Truckerfag Thread - /TFG/


Brevious Bread: >44 tonnes of unsold copies of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 bound for a pit in the desert
>34 poorly rendered tires that don't even touch the ground
>Sign that lease and I'm down to set trip, nigga
>CDL how do? Private driving school, gommunity gollege, or ask your uncle Avi from Tel Aviv to wire you the funds, you know he's always liked you David
>Swift: Best Driving Through A Crowded Truck Stop Parking Lot At 30 MPH

>Truckerfag is on a highway run for the midnight sun
>EF comes bearing big news for us, also shitposts
>Pepsifinally got in that thing, is now called Cherry Pepsi
>Oilfag is guest starring on another truck while his gets fixed, again
>Gundam was seen in the area where another trucker was found dead. Coincidence?
>Instead of Christmas carolers, Balam got to listen to a lot lizard and a fat Texan aggressively haggle over the pricing for services rendered
>Primefag got infected with the Were-Rhino virus
>Primely got an uncredited Bachelor's E-Degree in both Chainology and Chainonomy from Oilfag Online "University"
>Doubles was nice enough to lend some cat litter and turds to a fellow driver
>ZF missed her sales quota all because "That goddamned Truckerfag's truck just won't break down"

Other urls found in this thread:

I am the best driver here


>3am delivery
blz for to gill me id hurst do libe :-DDDD

Done for the year, back home for 4 weeks of paid vacation.
What are you cunts up to?

>trucker path censors "fat"

Talking shit to this new boss nonstop because they finally start to get this routing together and pull the other terrible driver over to a shitty area so it was going smooth aside from a bad sales rep. Other boss goes on vacation and the new boss fucks everything up again and gives me a bunch of bullshit excuses when I tell him to fix it like it has been for the past two months.

Once again today I basically have a whole route I don’t enjoy, plus 2 more horrible stops from an even worse sales rep tacked on so I’m trying to take my time today and hopefully I won’t make it to the last stop or two.

On the bright side they finally “fixed” my horn that I have written up multiple times over the past couple months.

Www lads. We LTL again.
>no appointments
>5 day delivery windows
>truckload rates
>don't even have to back into the building because it's faster to just run a forklift out to the truck
>plenty of time to reroute for sum fuk every night
>tfw haven't slept in the truck for two weeks
Time to get a lighter truck and 53' trailer

>Time to get a lighter truck
>Time to get a truck
TF ordering a Tesla CONFIRMED

How about a 10,000 lb truck?

Pic related. Welcome to the new age
A world without limits.

The world you know
Is but a simulation
Pulled over ur eyes
To disguise you from the truth

Paper logs.

In all honesty you need a 300" cabover with a deck on the frame.

I seriously fucking hope you, or your sibling, or your dad puts that thing back to work once it's finished.

>not even superwides
>literally singles

So glad I got to enjoy the shithole that is the Benton Harbor Pilot last night. Thankfully it was too cold for the beggars and lot lizards to come put.

This truck spent its life lugging California hills at 75,000 lbs.
and it will continue to. If we can use the 220 non turbo Cummins than we will.
Either way it will be used for work

Hold tight kwhopper

How else would you drive a truck to the scrap yard?

>had to jump from 94 to 31
>made the mistake of pulling in for fuel
That wasn't when I wanted to take my 30 minute break.

It censored my prepass into prep*** and tho into t**. I thought maybe it was just hardcore censoring me because I shitpost on there too hard

Why is your bumper crooked and your left fendmirror missing. Are you even trying to be safe out there

I'm willing to do a training session with you for $200 an hour but since it's Christmas 190

He can't afford a decent truck. He likes to pretend he makes a lot of money but look at that piece of shit, nigga broke as fuck

I have learned that supertruckers are not limited to america.
> Fancy metal-flake metallic red paint
> Murals on sides and back of truck
> Long frame, gap between cab and trailer
> White leather interior
> Blocked every single fucking one of my vans in with shitty parking, so I had to send a manager to get him shifted
> Two men inside wearing faded T-shirts and stained sweatpants
Beautiful truck, though.


Yeah throw a bunch of bread crumbs at him, that'll get rid of the pigeon

>stop posting cool original images pertaining to theme of thread

Okay buddy :)

Durrrr anyone know best way to get cdl?

Are traffic cones a dot acceptable substitute for reflective triangles? I found a bunch just sitting on the side of the road, so I grabbed a few, no sense letting them just go to waste like that, yknow.

>Hay guise, is jb hunt a good company to drive for??

That single, centre mounted air horn gets me every time.

>tfw Optimus Leasefags truck looks nicer

He posted settlements here once if I remember dude is balling

>Needlenose KW


Wasn't it something like 250k a year?

Either way, his lack of a heavily chromed Peterbilt 389 is explained by his being a low level grub.

He can inspect element and print off fake bills all he wants, he can't Photoshop that truck. Money talks and his truck says "I barely run".

In Tfags defense I've swapped settlements with a lot of those guys with 15,000 dollar trucks and they make on average probably 7 to 9k a week, they're picking their freight off of loadboards and dealing with brokers.

