*Destroys your car*

*Destroys your car*

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw drive a motorcycle so i am not cucked by salt like cagers are

Because motorcycles don't rust right?

>motorcycles don't rust

just rinse it off dumbass

>you can't rinse of a car

>Riding a motorcycle through sleet

salt gets in areas that water won't reach in a car you dumb cuckold

>salt gets in areas that water won't reach in a car

This nigga doesn't know what a water hose is LMAOOOO

Still can't reach it.

i fucking hate living in MA. the 3 inches of snow we got last week, which is nothing, the state FLOODED the roads with salt. they never even got icy, fucking some roads are still salty as shit. fucking cunts.

your fat ass probably can't, sure

nice projection. sperg more

>t. fat boy


>living where they salt the roads

Because that doesn't happen on a motorcycle, obviously.

why would you live anywhere that they salt the roads?

Like, fuck, move to a state that matters.

>fatass with gay shit saved on his computer
even better


>not being gay

I know your pain bruh
can't even keep my fucking windshield clean
at least I have a relatively new car for a daily, won't rust as quickly

I... Still love my country

I'm surprised you can drive anything tbqfwy. Also I thought u were a queer nigger

Hasn't snowed yet here but those faggots still spray car killer on bridges every week

How is it that in the year 2017 there is still no viable ice-melting alternative to a substance that is the naturally enemy of the material cars are made from?

It's a conspiracy man.

"brine" does the same thing, even that weird blue stuff?

>How is it that in the year 2017 there is still no viable ice-melting alternative to a substance that is the naturally enemy of the material cars are made from?
I saw a thing that the State of Ohio on Highways will be trying a liquid made from beets as a road deicer, even though it's more expensive vs. salt.

Municipalities will still be using salt though.

>puts car project car in storage
DDOT gave the roads a goddam salt bukakke despite only getting just a dusting of snow.

I wonder...

>*Destroys your car*
NOT if you rinse it off. See thread at for what some people do to protect their winter cars from salt.

That's why you spray your car with krown or WD40 numbnuts.

>not living in a sub tropical nation where you're 2 hours from beach to mountains with the weather to match
No salt here nigs

>live in rural town
>can't salt roads because well water
>use gravel instead

At least salt actually does its fucking job. Putting gravel on the roads does fucking NOTHING but make a giant mess

the closest thing we get to salt spray is from all of our handsome beaches

>car made of aluminum
>worried about salt
suck it op

Brine is salt water. Literally the same thing as salt except it adds more liquid to the road to get even deeper into your car's crevices.

If that's sand/gravel, it doesn't melt snow and more importantly ice. If you poured sand onto ice on a busy road, car tires will have flung all that sand off in under an hour and then you'll have a slippery sheet of ice again. See There are viable options, but they're 10X as expensive as salt. The government is willing to use those things but then they'd have to raise taxes to pay for it and everyone would bitch about that. So they keep using road salt because it works, it's super cheap, and it's relatively environmentally friendly.

>Missing out on nice cool dry air and drifting everywhere you go in the snow

Just weld/bolt some sacrificial zinc metal on your car and replace it every year. It will rust instead of your body because of the anode/cathode relationship you learn about in Chem 101.

>his salty roads dont rust his underbody, instead the salt in the humid sea air rusts his whole car

delet this

>If that's sand/gravel, it doesn't melt snow and more importantly ice
Pretty sure the guy posted a happy merchant

>mfw I live in a climate that's too cold for salt to work
>plows use sand, if they use anything at all

This shit made me laugh way harder than it should have. Somebody, please tell me this fool isn't serious.



>All bikes have 0% iron content

>Mfw I live in a climate that never sees snow at all



here they use tons of small little black rocks/gravel

*Destroys your car*

>he actually likes living in norway

shouldnt you be off paying more taxes to support the mussies cucko

no that's sweden

>he doesn't know the gay aus nigger

I hate salt...It's coarse, and rough...And it gets everywhere

What an 56% post

>posts picture of a white guy
>we all know hes a nigger
Alphonse you can't escape who you are. A walking turd

Eh, bike frames is pretty easy to maintain
Frame itself can be maintained by rubbing 5-56 or WD40 on it, and then using a piece of a old shirt to rub it in.
The chain will literally survive being bathed in salt, so long its it gets some oiled love like once a month.

