what car should i buy to impress girls?
What car should i buy to impress girls?
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What kind of girls you want to impress?
pic related?
Some shiny cabrio.
you only look like cool on a bike if you're wearing effay clothes and i don't want to die
A car that get you to the gym, or a miata
miata will get him the other kind of attention if you know what I mean...
Oh yeah forgot to mention that the miata is excluded form the "shiny cabrio" term, unless you want man ass.
Gym membership and anything you can fit a dog in
Just get some effay riding gear
BMW draws the attention of a lot of pussy.
The MUSTANG hands down, a hooker($500 USD) told me that I could fuck all the girls if I drove a mustang.
Also, girls like mustangs over camaros because they are more of an american icon
Ford Raptor
M3 /M4
Any Lexus that is RWD or Lexus truck based suv
Infiniti SUV
Shelby mustang
Any Porsche
Audi Q5 or above SUV
Audi A8, S5, TT, A7
They have to be cars that girls will know what they are, so they can tell their friends. They don’t know what an Alfa Romero is, so of you show up in one they won’t be able to describe it to their friends.
It’s all about bragging to their friends or being seen by their peers. So obscure shit doesn’t work.
What about a Mini? They look gay but trust me it's kind of a pussy magnet, at least younger girls
gtr for that milf pussy
attracts dudes and thots
How young we talking, Chris Hansen?
20 - 25
>any Porsche
M8, my 924, no matter how clean, has not and will never attract pussy.
328i coupe
Buick century gets all the pussy. Just dont be a fag
You wont impress just girls, you will impress anybody full stop.
they don't want to ride in my ferrari either.
probably because they think i'll kill them.
Girls loved my E30
I get a lot of compliments on my AW11
I still have no girlfriend
Vehicles that are easy for women to recognize are the only ones they care about: Mustang, Jeep, Escalade, F-150, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Corvette, etc
Anything clean and nice looking. Women outside of gold diggers you wouldn't want a relationship with anyway literally don't care what you drive as long as it's clean inside, I've pulled 8/10 pussy in a Ford Probe.
As long as it's clean and has air conditioning. Cars won't get you laid
>depending on a car to score putang
>Ferrari, Lamborghini
they can't tell these apart
Buy a car that impresses YOU, faggot.
Girls will never truly appreciate it or even have the vaguest idea what makes it a good or appealing car, they'll just see a wad of cash on wheels.
Anything that looks different and separates your from the crowd.
>BMW oh wow look it's another guy who thinks he's rich
>Lamborghini oh wow look it's another rich guy who I can have buy me things without putting out
>Latest Base Model oh wow look it's another wage cuck that I can marry after my shelf life expires
You want the car that can be parked next to a Ferrari but still take the attention away from it. Keep in mind that if you're afraid of attention that's inherently an unattractive trait. Your car is a reflection of yourself. How it runs, the cleanliness, the condition it's in, and the personal touches.
You want a car with personality. Basically just get any nip sports or luxury car from before 2001 and bring it up to an immaculate shape. New cars have too many regulations that prevent them from looking good. The height of A E S T H E T I C S was reached in the late 20th century.
A car won't ever be enough to get you pussy tho.
A miata or any cute small roadster is THE best car for attracting women. Anyone who says otherwise got cucked by a miata owner and is in denial.
women hate angry fast and loud cars they just do lads. Turns out the best car for attracting faggots is a straight piped mustang
>cucked by a miata owner
This is what miata actually cucks think
Tfw one time I literally stole a miata owners long time girl friend, had her swallow my load countless times in my old mustang.
This. I have a cat back exhaust on my focus and my gf tolerates it, but I started driving an 05 Accord for a while, as I was working on the Focus and literally one of the first things she noticed was how "quiet" the car was. She also loves my old Benz for the same reason, it's her favorite car because it is far and away the most comfortable car between hers or my family.
Most women want to be comfy, that's about it. It can help if it's cute as well. A Miata with all stock parts is probably pretty good. Luxury cars are also where it's at. Anything quiet, safe, and family-supporting.
That's why I like Benzes so much, you can get away with a lot (as far as how you drive) before making a woman feel uncomfortable in one of them, because they're so soft yet affordable and typically don't lack for any power either, plus doing 120 in a well maintained Benz is like doing 60 in any other car. You just don't FEEL the speed.
any car that looks expensive should do the trick.
Are mustangs really that attractive? I’m considering getting one (2012-2015 model) mainly for myself, but the chick appeal is a plus too. Do girls like convertibles? I’m worried if I get a soft-top it’ll get slashed while it’s parked at college.
Obvious answer: a german car
Any popular sporty car can get most thots, really a car only helps, if u are autistic at talking then not much can save you. The girl in question was actually a “car gurl” as her last boyfriend was into cars so she tried to impress him by learning stuff about cars. At the end of the day if the car is popular even a basic thot will enjoy it. Remember to many females its the image. Thats why one could impress them with a v6 base shit stang. Sure the v8 rumble helps but try explaining the differences to most girls without them losing their attention.
My E110 Corolla hatch did the trick
>A miata or any cute small roadster is THE best car for attracting women
my sides
Be honest, how many of you have actually had sexual contact with a woman? How many have even had a girl in your car?
>Be honest, how many of you have actually had sexual contact with a woman?
I have
>How many have even had a girl in your car?
I have. Got my car 2 months now, 2 different girls have sat in my car, excluding family members.
Black fully loaded full size truck.
>has BMW badge
>"Fuck me user"
A Personality
At what fucking point do we add "cars do not impress women, you impress women" to the sticky?
