What? No Initial-D related threads on Veeky Forums right now?

What? No Initial-D related threads on Veeky Forums right now?

Time to change that

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Anime is for losers, stop watching anime stop playing video games go outside

>waa waa mommy someone posted something I don't like

Nobody likes weebs but other weebs, grow up kid

Why so we can almost drive off a cliff?

So you can meet people that aren't weebs lmao

>giving him replies

Let me enlighten you with the dutch interpretation of initial D.
We don't have touges. We don't have rwd tofuboxes.
But we do have eurobeat.

Hey who actually owns the Sileighty? I've heard it referred to Sayuki's Sileighty in the extra stage, and I know Mako has that piece of shit hatch that can't start without the help of Iketani senpai.

No matter what they're lesbos so it's both theirs.

>tfw cringey ass english dub calling him Tak

they might've pooled funds to buy it, but sayuki is obv the one who actually manages it day to day

wrong. Only joyless cunts who don't actually like cars dislike the show to the degree you apparently do

Fuck off mr. Canturntoofastat20mph


>spend almost every dollar I get on tools and car parts
>been working on cars since I was a kid
>worked as a mechanic and collision repair/painter for years
>ran a shop
>currently do mobile mechanic work
>own 7 cars almost all highly modified or engine swapped
Yeah man I hate fuckin cars LMAO

sil80s are genuinely ugly cars. Go see one in person and you'll know what I'm talking about. (they just don't fit well at all)

S14.3's on the other hand

(S14 with an S13 180sx front end)

like this is a bit extreme for my taste and looks better than a "Stock" sil80 but flip ups just look 100x better on the hatch

if you did any of those things you'd know Takumi is god amongst men and AE86s are stuff of legend

All of this and you still can't drive


Drive these nuts into your mouth xD

U wish m8

God damn Tokyopop.

The music they used is pretty shitty.

I mean, listen to this shit!

No I actually don't, I believe in monogamy

>he believes in mahogany

I'll give you my 10.2 inches of mahogany

monogamy is a meme. I wish it wasn't, but it do

Fuck off goytoy, go peddle your filth elsewhere

Sorry, dude, I prefer oak.

You wanna take a seat on my oak plinth?

I'm not into furries or men.

initial D is a shit show and you should feel bad for liking such moronic dick dribble.
weebs really are a special kind of cancer, you even manage to make being a car enthusiast cringe worthy.

nah I'm a goy who was jaded by a one whore too many. Fuck that I'll just plant a few kids along the way and call it a day

my dick

Awful motor

Nigga that's gay


Is this on funimation

but you sure do love furry cock in your mouth don't you?

Just torrent.

What the fuck is that? Did he NOS too much and explode his engine?

You're equally as bad as him right now as you enable him to make more replies and become even more autistic about the nip cartoon. FUCKING STOP.

Who the fuck doesn't


I'm just enjoying myself.

I disagree but maybe I'm just sad about
>tfw no cowtits sil80 gf

You sure do love your (you)'s

>he says in denile

The only cock I want in my mouth is the cock of a hubby