I mean, the only thing that can fuck itself on a bike, is that if you lay it down on the side, and ice + water penetrates into some of the ball bearings, some of the internal bearing layer can be displaced.
I am sure the disc brakes can rust, and the screws.

Du kunne jo ha flyttet til en kommune hvor de ikke salter.
Langt innlands.
Og likevel lide fordi kommunen kjoper inn for store strosteiner, som gir lakkskader. Eller må pendle til en saltkommune.

There is basically 2 cheap options:
1. Salt
2. Gravel/sand, of various sizes and grain
Salt removes ice and snow below -10C, if used generously.
Gravel doesn´t remove ice, but it digs in, creating a rough nice grip at various sizes.
Salt itself is fine, but its often combined with mm sized gravel, which is big enough to damage the coating at +50km/h, so both options damage coating, and the metal under is cheap enough to be sensitive, like a newborn baby.

trips of truth

>Checks trip

Ohhhh, that explains it

I thought bike disc brakes were made of stainless steel.
Not that stainless steel doesn't rust, tho.

Come at me senpai

The drivetrain will die long before the frame has a chance to rust.

Can do worse if u get one with the honda 3.5, still lady car tho

Jokes on you, I sprayed the entire under-body of my car with LPS-3 corrosion inhibitor.

that's not a trip, newfag

who is that

Not Alphonse

you know that shit washes off, right? at highway speeds you're basically powerwashing your underbody with salt and ice foam.

isnt he a fat manlet black kid

>Just weld/bolt some sacrificial zinc metal on your car and replace it every year. It will rust instead of your body because of the anode/cathode relationship you learn about in Chem 101.

haha, what? anodes aren't magic rust inhibitors. You need a supply of current and like an actual electrolytic solution, not salt spray. You'd have to wire each anode, set up batteries for constant voltage, and place anodes every three inches to get any sort of halfway decent corrosion reversal.

Even then you'd have to reapply the sealcoat every time you made your welds, because otherwise you're gonna rust way the hell faster than they would have if you hadn't just burned that shit off with your welder.

The answer is to keep up with your coat, and keep after the rust. If you see bubbles, sand it, get it nice and clean, and reseal it. There's no magic bullet.

No, it doesn't. It is a tough wax when dried, and it's underneath the panels under the car.


>proceeds to do hand brake turns around 10 mph moving traffic because of icy roads while listening to this with the windows down and a lit cigarette in their mouth and shitty looking gas station shades in that car

>handbrake turns
Good luck mate... good fucking luck

Even still;
>icy roads
>lit cigarette
>window down
>gas station shades

You described my best mate & owner of that car really goddamned well

I'm in the navy and we just put zinc anodes fucking everywhere on the ship, without power, and it works great.

Doesn't that apply underwater only?

Yeeesss my wizard skills are growing stronger then hehehehe

pretty much the only iron parts on my bike that aren't sealed are bolts

at the anons who live in areas where sand and gravel is used instead of salt..what happens to the sand and gravel after the snow and ice melts? who cleans the roads?

It disappears quite quickly by itself as it gets driven over and flies into the ditch

Areas with heavy gravelling might need to have the ditches cleaned like every 20 years, but thats just a job that has to be done

Kek'd, underrated.

The pieces that don't bounce into your windshield and chip it wind up on the side of the road. The city sweeps it up with a street sweeper at the end of winter and re-uses it next year.

nice projection

>tfw own a 17 year old saturn with just a few spots of surface rust on the bottom

>we just put zinc anodes fucking everywhere on the ship
where on the boat? and how are they connected?

I'm literally never living anywhere where they put salt on the roads
If I do, I'm getting a literal rust bucket to drive while it's snowy.

>a literal rust bucket
those states have annual inspections that it will fail

sucks to be you. snows fun

Koffor bruke mektigeBenz når en kan bruke Atle?

Nah, ya don't. You can literally slap them right on and as long as there is a conductive connection you're good to go. Bridges have been using this for years with no electrical current passing through them.
And the definition of an electrolytic solution is salt water, aka melted snow and salt spray. And you only need one anode on the entire body as long as it has a strong connection. Again, bridges have been known to use one huge Zinc anode.

Too bad people from these climates have single digit IQ

Can comfirm moved from the north to the south.

NSX drivers FUCK OFF