Shop stories thread

shop stories thread

>Infiniti comes in for oil change
>guy just bought it used, some place called Crown or something
>go to top off washer fluid
>something other than washer fluid bubbles up
>it's fucking differential oil
>power steering fluid resovoir full of something that definitely isn't power steering fluid
>both air boxes broken because they forced them closed with the wrong air filters in
>wrong tires on all four wheels
>not even mentioning they were dry rotted to fuck
>on a recent year vehicle with less than 20k miles
>my, lube techs', lead tech's, shop foreman's, service manager's, service director's, writer's, and customer's face when

I don't even remember all else that was wrong with it but what the fuuuuuck, owner wound up getting a lawyer involved, even jiffy lube doesn't get it that wrong

Why did lawyers get involved?

Literally sold him shit for gold.

I call bullshit. A car with 20k miles would not have dry rot on the tires.

I interpret it as the customer lawyered up against the dealership, not the mechanic shop.

Obviously, but why would he lawyer up against the dealership? All sales are final nigga

It would if a sleasy dealership put used tires on it for cheeeeeaaaap.

Uh, no. You can price gouge all you want but knowingly selling defective merchandise gets you sued.

doubtful. I have seen some trashy dealerships in my day and nobody has ever come close to putting wrong fluids in. Op is just fishing for lols

Seems to me they sold him a car bad enough to border on negligence.
I doubt they pointed out that the washer fluid was filled with gear oil and that the i take was damaged.

There's 'all sales final,' and there's 'dealership criminally hid damage from a customer on a car they were buying.'

If OPs story is true than the owner probably deserved it.

>never happened to me so it must be fake
Bet you don't believe honor killings are real because you haven't murdered your whore of a sister.

>people deserve to get lied to and taken advantage of
You seem like a slimy cunt

Also differential oil is more expensive than washer fluid. In order to fill the tank with diff oil it would probably cost upwards of 30 dollars as opposed to 5$. Mind you not even the shittiest of dealerships will fuck you for lols if it means they use more money. Op is a lying phaggoooooottttt.

Yeah, i bet they dont stock any fluids or parts on their shelves whatsoever!
Never under estimate stupid people.

Dude, look at all the things wrong with that car, how could anyone miss that?

Stupid yes...purposefully Also why the fuck would someone who just bought a car go for a oil change

Have you ever actually met a random person?
Most people are stupid as horse shit, and many people are stupider than that.

Maybe to look for shit just like this?

True. Hey OP, was the guy with the Infiniti black?

Also im sure they used the washer fluid before taking it to op, also the power steering fluid story plus the wrong tires. Op's story is a fucking lie for attention. Cars need to pass inspection before being sold. Op once again is a phaggot

>not OP, but we all know it was...

>Sister takes shitbox to mechanic because it won't start
>mechanic says the bcm or pcm is kill because it won't communicate with his computer
>says it needs and auto electrician and charges $150
>I come back home from uni for christmas
>look at shitbox
>fires with fuel sprayed into throttle
>take off fuel line
>hold finger over fuel line while crossing the fuel pump relay
>less pressure than garden hose
>turned out to be a perished grommet in the fuel fuel pulsator
>car is fine
>mechanic was apparently trying to use an ob2 reader on an ALDL ob1 port
>literally one of the most common vehicles in the country and he didn't know what he was doing.
The incompetence of mechanics is actually what got me into learning a bit about auto repair desu

>cars need to pass inspection
Not in every state, fagmaster
Knowing how much stupid there is in the world, i can see OP story being true.

Ops story is fake as fuck. There literally is no way someone didn't use a window washer since they bought the car. Also op saying something else was in the power steering would be evident right away. Op is a liar. Also quit pretending like you are allknowing because you visit Veeky Forums and pretending to know cars doesn't make you smarter than the rest of society. Loling at you. 75 percent of people are probably smarter than you.

>being this mad over someone believing a plausible story
>trying to flex on a Malaysian quilt-working forum
>pretending to act knowledgable about the world, let alone cars in particular

Is this a you laugh you lose thread? Cuz Im laughing.

Its not plausible at all. Power steering fluid is so finiky that putting a different brand in can become a nightmare...let alone "something that wasn't power steering fluid"...get real you don't know shit about cars.

I dont have to run to spice store after all, you are providing all the salt i need.

You keep come back with these lame comebacks but you still got outed for being a fraud.

>over a decade of working on all manners of cars, trucks, motorcycles, and yachts
>have personally witnessed insane amounts of stupidity from people from all walks of life
>getting told by a bus riding wank-tanker that i know nothing about cars or stupid people

Whatever helps you sleep, bro

And you still don't know shit. Wow. Keep pretending like your some boss man who has years and year of experience in a garage. lmaooooooo. Bro you just got FUCKED UP because your shit is transparent even through a Bangladeshi rock and roll forum

Being called stupid from a troll on a Norwegian billboard calling service is a far cry from getting fucked up. The only pretender here is the faggot who doesnt believe stupid people get taken advantage of.

I don't know him enough to call him stupid but he definitely doesn't know about cars. Anyways its not personal and I will even admit I may have lost my cool a bit. After all this is also just a Lithuanian hop scotch trainee forum

Because they had some tires in the back that fit the rim and el sleazo salesman no.2 wanted the less shitty original tires for his 98 Lexus.

Listen enough of this. This is a forum is dedicated to the voldemort should have won fan club of Northern Fiji

Oh damn, i thought this was the ketchup belongs on hotdogs and steaks quarterly fan club. My bad.

No your in the right place. Its like a rental hall...everyone just shares the space.

So like a gangbang but with more acne?

No more like one or two people in each room in opposite corners looking at phones and not interacting at all except from the occasional awkward glance.

>dealership called Crown

Wouldn't even be surprised if it was the Crown franchise of dealerships in North Carolina. I saw some absolutely fuck-tastic stupid shit come out of those delaerships

>drained a subaru legacy transmission and refilled it with engine oil during what was supposed to be a normal oil change

>used cars with resprays so bad the car was literally 2 different colors sitting on the lot

>using super high viscosity oil to hide differential/transmission problems

In my country any faults within 30 days have to be fixed by a dealership because they sold you the car with a roadworthy certificate.

>buy car
>drive it into the ground
>expect dealer to cover all the damage
What sort of peasant country do you live in

If you can run a car into the ground within 30 days it was a fucking lemon and the dealer knew it.
what shitty country do you live in?

Dude, you could destroy any car in 30 days if you really tried.

And that would be obvious, stop being retarded.
good example, friend just bought a car and it had tyres too big for the rims when he picked it up and they were rubbing on the inside arch walls, the control arm rubbers were fucked, it had no rubbers on the exhaust and the wheel barings were all fucked.
dealer had it fixed within 2 days and the mechanic that was working on it was fired for giving a dodgy roadworthy

Oh really, it would be obvious? That's how courts work in your county? No evidence needed, it would just "be obvious"?

lost stories when

>customer getting mad at the dealership for selling him a shitty car instead of the mechanic for pointing out the problems

What a pleasant surprise.

Checked and this so much, nigga I didn't make you buy this piece of shit.


i worked in a shop for the better part of a decade before it drove me crazy and i work a job completely unrelated to cars now

also people that come in 3pm on a friday suddenly wanting work done get fucked

Thats how you know story is fake