League of Legends general - /lolg/

Grasp of the Undying edition


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People give a lot of shit to Janna for being played with your cursor on your adc and spamming a button, but what about Lulu?

Post your main and one thing you DONT like about them

xth for breast metal waifu

secondary xth for based op

Anyone with any form of mobility fucks him anally.

who else w

I will CLIMB out of Silver with Riven!!

>enemy bruiser/tank thinks they can fight me as Rhaast
they never learn

I hit diamond 5, what rank should i reach before i start looking for a gf?

Also, any ideas for a good new account name?

Lulu has several abilities that are used in different scenarios and have multiple uses.

Massive lose strike goes on, from g1 to g5 in 4 days.
Last game
Me 6/4/9
Kayn 1/9
Ashe 0/12
Thresh 2/13

I love my wife (Riven)!

is tahm kench fun

Lack of available skins.


>get ganked by enemy pve ape
>never get ganks from allied pve ape
Remove this nigger role already.

It's fucking Garen, it's pretty self-explanatory.

Her VO is too short and lame compared to other champions.

Is Mado a brat?

why do I still play this game

>toplane bab
id gank for you if you were a significant part of our team

Zed isn't the worst actually, considering it's easy to predict where he is going. If he ults you, just throw E behind yourself and nuke him.

>enters teamfight
>fucking dies because you can't reach the adc

>game has been around for 10 years
>still no nico nico nii champ

>Jungler sits in your lane for the entire early game
>Do the smart thing and play safe to make him waste time while he sits in the brush
>Other lanes lose despite having to deal with absolutely NO jungle pressure whatsoever
>Our jungler doesn't do shit
>Lose game
Fun shit.

You all niggas wish she was

Her in-game model

it's a you ward more than your support janna with sightstone episode
how do these people breath?

>ganking for bot or mid who then get cocky and go 1v4 the enemy team and throw the game because they think they are literally faker/uzi

Toshinou Kyokou is a CUNT

>Entering teamfights as Yorick

Hi, someone wants to fast climb with me on TR server? Current elo g1

the ingame model is amazing what are you talking about

I know, we're already losing lane.

I-It's not what it looks lilke.

Sona is TOO big

my suggestion - sustain so fucking long that the tanks fall
what's an adc gonna do all by themself when you and 1-2 others are still alive. they pick one or the other. stop the yorick pushing the living fuck out of a lane, or stop the damage dealer.

Talon top into Kled, any advice?

Her kit has a lot of room for improvement and feels rushed

The rework was just mostly nerfs and put her E in a weird spot

Get off his property, fake Noxian.

Riven. She's too weak in lane.

>Main damage AND farming tool eats mana like a motherfucker early on, so i have to get a tear.
>Build paths are sometmes split becuase kit is kinda suicidal. "Damage vs. Tankiness"
>No Secret Boss Urgot skin

hello 12% winrate riven user

>tfw i've been dominating games as Aatrox top even with Bramble Vest

I dont know how or why. Might be because im using different runes and build.


I wish that was true. It's too outdated.

Her playerbase (except me)

Her is fucking dogshit.It's the only CC in her kit to catch people with her slow range.She doesn't have ms boost,you need to use 2 fucking spells to cast Q 2/3 times max and even that doesn't guarantee you catch up to somebody.
And then you have to use it on low hp enemies to get the most out of it on a fucking ADC whose job is to maximize DPS.
riot is full of retards

everybody assumes that just because i play darius i'm a noskill boosted monkey.

Fuck adcs with any sort of mobility

>Secret boss Urgot
>Screams: GAME OVER when he kills with his new ult
>When he dies he drops a bunch of glowing weapons and armor Diablo-style
Yes please

>Top Warwick

Too easy and top tier cheese factor.

>combo someone for half their health
>E back to safety
>Only take some minion damage and possibly one AA or ability from enemy

I have that video on my favorites list.

