And on top of that, he just went into Harry's, and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS. And a Motec exhaust.
Hector is going to be running 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines
Other urls found in this thread:
He should have done an ls swap on jesse’s jetta.
I've seen the way you drive kid, you got a heavy foot
Why don’t you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a cheese and fries for $2.95, Faggot.
Nice car. What's the retail on one of those?
>and a motec exhaust
great attention to detail oconner
>ywn get this good of a deal irl
More than you can afford, pal. Ferrari.
Has there ever been a movie with more cheesy dialogue and therefore more memorable quotes than this one?
Which has to be the only good FF movie?
If they really took it this way I have no doubts it would have been Brokeback Mountain before Brokeback Mountain. Prizes everywhere and Oscars for everyone.
The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious, and Tokyo Drift are the only good FF movies. If I had to pick just one though, I'd have to go with the first one just because of Paul Walker because he's a genuinely likeable character. If I had to get rid of one of those three, I'd go with 2F2F because I like drifting more than buddy cop movies.
close enough
Forgot pic
That ain't Fatburger, faggot
Dude i almost had you
>not good
go back where you belong faggot
Come on, besides Sean tell me one bad thing about Tokyo Drift that makes it worse than other FF movies.
Did you know that the average drain rat can chew threw a steel pipe?
Guess I'm not super dorifto enough, found it even more cringey than the average FF
You're like the Justin Timberlake of Japan
Police cars here are only factory tuned
Words ain't even been invented yet
Get past Sean's deficits as a character and just take in the big picture bro
3 was shit, get over it.
>muh opinion is shit
You get over it, faget
you never had me
you never had your car
3 is still shit, it’s good to know you acknowledge your opinion is shit as well.
More than you can afford pal, Peterbilt
I too like 3, but it's definitely a hard one to defend.
>support our troops
The welfare queens are already getting money shoved up their asses for sitting around, breaking expensive equipment and occasionally getting killed. They can go fuck themselves.
3 is the point where the budget was decent enough already but the movies didn't go full retardis yet. Still a car movie and not a heist movie with cars as a spectacle.
>mfw he never went back for his RX-7
>Toretto's race-tuned Dorito is sitting in an LA garage abandoned to this day
He lives his life a quarter mile at a time
Don't do it Jesse. I bet you he's got over 100 grand underneath the hood of that car
2F2F is enjoyable if you treat it as a self-parody of the first flick
the face of confidence right there, a born winner
How does he fold towels with no chin?
>The Fast and the Furious
Undercover cop movie
>2 Fast 2 Furious
Buddy cop movie
>Tokyo Drift
Coming of age/Mafia movie
>Fast and Furious
>Fast Five
Heist movie
>Fast and Furious 6
Heist movie
>Furious 7
Spy/Revenge movie
>Fate of the Furious
Spy/Revenge movie
Hopefully they come up with something new, they've just been repeating the same things for the past 4 movies now. The first 3 were original and different from each other, but everything after that was just more of the same.