Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Kind reminder that a game which lacks strong zoning, is a game not worth playing.

Kind reminder that Steam's concurrent player count for SFV is inflated.

Kind reminder that SFV and T7 are identically lamentable. Both games have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, long and artificial load times, and sparse on features. Promoting either of these games weakens the fighting game community.

Kind reminder that Dragonball FighterZ will be a poorly crafted fighter with abysmal space control, awful movement when compared to the Marvel series, lack of assist variety, and no appreciable character archetype diversity. Just because it's not Capcom doesn't mean it won't be bad. If you have to constantly compare yourself to current Capcom games to make another game sound good, then it's certainly a shit game.

Why do you always put fat women in the OP?

why did UNIST feel the need to buff gordeu when he was already the best character in the game?



buy cammy's husband costume

What was the point of her partner in story mode

But I don't play Rashid

None. Even on her character story she doesn't appear.

F-Akiha pressure is freeform jazz

unist 3.2 buffed everyone across the board

anyone have the positive copypasta from a few threads ago?


So what is dancepop?


Because back in the Arcade versions, he was so neutered that he barely showed up in any arcades. Console buffs brought him back from irrelevance to playable again, you just need to time your shit a bit better.

buy cammy's wife costume

Anyone know why I cant download the Jive update?

PC or PS4? I've downloaded it just fine on PC.

>All the Dolls

Where does she get all the space to store them all?


Is there any articles or shit out there detailing the methods of which Arcsys used to get Guilty Gear looking so good?

cammy x chun is canon fuck /fgg/.

Anyone else feels like BlazBlue is about taking turns doing corner combos, even on high level play? It's fun but still corner combos most of the time. Any high level matches out there I can watch where this is not the case?

In b4 Guilty niggers using this as opportunity to shitpost.

Do we have the colors for Alex's Classic Costume?

they held a presentation on it at some SDCC a few years back I think

Remember to play a fighting game today /fgg/

Remember to practice tech that you have trouble with

Remember to view replays of both your wins and losses and learn from them

Remember to always practice good sportsmanship, whether online or in person

Remember to help newcomers learn by playing constructively without trying to frustrate them (i.e. keep doing one thing until they learn to counter it)

Rememver that your main is your main for a reason, and playing another character might set you back, but don't be afraid to change characters if you think it's best

Remember to watch some high-level play of the game or character you're learning

Remember to never discourage someone from playing a game they're interested in or having fun with

Remember that the lab can only teach you so much, real matches are the best way to learn

Remember to support and attend your locals and grassroots events, they're the backbone of the FGC

Remember to practice personal hygiene reguarly, especially if you're going to an event. How you look and smell isn't just a reflection on you, but on your game and the community as a whole

Remember to set realistic goals for yourself and keep working at them until they're realized

Remember to ask around to find sparring partners who play characters you're bad or inexperienced against

Remember that tier lists are generalized and tailored to the highest levels of play, so just play who you think is fun and don't blame your losses on your low-tier main or attribute your wins to your high-tier main

Remember to never dodge when you call someone out as being bad and they actually challenge you

Remember to seek out opponents who are of equal or higher skill

Remember that winning or losing isn't as important as improvement

Remember that no matter how bad you think you are, every single player you consider better than you was at your level at some point

And most of all, remember to have fun, /fgg/, because fighting games are something so great.

Any lobbies up?



Is SilentOne still making these edits? I'd like to request if a few if he's still taking requests?

no and it's killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

orange overalls green jacket NOW

make one and i'll play

one of the ways you can "win" neutral in a lot of matchups is to push your opponent into the corner then getting your pressure going. If you end up in the corner it's because you fucked up.

just like in my harem animes

Will they just use 3S colors? They should.

pass is uni

>Rememver that your main is your main for a reason, and playing another character might set you back, but don't be afraid to change characters if you think it's best
Question: how long do you have to play a character before you can decide if you want to main them? I used to play Baiken a lot in AC+R but dropped her in favor of Kliff because I felt blocking all the time for her GCs was giving me bad habits, and I liked how Kliff played.



aand I mess up the room settings




Wish I could have gotten more out of T7
It's just so boring to me

It's slow, clunky, not much depth, all the characters do the same thing
shame how beautiful of a game it is

Should I buy USF2 lads?

Normally I wouldn't consider it but there's fucking nothing else to play on this thing besides Zelda

Yo, not-sion. Lemme remake this shit, pass will be the sam


This game is Arcsys Fighting Jam, so the roster will be 12 Blazblues+a boss guy, 4 Uniels + a boss guy, 4 Personers, and new character of a weird magic girl?

Play Weiss

>hideous sleeves
>no sideboob

The mod outfit looks better than this

It's pretty fun, definitely the most accessible version of ST out right now

You'll have tons of fun if you just say fuck it and play any of the evil broken characters

when is abigail


>and I liked how Kliff played.
It's as simple as that, actually.

it will definitely be available on pc and/or ps4 before the end of the year

I want to caress hilda's hips

desu this is on console but that still really sucks

You can remove the jacket kunt.

Her breasts grew since SFIV. If she didn't add the support she would fall over.


That's cool. I can play 2 Tekken matches before Abigail drops later tonight.

Still looks worse combofiend. Go shill somewhere else

i can't wait to play the giant retard

I know this is a stupid question but can I win fight money with the servers being down? What's gonna happen if I clear the sotry mode during that time?

Anime wins again

Boatsluts fg when

I love elphelt

>my pasta is catching on
I'm proud of myself

Never. It is ded

What you do when you're not playing sfv?

her mother must be proud

But you've been playing one since birth

You can't. Wait for servers to be back up.

this is a great post


Chill out goober
If you don't like it don't buy it

Hes a competitive quiz taker

I'm sorry that was mean

I'm playing BB in the other monitor and shitposting here.

Why are people being mean to Abigail and calling him a retard?


Somebody post the Ibuki

You know the one

What happened to the guy that was making some game with this model


Did I fuck up the room again

They're jealous they'll never be as candid and happy as him.


I'm a NEET. How do I make Fight Money fast and get some fucking top-tiers?

looks like a penis

I gotchu


What ethnicity is Abigail?
He looks white in game but is darker / hispanic in art

blame flea

filthy fuckin leaf.


Just give me all specials unlocked Susan as the boss for the whole game

>Dat pic
How it should've been.