most expensive car in my collage's student parking is a 2015 ford focus estate
>every other car is a fucking range rover
>GTR at least once a week
>mustangs, mustangs everywhere
>cruiser motorcycle: $1600
>1981 Shitbox Supreme: $300
>be cooler than all the richfags because I built and restored the shitbox with my bare hands and anyone on two wheels overpayed for a ruckus
cool come from owner, not from car
I think I know why.
arabs can't into taste. Most of their income is spent on western trinkets and frivolities
Check your privilege
I don't even have a car as freshman aren't allowed to have cars on campus and I wouldn't use it enough to justify off campus parking, but the most expensive student vehicle I've seen here is probably a new accord or an older 5 series.
nah, not really
yes really. car enthusiasts fawn over specific shitboxes, not meme flagships
>be in High School
>some arrogant prick insisted to his father to buy him one of those fart can microcars that can be driven at age 16 (minimum age 18 here)
>his dad is the director of one of the largest banks in the city, really cool guy tho
>his dad insists that he is already 17 yo, he should wait one more year and get a proper car, not a washing machine on wheels
>rich kid throws a tantrum
>dad buys him reluctantly his washing machine on wheels
>everybody starts turning 18 and starts coming at school with their parent's cars (mainly Golfs)
>rich kids throws tantrum that he wants a proper car
>dad takes him for a test drive with a 2009 SLK - this happened in 2011 so the car was still the tits
>rich kid all delighted and shit
>dad tells him: "you like this car, son? Well, if you didn't throw a tantrum last year for that microcar and waited 1 year as I told ya, now you would've been driving this. But now you got to stick to your microcar."
>Everybody was now coming at high school with regular cars, rich kid was still in his washing machine microcar.
They can afford these cars but not private school tuition? Or are the kids too dumb to get in anything better than a mediocre state school? Asking as I occasionally see the same at Ohio State.
>Get motorcycle in highschool
>All the kids jealous because their parents wouldn't let them have a motorcycle
>Buy my dad's corvette senior year and btfo the local ricerfag that thought his shit was hot.
>Friend and I had the only fast cars in school
Feels good man
>Buy my dad's corvette
I will never understand buying cars off immediate family
Because these foreign business tycoons have more money than they know what to do with. I live in Boston and a significant portion of BC, BU, and MIT students are foreign.
I had a 1995 RWD Ranger in college, pic related. Was ok, but it always had a few problems. Also it was terrible in the winter.
thank God I go to a small school
only one wrapped r35, and a few brand new camaros and wrxs. also a shitton of new edge mustangs lmao.
interestingly, there is a mk2 supra, and a r32 as well as my own aw11
They just come for the Degree to say true. Most of the arabs just need to get an education so they pick a place thats easy to get into and the weather is similar to their own. Most just have to get a degree to keep daddy happy back home in Dubia to keep getting bankrolled
Yes really. I get more attention and "what is that" from my sloppily "restored" shitbox because it's unique, unfamiliar unlike all the mall crawlers and sportscars around, and I did all the work myself, which impresses people a lot more than daddy buying me a GTR.
You have no idea how much poon you can get fixing broke college kids shit piles btw
>poorfags this bitter
You shouldn't have a nice car in college bc no one knows how to fucking drive and park so you will absolutely get scratches on it. At least if you don't have a huge choice of parking. I used to have to parallel park on the only free parking street on campus and got so many little dings and scratches. I commute now so I make sure to park at the very end of the lot where the other people with well-kept non-shitboxes park.
Keked so hard. Kid btfo
All the rich kids in my uni are chinks who drive brand new Mercedes, BMWs, Aston Martins, and one kid with an Aventador. There’s also this one chick who drives a 370z, which can’t be driven by people our age but because she’s an international student and rich she’s exempt.
why? At 18 you can afford liability only insurance on a coyote 5.0 mustang so why you cant drive a rwd altima.
>tfw no fault make things cheap for poorfag enthusiasts but more expensive for normies with new cars.
>All you fags complaining about “wahh Arabians and Chinese kids have GTRS and Lambos I have a shitbox I don’t think it’s fair wahh!”
Look bois wether you like it or not the parents of said spoiled trustfund baby’s worked (usually) to get to where they are today and being able to give their kids things they could never have dreamed of.
At my college (it is of course Minnesota) the fanciest car I’ve seen on the lot is a Dodge Challenger R/T
And that’s owned by a guy whose dad is the owner of our local car dealership
The point is you want a GTR? Or for your kids to have one if they so wish? Then work for it go to the college for a good career and get after it
Seriously, cucked his own brat son with an SLK, what a man.
>thinks an accord is cool
you traded character for practicality
Just buy an older thunderbird, vette, z28 5.0 etc then procharge it and add some liquid supercharger. Make the GEE TEE ARU fags regret waking up
What's wrong with it?
Get used to it. White people's time is over because yall got too comy and too lazy, not busting your ass like the CHinese and shit.
Quit playing your dumb ass video games and wasting your money on Starbucks and Oxycontin and wahtever other stupid shit white people do.
Work hard every day. Don't waste any money. Learn useful majors that make money, not underwater art history weaving. etc.
A couple generations later, your kids might be able to afford a Camry too.
stop being a dumb nigger. Oh wait you can't.
I've seen too fucking many chinks and arabs with fast cars at ASU.
Countless GTRs, too many Corvette stingrays, Porsches and Ferraris, along with the odd Lamborghini. I've seen a 599 at West 6 before, along with some other ones.
>the parents of said spoiled trustfund baby’s worked (usually)
I'm sorry, but that just isn't true, at least for the chinks. Corruption and bribery is the name of the game in Chinkland. The "lobbying" and "political donations" in the US is child's play compared to the money that these rich chinks throw at government officials. For fuck's sake, the chicoms cap liquid cash flowing out of the country at 50k USD a person, but they can somehow afford all these expensive cars and real estate investments at the same time. Hmm.
I went to a state school that got a pretty large amount of foreigners, lots of Turks and children of Chinese business tycoons. I also lived in a student apartment that was one of the higher end ones in the city. My 2002 subaru shitbox shared the parking lot with Maseratis and new Mercedes. It's just something you have to live with.
Honestly OP, who gives a shit. These people are goat fuckers/sand niggers and will never be as white as you so it's all good.
Just get an old lifted 4x4 truck and put anime vinyl stickers on the side. You have to make it look like you're driving a shitbox by choice
>Imblying it's the hard working chinamen's son that gets to drive a $100,000+ car
>buying your kid a sports car
don't breed
>but why the fuck do Arab parents buy their kids these expensive ass cars
because it beats investing in infrastructure in their home countries i guess
can't argue with that logic
My kid is going to salvage his first car. He will learn about cars weather he likes it or not
I hope I'll have a kid :(
>not watching initial D with your kids so when they need a car, they'll wet themselves to old shitboxes
You'll find someone unless you're from >>>/R9K/
Shots fired
... in their country though
I'm a manlet with post-cuck-stress-disorder.
Too jaded for women at this point desu
If there's one upside to EVs taking over it is that sand niggers will be back on their fucking camels where they belong
Lmao, I thought this was going to be another one of those rage inducing spoiled kid stories
You would be cooler by having a personality, which is something these rich kids don't have.