Lease and O/O attached to megas like me won't see that kind of revenue but we also run on mega's insurance and don't pay shit for anything that happens to the trailer in my case. The downside is the megas take their cut of the action.

The plus side though, is a lot of those guys with the 15k trucks started at megas, saved their shekels and bought their trucks after learning the freight network and the industry.

Swift buying tesla trucks when?

not until they have proven highway capable versions available.

In Tfags offense he's a fat ginger with ugly face pubes and a shitty truck and his number of cats exceed the number of times he's been laid

Swift isn't really in the "spend money to make money" department, they work more with the mindset of "just don't spend any money".

no. dot would shove one of the cones as far into your asshole as they could force it.

Sup ef

>Happy Halloween
>Doesn't even have the decency to drop a fresh load for the Christmas season

>Daily reminder that electric trucks are a meme

all the fleets will have electrics running cheaply and allowing them to expand.

o/o independents with their oil burners will get squeezed out except for really long distance jobs or shit out in the boonies,

>really long distance
You mean anything more than 200 miles one way?

>implying you can't just bolt on electric motors and buy a battery pack out of a wrecked tesla

UPS, walmart, etc put in chargers at their distribution centers. now their sleeper and day cab trucks can go 300-500 miles between them and charge up while loading and unloading. stick a charger behind your walmart and you can charge while unloading. chargers at amazon fulfillment centers. chargers at USPS distro places.

Oh yeah brilliant idea.
>daycabber drives 500 miles from one dc to the other even though this is a fantasy situation very few distributors have many dcs overlapping like that, Walmart does but almost never does a Walmart drive go from one dc to another, especially not one that close, but we'll ignore that part
>a quick thirty minutes later, the truck battery is fully charged and ready to go
>except now the driver has no hours left to drive and has to be put in a hotel
Sure, you spend $60 on a hotel, but you saved like $100 on operating costs. Totally makes the $150,000 truck worth the investment. In only 4 years, you'll be at the same cost as having just bought a diesel.

so where is the power going come from?

Or someone will start offering electric crate motors and battery packs as retrofit options.

That Hoonigan YouTube channel had a friend pop in on one video with an AE86 that had a ‘drag racing’ electric motor and a refurb/custom mash-up of forklift batteries that could drift around. I’d drive it.

What transmission do you guys have? Anyone else like when you see someone saying they can drive a 5 speed like its some rare knowledge, try driving my truck with a triplex like pic related

This would be a great thing to have, I lose most of my fuel mileage in the hills, would be nice to have electric hill assist to work in tandem with the diesel engine, I can't imagine it not saving a shit ton of fuel especially if you run the West all the time or the Appalachian mountain chain

Fuck off retard.

I’ve had the same thought but apparently adding electric motors and the necessary hardware that accompanies them would add hundreds/thousands of pounds to the truck.

Diesel over electric like train

Still several hundred/a few thousand pounds heavier than just diesel. Have to have a capacitor (battery pack) for the juice to go into from the generator (engine) and then there’s the immense weight of the electric motors you’d have to build in order to move 80,000+ pounds.

>driving earlier, big cmv inspection station is flashing open
>fug it's never open this late, maybe my prepass will bypass me
>Nope: red light, have to go thru
>in front of me is a u haul rental truck towing a car, they SLAM the brakes on and enter the scale
>two signs clearly explain to maintain 20mph and allow 100 foot spacing between trucks
>u haul coasts going 5 mph up to the scale
>it was a simple run thru, they were rolling us over the scale green light and stopping anyone too heavy for an accurate scaling
>this u haul gets up to the scale and parks on top of it, just sits there for a minute
>by now semis are backing up onto the freeway
>scalemaster runs out, motioning for rental truck to keep going
>it just sits there
>finally someone comes over the loudspeaker "DRIVER, REPORT TO UNDER THE INSPECTION SHED"
>their green light turns into an arrow directing the under the barn
>state trooper who was under there watching us roll across fires up a light show and gets out of his Tahoe
>he looks fucking PISSED

any idea what voltage the system for an electric truck would be? everything on diesels ive been around is 12v

>mfw $500 detention pay today
>mfw got paid to play video games all day and sit on my ass

They already do. Truck or trailer, $30k, slaps onto a tandem in 90 minutes.


Is it weird that Prime gives automatic transmission fluid to me to use for power steering fluid

That's a lot more than I've ever gotten. And I was detained for 18 hrs once.

>Always has an answer
Getting real fucking tired of your shit.

You finna put one in YBJ? Resurrect the magic bus?

Breddy sure atf will work in a power steering system.

>mfw I get paid an extra $350/wk to babysit rookies and occasionally get out of the truck and instruct them
>highway time often includes me shitposting or perusing the news/memes/playing smartphone games to maintain my sanity
Were it not for the fact that the driver-facing camera can see me in the passenger seat, and rookies set it off constantly with riding folks’ asses despite me telling them to cut that shit out, I would be playing Switch games most of the time.

>tfw you will never fully restore YBJ to its former glory and blind scrub drivers with chrome and 30 extra lamps on bull bars

That's my life too minus the camera. It absolutely rules.