Just don't over compensate
What do you mean? I fail to understand this reference
My dad works at Nintendo too user
Sperg more
A 2015 one would prolly be cool with them, and so would the previous gen convertible. Girls love convertibles.
Yes and had one in the car yesterday.
a Bmw fucks you user. Like really hard
Soon I hope
Just leave him and his miata alone.
If he wants to take it in the ass, that's his business.
this unironically. it got me a ton of tinder matches before i had a gf. literally grills will send you dumb shit like "wow you ride a motorcycle? so cool".
>don't want to die
you'll never make it
It doesn't matter. You'll always be repellant to the opposite sex regardless of what you drive. A nice car doesn't make up for being a fat ugly pathetic manchild.
>what car should i buy to impress girls?
A Gulfstream, Cessna Citation, or Learjet
The car that gets you a bigger penis.
> Yes and had one in the car yesterday.
Paying for it doesn’t count, user.
Hey, user... Guess what I bought last night.
Bonus points if you remember the post from last night too. :)
>tfw got cucked by miat owner
Then again I'm a faggot and the guy my ex left me for was some younger faggot who's more submissive than I am, so take from that what you will.
They think the bmw is cute but its to old so they immediately think poor, maybe half the time they are right but those are the gold diggers anyway so who cares. They might like your AW11 but its a toy car to them and link them to man-children usually. Also you might need to work on your social skills a bit or be more open even if its fake, you sound like a decent guy overall have hope.
this list is correct.
they cant they just know its money and gold diggers and some normalish women attach themselves to money and power. It attracts them on a subconscious level
A gym can't make you grow 4 inches in height, trust me, I'd know. pic related kek
Have you considered getting a personality?
>ctrl+f: truck
>2 results
I sadly hate saying this, but a truck. Girls love trucks. Every time I see a cute white girl I'm interested in, I see her with a guy that owns a truck. Always. Doesn't even have to be a lifted bro truck either, just a fucking truck.
Autistic people can’t help but have restricted interests. I have a lot to talk about in my subjects of choice. A LOT. But NOTHING when the subject changes
I attracted a lot of black men's photographic attention and an Asian girl in the nicest Mk2 Supra I've ever seen one night with my AE86. Most regular girls wonder why you choose to drive an old car. That can either start a conversation if you're attractive enough for them to care, or it ends before it ever has a chance to begin.
I'm not single, but I'm not ugly/short and can talk, so I like to flirt when I get the chance and just fucking assault a girl with car bullshit as soon as I see an opening. They don't expect it, but they play along. I have nothing to lose. Shit's fun. Highly recommend. Sometimes you convert them if you can romanticize car shit in a way that they understand and don't sperg out about the tiny details that only men and autistic lesbians care about. I managed to convince the most normie of normdrone club girls to get a manual car once because it was an excuse to do shit together and she trusted my opinion completely. She'll probably get sick of it and relapse into autos, but that's not my problem.
I have a 2014 A4 and I'm moving to the Pacific Northwest. Will I attract Asian women with my car there?
That guy’s expression in the pic makes me feel bad for him.
Bruh. Personalities are for ugly people.
No. Get a loud V8 LHD American Car. That’ll stand out to them.
just get a fucking manual mustang, thats all
One that goes to the gym everyday for at least three hours.
definitely a japanese sportscar, girls love a good S2000, miata or a rotary
>he doesn't realize that even Chad is not immune to cucking and divorce rape
Women loves old, loud muscle cars, vintage Japanese automobiles and super clean 80s/90s drivers. They see the uniqueness, rarity, styling and craftsmanship put into these. Trust me on this.
top troll
This. Clean your shitbox and make it comfy and she will think its interesting and appriciate it. My clean stock red jeep xj gets me alot of compliments
Best bet is a rari or a ghini op
Bruh! I totally am immune to those. Whatcha gotta do is bang ‘em and leave ‘em. Then they can’t cuck you. Pro points for bangin’ there friends or sister before you split. And if you don’t put a ring on that finger, then you don’t get the shaft from the attorney. Easy peasy, Bruh!
Just show 'em your dick.
>White girl
Girls don’t like cars, girls like status & money. Acquire status & money and you can get any girl you want. A nice car while living in a fucking apartment or taking to and fro your shitty job impresses nobody but niggers and spics at gas stations
This. If you need a vehicle to get poon, you really shouldn't bother.
This. I didn't even own a car in my early 20s and I was getting laid with some regularity. Living extremely close to a bar (in my case directly above) also helps.
Yeah, the best women, therefore a truck.
FORD RAPTOR will attract any girl south of the Mason Dixon, any women above is an ungly yank sow who will only copulate with negro/arab men
the faces in this pic always make me lol
Cute tomboys?
You can get some pretty Veeky Forums-tier armored leather jackets, boots, reinforced jeans and helmets. Even if you ride ATGATT doesn't mean you gotta look like a dweeb.
cuck truck
Blacked out benz truck or land rover. Must only play bass heavy trap like music.
Guarantee you a gf in less than 3 months.
Whats your price limit OP?
you can't possibly make a better car to pick bitches than the s65 cabrio.
1. muh mercedes / muh german
2. it's slick as shit
3. with front and rear massaging and ventilated seats it will foreplay 3 bitches for you.
4. it's cabrio
5. it makes noise and it goes like bonkers
6. it's too fucking expensive.
Elliot forever proved that was not the case.
If bigger car = smaller penis then they'll be dripping wet when they see you step out of this