>nobody bans zac
>guess I can not ban jarvan this time then
>they pick jarvan
>he is diamond
I hate everything


Her nose

i only play furry champions

Incest is wrong. They need to remove Lux.

Charge range is way too fucking short

Passive will interrupt your AA animation, making you sometimes miss CS

Ult damage is way too low

All her core items are shit now

>Weak in lane

What did he mean by this?

Her whole fucking appearence,face,etc.

Evelynn is going to have horns I'm so excite
it might ruin her cute though

I have fallen for the Pantheon meme.
So i got a few questions.

1) Should i ever pick Dft? Some people say it's better against hard matchups
2) Why first pick ghostblade?
3) What do i do around the 35 minute mark where late game starts?

>New arcade skins came out
>Still no news about the other leaked SG skins

Damn and I was so hyped for new SG content (and more yuri) too!


I don't like the new mechanic on his invis where you can get spotted in a small radius

She needs that Visual Update to look attractive like the rest.


>top annie
what in the fuck am i in for

its ok i understand.....

just dont forget the good times we had ;_;

Play him Lethality for maximum fun though

You could remove his W and nothing would change

>2 plat borders in silver 1
kek you can always tell who the boosted shitters were

rush spirit visage and then maw and you win

actually you probably don't even have to do that, this lane is yours

But i maining all champs


its yas top

Reminder never to trust (((Daniel Klein))).

>Kog maw against Yasuo
>Udyr with annie
>Jhin and Rankan
Hope that taric can save you

how do you play WW top? What do you build?


Alright looks like you lost. These two guys clearly have tilted so far they've demoted from plat

No fan service skins since Nurse.

dont really have a main but i have close to 500k on taliyah
dont like how the thread always turns into dzk shitposting when ever she is mentioned at all
like alright i get it hes a fucking cuck idiot
but leave tali alone please

the the hook doesn't suppress targets/people can flash out of it.

1.Never pick DFT, you originally used it because your laning phase was stronger than using Thunderlords, but they nerfed it long ago and it isn´t worth running it anymore. Also, you can´t harass the enemy laner under their turret because DFT is going to make the turret focus you.
2. Ghostblade offers very good stats and a ton of mobility which you really want to have as Pantheon. If you haven´t figured it out yet, Pantheon´s global pressure is high because of his high base speed, youmuss, ult etc.
3.You should push lanes, but keep an eye out for your team. If you see a teamfight breaking out, you should jump to them and win the teamfight. Also, if you see someone walking alone, always try to pick them out, Pantheon is very good at that, but don´t do it if you are not sure how many other enemies are there aswell.
Are you on EUW? I can tell you far more about Panth that will probably interest you.

>Battle Boss skins on the PBE
>Brand, Malz, and Ziggs
>No Viktor

This is a crime against humanity

poisont dart and the speed boost should be merged in. New ability should be a trap thingy with slow effect. R slow effect removed.

You misunderstand. I really love Taliyah. The only reason I always shit on Klein is because he's an abusive "father". I can't tolerate someone actively trying to damage her from a position of authority.

its nice to see someone be passionate about their champ

You don't teamfight as yorick you colossal retard, and if you do you certainly do not tunnelvision on the enemy adc like the retard you are

Maiden has 7.5/10 (at lvl 11/16) PERCENT HP MAGIC DAMAGE every 2 seconds
Your E is 15% current hp magic damage
Hit a fucking frontliner until the way is clear to their backline

if you were a little nice i'd gank for you
i'm not responsible for you losing your lane you cunt

you can DO IT user

i have more questions than answers but im not mad

redpill me on toplane

Is bloodrazor or cinderhulk better on Warwick?

muh honorabu 1v1

2 golds bags waiting to be ganked


>flex queue with friends
>friend afks because he had to go suddenly
>i int because our surrender vote fails
>everyone in the game reports me because i inted a flex queue game with an afk because they won't vote no

Cinderhulk. You should never get Bloodrazor on Warwick.
