ETH just broke 20 bucks

ETH just broke 20 bucks for the first time ever. Feels pretty good to be holding 20 of these guys.

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it's broken 20 before

When? the all graph on Coinbase showed it at an all-time high.


still though.. to moon!

Well now I feel silly.

Still, feels damn good.



To the moon baby... To the moon

Never invest anything you aren't willing to lose, but just buy 50/50 btc and ethereum bro

Wait for the ETF decision, may be able to buy some cheap Btc instead. I don't forsee $20 being the new bottom for eth.

okay, but a lot of people DO expect the ETC to go through, and this would instantly, even beforehand increase BTC market cap yes?

If they allow the ETF are we all going balls deep on BTC before it hits its peak?

It broke 20 months ago then fell down to 7 the next day.

recall why it did that? the developers seem to be saying lots of dumb stuff desu

i'm fairly new to this stuff but if the etf goes through i think that will be huge for all crypto currencies in general so it will help ethereum, and if it doesn't go through then ethereum will go up as people sell btc. all those enterprise alliance corporations are going to give up on eth if the etf doesn't go through, they're already working on their own.

>all those enterprise alliance corporations are going to give up on eth if the etf doesn't go through, they're already working on their own.

Dam sold at $19 after thought is was crashing will buy next dip

we need this to happen over and over and over and moon landing...

When should I buy in? Now? or should I wait for another possible dip in value?

have an account ready at coinbase or any other exchange

it will dipp before the 13th when the cucks dump because they are scared it wont go trough

DAO hack

also wasn't 20 months ago

More Ethereum headlines of app developers ditching bitcoin for Ethereum equal prices soaring

>circle using eth

>I don't forsee $20 being the new bottom

So if I purchase ETH, how do I sell them so that I am left with actual money when I am ready to sell them? sorry for the noob question, i have never bought crytpocurrency before.

you send them to this address


the money should then automatically deposited to your account. give it a try.

sent ;)

You could probably make a lot of money with that scam.

few with any amount worth having would fall for it, im afraid. need to find some rich kid noobs maybe lol

>tfw invested first $500 in ETH today

It's crazy how fast prices are rising. I've spent $490 over the past week, and I have 30 ETH

Own 90 at the moment, worth picking up another £100 worth??

there is literally no upper limit to how many ETH you should own. the only way to be satisfied is to own literally every ETH and then buy out the sundry businesses creating the ETH ecosystem and then bomb the Bitcoin mining/processing centers just to troll

I had 513 and sold, then used my profit to buy 111
so essentially 111 free eth. But I'm buying more!

how large is the blockchain for ethereum?
been downloading for over 16 hours now, it's been 22gb and it says it's at about 22%

is there a light version of this? is this what others have on their machines? i'm using geth

h-how to buy ETH. i got absolutely no clue but i want to jump on train

like 3,000,000 something



yes that is in blocksize, not harddrive space
some user told me about 60gb atm so something's gone whack on my system

>buy high sell low

is ETH good for investments? any guesses on how ETH would be like in year 2025? would 500 ETC make me live comfy as a NEET?

as a long term investment* fuck im tired

im about to buy 500 before sleep

I have high hopes, have ~80 will probably keep trying to acquire more. Don't even know if I want it to go up or down. Must be a somewhat good sign it's been steady this past week and didn't dump instantly >$20.

I'm also prepared for it to fade into irrelevance. I'm still holding a bunch of

NMC was hawked as a revolutionary domain name system and I'd bet 90% of this board has no idea what it is.