/palg/ - Paladins General

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

Zeroth for Evie edition

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google.com/search?biw=360&bih=295&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=rvl3WdLaLuSGjwT0r5yoCA&q=paladins willo fanart&oq=paladins willo fanart&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..0.45691.49501.0.52250.

This is OP here, but you should all already know of me and Evie's love for each other.


Good thing they're matched vs a higher combined elo then huh?

You are just blind from anger. Calm down. Go outside and relax.

When you select Lian why does she say her name so lewd?

are you fucking retarded?
>top team average elo is 2906
>bottom team average elo is 2681
nah man it is 5 am and i cant sleep at night

That is all in your dirty mind user. Lian is pure.

ah yes unfortunate matchmaking
truly a disaster
happens to everyone
best to queue another game and hope for the best
or to not play at 5 in the morning xd

You might be for thinking the average has anything to do with the way the system works. Bottom team has 400+ elo over the partied team.

I notice that most people who complain about matchmaking plays at very unreasonable time. You cannot expect to get good matches playing that late? There's not enough good players around anyways. I would wager that most of those who are on right now are probably Asians playing on the Europe server, even though it gives worse ping overall.

Do I have to goy out for Gundam Fernando?

I like Tyra

There is a 1.8k elo lvl 30 Zhin there. Are you telling me the game can't find at least some 2k+ fag? I'm willing to wait 1 or 2 minutes more if it means the games are more balanced

there's a space marine chest in the datamining files. not a guarantee and it's mainly for viktor's "space" skin (also datamined), but they might throw gundamnando in there like they did with chancellor mal'damba/steampunk androxus with the steam chest. fitting theme and all that
no idea when spess viktor is coming out though

Spess Viktor, Gundam Fernando and Nova Strike Kinessa in one chest, I can see it

>Bottom team has 400+ elo over the partied team.
what are you talking about
this happens all the time every hour i post this kind of shit here all the time

If you are a stack of 5 and getting matched against solos you MUST be matched against higher elo average team at least

You guys have more Willo arts?

>5:10 am
>hungry as fuck no food til 6
>played a game with no tanks as a healer
>playing with potatos in general
>tfw cant sleep
all i have is complaining about shit matchmaking

get some pistachios

google.com/search?biw=360&bih=295&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=rvl3WdLaLuSGjwT0r5yoCA&q=paladins willo fanart&oq=paladins willo fanart&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..0.45691.49501.0.52250.

i love those shits they are very common here

Wow there's really not a lot of good willo stuffs.

It's not fanart but here's some official stuff showing off her model.


I think comparing Elo is being done wrong. It's supposed to be the same odds of winning with the same score difference, but I feel like 1700 vs 1900 would be a closer match than 2700 vs 2900.

I wish Nova Strike wasn't mostly helmets that completely hide Kinessa.

You could mix it with the cutthroat hair.

It looks like shit, the cutthroat outfit is better except the head.

Really? Because I like the helmets. Or, one of them at least.

>pick character
>go take a piss
>come back


It works, but I would've rather had a helmetless skin that goes with the theme.

Make it Paladins.

Uh oh.

Really cannot wait for Ranked 2.0. If it's what I think, people of the same division will be matched against each other, which means the Ranked MM would be much better.

Someone didn't pick and it went back to queue.

For those coming later, this is Fernandoposter. Mods hate general's memes.

Oh wow, they really hate us that much?
Do we waste too much precious bandwidth or what? Geez.


>Oh wow, they really hate us that much?
Well, maybe, I don't know, perhaps, you are fucking shitposting?

Is shitposting againt the rule, because the last time I checked the only rule were no spoilers and it has to be on topic of the video game, and I'm pretty sure this is still on topic.


Overwatch hogged all the r34

If we aren't allowed to shitpost, they should shut the whole thing down.


What was it?

Fernandoposter. He's been a hero, leading the way every thread to spread the good word of Fernando's love.

woops meant to link to

>you are fucking shitposting?
Meanwhile this is allowed. Really feeling the hypocrisy here.

shitposting is always against the rules, unless it's on /s4s/ or something

I guess it can become shitposting when it starts being too insistent. That said, it's not like jannies or mods follow rules down to a T, they just do whatever the hell they want and if it pisses them off then off its head it goes.

