C coupe looks like total ass compared to the E coupe

E Class coupe at least doesn't have to do a half assed job at hiding a B pillar

You have cameras and sensors for blind spots and wifi and tv screens for whoever is sitting back. Self driving windowless cars are the future. Soon, 0 people will die in road accidents.

not only that, soon new cars will actually revive people who died decades ago in car accidents.
modern technology is beautiful.

Is this real? Is this really not one of these joke edits you guys do? I would feel claustrophobic in a car like this.

Is this all for safety purposes again?

B i g
W i n d o w s

cars like that have so many electronic aids and cameras that you don't need to see out the windws.

But isn't is still an uncomfortable feeling to not be able to see your surroundings clearly?

no thanks, commie
never, cops need to see inside the vehicle

Cops will be able to see the inside of the vehicle through cameras, and lock the doors and wheels if necessary.

windows are cheaper

They are definitely not. Haven't been in over a decade.

Cameras by themselves maybe, but not window sized and shaped displays. And they are going to have to be window shaped because people are going to be uncomfortable with a car with massive blind spots even if the car has no controls but a touch screen.

>dat green doe

Meanwhile the new S class coupe will look like Veeky Forums memes come to life.


do these coupes sell? i thought everyone buys SUVs now

nothing wrong with this. Even the headlights don't look that angry.

a little too much

I'd drive it

>unironically looks better

I love my e550 coupe. See a lot of new e400 around. Nice interior, but just disgusting front and cuck v6 makes me very sceptical about such “upgrade”