/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1891

Rare Nano Edition

>Recent News
New Rose Queen Weapons (Bow, Harp, Fist, Axe) - Medium Boost to Allies' Attack and max HP + Reduce damage from off-element.
New Tier 2 (Gilgamesh, Hector, Prometheus, Anubis, Morrigna, Ca Ong) Weapons added.
Tier 2 Raids hosting requirement changed (1 True Anima).

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - Poacher's Day

8/2 - Summer Livestream @20:00 JST

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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>page 3

Is this a lily thread

70 more days


Post more Lily

>in 2 more days it will be longest period without a suptix in 2 years
KMR is dead to me


lots of lily

Someone annotate this with the times when KMR and HRT have been in charge

How actually is Lily? I have her and Charlotta as my only water SSRs but I haven't built any water grids yet so I have not used her yet.

Is the fangstaff hostility boost worth using for Razia nukes?

If , and only if, we still didn't get ANY suptix in 76 days

how long will you be in prison for killing people in japan? asking for a friend

Doesn't stack with her passive

She's good as a pseudo HS+Bishop with her resist shield and heal.

I really don't care about the ticket, as I know they're not gone forever, but what I truly want to know is when is Magfest.

1C651232 kirin


Well that sucks, thanks for saving me pendants

I honestly thought KMR was in charge longer at the start and was responsible for the super long tickets. Nice to see I was wrong!

Gas the goblins, race war nano!


thanks for the certs!

Actually, I put the line down in the wrong spot. Here's the corrected version, if what reddit said about KMR's previous time as producer is right.

gib legfest

Host Primals. I need more pendants.

ofc the first thing I see is a sad lily

Host hunglong

This is much better, thanks user! I'll use this instead of mine to post on every thread

Who cares what the fuck anyone said about anything.
Here's the post about the change of producer.



SUM BAHA HL!!!!!!!!

I care because I was looking for when KMR was producer before HRT took over and only found a reddit post from last november about it. Thanks for the confirmation though.


A681AA86 medua HL 3/6 1 ely 1 sparta 1 lock

Water Yuel when?

So am I tripping or have Re chests for Vice simply gone MIA since Vohu was released?
This is ridiculous, especially in an event like RotB.

kirin train?

I'm sad la

When are you never sad, user?


When I have 300 rolls la

On-ele she's basically a HS, and her passive attack buff is actually pretty noticeable if you have multiple different races in your team.


Can someone tell me which are the best rotb weapon skill upgrades for magna grids?

Which characters replace various classes when in your party? I know Gawain is basically a HS at 100.

Does battle badges rewards reset every event?

Since Vohu I've been vicing nearly everything I do I'm not mvp or come late, yet I am not getting red chests ever. It's like 10%-20% since the Vohu rerun.


10 minutes!


How should I use my EMP with Chaos Ruler? 3 stars in ATK, HP, debuff success and DA? Anything else?

Are you the real cockanon? Please answer truthfully.



Good morning friends! What's up! How is the grinding coming along?

I want to kill Brat in his sleep!

if you mean this user then no


Save for the 155+ zeniths after you get all that.

R.I.P Cockanon, he died for our sins.

I don't wanna grin anymore.

*flies on top of you and trivializes your content*


I want Song to trivialize my penis

>fresh Siete smugs coming soon
This is going to be the best summer event ever


i still need help with this

i want to lick lily a lot

I want to taste JK's juices!

Its only day 2 and I'm already tired of this stupid event.

w/e it's a mainhand for classes you rarely use as wind

it's only been 5 minutes and I'm already tired of your stupid post


>gbf "gameplay" is just killing the same monster over and over

FUCK this game -_-

If they wanted this game to not be dead, they should have restocked a gold bar.

But I haven't bought any of them yet so this is fine

Event Forte when

Is Granblue the Dark Souls of mobages?

They could easily make the final badge reward be 1 gold nugget per element

Is Dark Souls for massive autists?

>it's day 2 and I haven't started grinding yet
Just a few more hours

How many goldbars does the shop have in total

Can you get a T4 class without doing any of the 6 man raids? I'm going to hit HL soon but I don't really want to be a leech

>adds gold bar after celestials are over
I hope you riked it

>150 bages give 200 crystals
>200 badges give 2 RAINBOW PRISMS
who thought this was a good idea?

Clicker heroes of mobage.


She probably has a bigger one

Would you rather grind 200 medals?

>I don't like rpgs
>whining about generic shit you don't like.
If you don't have friends this is one reason why.

I unlocked T4 without doing HL. You'd be a leech even with T4 unlocked, if you want to be helpeful be the host and play HS.

I want to trivialize her penis.

Is it possible to make an all potato party for every element!?

I pretty much always play HS in raids at the moment, I was just wondering. Thanks anyways!

>nobody joins celestials anymore
dead game

I would gladly grind 200 medals if it gave something better than 200 crystals

You need magna HL for T4.

Are you hosting agni? Because every public ex+ I joined in last hour lasted 2 minutes.