What is the one car everyone on Veeky Forums Can agree is good

What is the one car everyone on Veeky Forums Can agree is good.

And that's about it.

its impossible on Veeky Forums since everyone tries to be as contrarian as possible here

McLaren F1, obviously.
And maybe F40

1st gen Chevy Aveo

but rotary

corolla tofu shop ebin

Fuck you faggot, we are agreeable as fuck.

as long as its the good one i agree.

Volvo 240/740/940
McLaren F1
Dodge Viper
1998 Honda Civic DX
Mercury Grand Marquis

Oh also
>most any aircooled RR Porsche, because Veeky Forums is suicidal (special mention to RUFs)
>pre-GM Saabs
>Lancia Stratos
>Renault Twingo

does anyone else remember the 1st gen chevy aveo commercial with the baby? It's the only commercial i remember from when i was in high school


Why the DX trim? EX gets all the options and a more powerful engine.

Ford Falcon XR6 Turbo

As someone who currently owns one. Fuck off it's shit.


Nope, so far the only cars itt I deem as good are



Any of those besides the viper and the F1 i dont care about

Its easier to just find a car we can all agree that we hate, like pic related

The E30 M3 is legendary but it is a unicorn and it will probably be destined to just sit in garages of rich people.

if someone says it's bad they're probably a shitposting faggot and/or a benchracer who can't appreciate a solid shitbox

>nearly-extinct moneypit

If your only definition is "RWD car with MT for under 10K", then yeah, any of the soon-to-be-extinct mememobiles like the AE86, S-chassis, or BMWs are good. FWD and Automatic are objectively superior.

>FWD and Automatic are subjectively superior due to my standards on what makes a "good" car

There, fixed that OPINION for you.

Honestly probably only the 911, the F1 and the NSX would fit this boat. Maybe the f40?

>how come not everyone loves muh 911

Probably only the Corvette and the GT-R, but I don't know which one is better.

because if you DX you dont have to own up to anything, HX too but with much better fuel economy (manual only)



Veeky Forums loves their corollas, right?

Honestly would rather a 6th generation Civic but Corollas are fine i suppose.

desu Veeky Forums turned most of these into shitboxes

E30s with the M20 are an honest answer.
RWD, I6, 5MT, 2/4/5 door options
tasteful 80s styling gives it retro car cred for the normies.
The M20 is actually very reliable if you don't buy a pile, BMW stuck that engine in a ton of cars over the years. This If you get one of the 4cyl models and want to swap, the updated version is incredibly easy to fit, and there's a ton of documentation for other swaps. It was designed in the early 70s, when BMW actually took pride in engineering their motors and shit was done by hand instead of by an algorithm and a fucking design committee. They were still fighting for a household-level brand image, so they designed and marketed mostly on build quality than luxury.
BMW also made like 2 million of them so they're pretty easy to find.

fite me

Possibly, but they're far from perfect from the factory.
Coolant route issues, restrictive intake and exhausts, head flows fuck all, swaybar mounts shear off, stock springs too soft, tophats allow fuck all travel, keyways are shit, zero firewall/thermal mitigation (literally just carpet) power window switches are shit, later models came with fake oil pressure gauges, viscous diff literally fails open because of the shit design blah blah.

I mean, every car has their flaws but for the praise the MX5/miata gets, there's a lot of issues you don't know about until you own one.

Facts. I sold my E34 for a miata, they're good cars but everyone that I know that has or does own one has moved on as soon as the novelty of a new car wears off

alright, i'll start

Why have none of u fucking idiots said the viper fuck


You can't know if a car is actually good unless you can own one for a few years, fuck off laptiming mong

Don't eve lie to yourself

yes its pretty and fast but it's objectively a bad car, only old fucks with 5 other cars own one


Are u dumbposting on purpose

Nissan Patrol GU

because you can't ctrl+f

civic 4 3k

>swaybar mounts shear off
rare and specific to later models (And only LHDs seem to have this issue)
>Coolant route issues
Not unless raced heavily, and specific to a subset of models
>restrictive intake and exhausts
This isn't really true at all, the NA6 intake is slightly choked (5% or so) above 6.3k but other than that all stock intakes and exhausts on these cars are pretty sufficient
>stock springs too soft
For? They were sold as road cars and the stock springrates are good for that, they let you move the car around when you're pushing it around bends, if you convert to a track car you might want to change these but in general it's not a good idea to go any harder on the street
>tophats allow fuck all travel
Specific models and "Fuck all is a bit of an overstatement"
>keyways are shit
Specific models
>zero firewall/thermal mitigation (literally just carpet)
Even NA6s have insulation so idk where you're getting this from
>power window switches are shit
I've never heard anybody complain about these before and i've been in the community for a while, sometimes you might have to clean them but that's the case with all similar cars
>fake oil pressure gauges
Fake isn't exactly fair, they are dummy gauges, on when you have pressure, off when you don't, they still serve their purpose and it's totally fixable with a new sender anyway.
> viscous diff literally fails open because of the shit design
Viscous diffs don't really "Fail open" they just lock less and less, the thing is they are speed based not torque based so even when they were new they weren't designed to work at less than 70-80kph

A lot of what you're referring to is fixed in the various models of the vehicle, because how are you supposed to get the first one perfect and without faults? Thing is, every car has little faults like this, you can't really say it's an MX5 specific problem, the benefit is the MX5 has no real killer issues (Other than the SNC for very early cars, which is totally fixable if it hasn't gone yet) And the community has already worked out and solved each and every one of these problems.


Plus it can be had in rwd or awd.

I wish Veeky Forums would like pic related, but they don't.

The others I agree with in the thread are the McLaren F1 and Viper.



this picture is giving me an erection

whups i forgetti
It's real AWD as well, unlike 90% of beloved AWD cars

>m badge on a non-M car

It has the M Technic package aka M Sports package, look up e30 mtech

most of these issues aren't really a huge deal until you get into modding though, these motors are reliable af

also if you don't want to deal with the viscous LSD issues don't be an NA6 pleb and buy an NA8 with the torsen, plus the NA8 is just a more improved car regardless


The one you posted. Why would anyone NOT like the E30?

Same goes for most generations of air-cooled 911 and the 917

Might I add with basic suspension upgrades they handle damn well.
>tfw S52 going in my E30 soon


Bad troll is bad. They had to run a none road legal set of tires and aero to post anything remotely like a good time.

Slow, ugly, and very gay. Sums up Veeky Forums quite well.

I hope you are just pretended to be retarded.

dorito was a mistake

Weight reduction


This tbqh

That doesn't look like an aw11


>yfw stinger still hasn't been posted
Kia needs to hire better shills