What I don't get is why they went now after Fernandoposter. He doesn't even post images.
Meanwhile Lianfag's posts are still up, and to a lesser degree Evieposter's too, but I'm assuming he also made the thread.

without general memes and shitposts /palg/ would be dead desu


But that's different because the janitor likes OW.

so true and relevant

I'm one of those posts

It's hilarious seeing all these new retards talking about the sites moderation when they don't understand anything

It's the other way around. Janitors delete those posts here because they don't care/don't browse /owg/.

I'll post the standard post next thread, and we'll see how we go from there. Don't think we should do any explicit fearmongering yet, but it is rather unfortunate.

Nonetheless, you should all remember that nothing - nothing, will stop my appreciation and adoration for Fernando. This shouldn't stop you, either.

Don't know if that's a good or bad thing. On one hand that means nobody gives a shit about Overwatch anymore, on the other hand that means this general will be much stricter.

you can tell that they're all idiots from reddit.

How do I Ash?

Bully the opponent and keep them off the point. Shoot around the corner to catch flanks.

Good deal, doesn't sound too different from what I was thinking.

>bullying in my internet connection american school game

They're probably keeping tabs on you now. I would know.
I can't properly express my feelings for her anymore, not without a very real risk of rebuking.
I think we have to lay low from now on, and even then nothing is certain. They get trigger happy sometimes.

She's gotten pretty good at dealing with airborne champions lately-add that to her natural talent at preventing the enemy from contesting, and she can be very annoying to approach on point. Just make sure you don't charge into something you can't handle without backup.

It's more likely than you think!

There has to be at least one bully, and Ash is it.

>She's gotten pretty good at dealing with airborne champions lately
Yep, that was a great buff.

zhin looks like he would steal my lunch money desu
buck is that strong bro who looks out for weaks

What if there was a mode where a team could pick a character more than once? Just as a thought experiment which team comps do you think would become commom?

Five Drogoz-the Tribes comp.

>teams of 4 Kinessas and you
How about no?

I think they should make it an option for custom games. I don't get why custom games are so limited.

Wonder if it's who's on at certain times.

what would be the most op team if all 5 characters had to be same
5 cassies is my bet

She's too squishy, 5 Drogoz would be unstoppable, flying and spamming fuzilade.

Would be fun.

5 drogoz would get shit on by 5 hitscans

Press F to pay respects.

I want to see the stupid ult combos you could do. Imagine 5 Drogoz taking out the other team all at once.

Don't existing players get the old default skin for free?

For 1 gold.

I wouldn't mind the redesign if they toned down just a little bit on how wooden it is.

5 yings, maxed spring bloom, resonance leggo
caut all you want but to shoot at the 5 ying orgy, you gotta shoot through 10 that explode

Who has the cutest feet? (。>﹏

The new one looks good. I always hated how Ruckus looks, the mech is so ugly compared to something like D.Va's mech.


>5 drogoz
>3 buy bulldozer
>2 buy caut


5 andro

Spring bloom helps with the repeated destruction; sitting at 2s cooldown between illusions with chronos

5 Grovers, keeping all avenues of approach permanently supressed, anyone that peeks gets insta rooted and BTFO.

>mods delete waifuposting and palg memes
>yet other generals are fine, and have waifu shitting every thread alongside may mays
Do mods secretly have something against us?

Need more of that husbando

It's weird, I've noticed it has only happened near the beginning of a thread's life.
I've yet to see waifuposting get deleted once it goes past the 100 post mark or so.

>15 yings
I think I saw a video of that.

5 Fernandos would be like a Roman Legion cohort. You get a rain of fireballs behind rotating shields and a wall of flamethrowers when you go close. And Last stand means you do not need support to sustain your formation

The best husbando

You madman, there's no way the game could possibly support that level of spiciness.

5 Lian aimbot everything to death.