Pic related is my rookie about to make me 2.6k tomorrow.

Guys I made a thread but ur not allowed on it. But I wanted to let u know

>lease op
>and training
I talked to a CRST guy that did that once. Rookie fell asleep at the wheel and put him in the hospital and the truck in a scrapyard. CRST tried to claim the trainee was a ‘contractor’ and he was still required to pay off the lease. Said his lawyer took one look at the case and said they’d be laughing out of the courtroom and over to the bank.
>have you ever been this triggered

You know I'm not at lease right

R u at a racetrack. Tell me where. I will smoke u. I just got bumped up to 65 mph on cruise control. It use 2 b 63 mph but now I'm fast. All u Swift and Schneider and Prime cucks, this is ur first and final warning. I will BTFO u on the interstate. Don't even try to compete w me. You can fight but u will lose.

I made a thread

well where is it

Detention pay is different for me. Company cucks like you are capped at 125 dollars, lease and O/O are contract capped, depending on the contract Prime has with the shipper. Coca-cola is 500 dollars in a 24hr period at 50 dollars an hour. Some places have no caps, some don't pay at all like Bar-S Foods. I once netted 1600 in detention pay from a slaughter house in the midwest somewhere, sat 16hr @ $100/hr. They paid it all up front too so I got it that week. Some places have up to 6mo to pay, some pay at the end of the year.

>20 mile load hauling wind turbine parts
>pays $1500
>they forgot to tell the broker they'd have to tear down the cranes and convoy us all over to the lay down site
>truck #3 that showed up 2 hours late is on elogs
>takes 3 hours to tear down the cranes
>truck #3 is out of hours on his 14
>we all have to wait 8 hours before he's allowed to move
>while he's in the sleeper the rest of us do PM on our trucks and shoot the shit in a corn field
>we both put in for detention
>"yeah, sure $100/hr, note in and out times"
>sleepy boy emerges from his sleeper in flip flops
>time to go
>fuck up traffic through a small town with 4,000HP of fucked
>3 hours to set the crane up
>an hour to unload each truck
>truck #3 falls off the lease road and sinks into a new cornfield at sunset
>small crane pulls him deeper into the field so we can get around him
>ask the unloader you note in and out times
>he puts his in and out times down
>he knows exactly what he's doing
>16 hours of detention
>$3100 total
>tfw $155/mi for 3 hours of work
>wrecker shows up to yank truck #3 while I watch
>making bacon and eggs on the catwalk because the BOL says I wasn't leaving for another hour and a half

In the catalog
When's the catwalk cookbook coming out?

They make you wait 6 months how is that real

Has anyone ever tried so hard on a social media outlet

>he's never heard of 180 days net
A holdover from the era between CODs and fax machines.

People talk trash on truckerfag but this guy drops obscure knowledge bombs with like no delay who else even does that

This is my only competition here and I will soon surpass him. In both knowledge and income.

Rev up those normiebooks. We've got a weeb thread on TWOS

>obscure knowledge
It's something you check every rate con for, m8.

See the knowledge bombs don't stop

ATF is hydraulic fluid, ya nonce

I mean, Vash is pretty goofy sometimes.


start the first all-cab over fleet America has seen in decades


Is hauling trailers for USPS a good gig?

Just look for the shitty instagram filter and 30° camera tilt.
Looks like a female selfie tbqh famalam

And all with the engine that gave Cummins the nickname Comeapart.

You fool. You've revealed your one weakness: old yellow cabovers.

Was that the thread with 4 replies that made it to page 10 in 6 hours?

Its the thread currently being mass spammed with sport bike images.

I was disappointed that BLACKED.png wasn't posted there already. So I made amends and posted it for them.

Inshallah my brothers.

Kek someone image bumping ef's thread with real bikes to bump limit.
God speed user.

No point posting 1.8L tractors in a bike thread, rite?

Do it cunt

You think it's a weakness, but it's actually a superpower.

Kek. That is a nice truck.



do it fgt

jesus christ


>shitty old trucks that pollute
>unsafe chassis trailers with no thread on the tandems
>un-regulated/un-weighed cargo containers that destroy our roads
>transport cheap Chinese garbage from china
>routinely drive at 75mph+ on the left lane
>tailgate 4 wheelers at said speed
>bully 4 wheelers out of their lanes
>honk at you for any reason
>cause accidents and kill people on the 710 every week
>dirty working class mexican drivers who have no sense of pride in what they do for a living
>hated by CHP

Every time CHP pulls one of these fags over I laugh maniacally knowing that the fine just wiped out their earnings for the month and their families will starve. I routinely cut them off on purpose and speed up just enough so they don't hit me and watch them rage.

How do I get it off the trailer?

>bully 4 wheelers out of their lane

I do this regularly when trying to move over, if they don't move I just come right on over and they get the picture usually as long as they aren't looking at their phones. I'll do it very aggressively for bears on the side of the road or other trucks stopped, fuck you 4 wheelers, pay some fucking attention I don't have that turn signal on for cosmetic purposes, move the fuck over