
have you seen me edition


FACT: scouts cost 275 minerals, 125 gas, 3 supply, and have a build time of 50
FACT: scouts have 150 hit points, 100 shields, and 0 base armor
FACT: scouts deal 8(+1) damage to ground units and 14(+1)(x2) explosive damage to air units
FACT: scouts have only 6.349 air-to-ground DPS but boast a substantial 30.303 air-to-air DPS (4 range for both)
FACT: scouts have 8 units of vision +2 additional units with the apial sensors upgrade
FACT: scouts have a movement speed of 3.72 upgradable to 4.963 with the gravitic thrusters
FACT: apial sensors costs 100 minerals and 100 gas with a 105 research time
FACT: gravitic thrusters costs 200 minerals and 200 gas with a 105 research time


scouts are extremely effective at killing capital ships such as carriers. so effective in fact that carriers are rarely built in PvP. consequently the scout is almost never used in PvP

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janny can you stop?


eating cereal

call me ishmael

ish-... cereal...



eating spaghetti now...

a big boy...

yeah i'm gonna lose weight soon though... just gotta cut back on the d's

iem is coming up and were really looking forward to it

fucking hate iem and i hate myself and i hate GOD

damn dejavu


wow beautiful art *kills myself*

this may seem menacing on first glance but overlords do not have an attack so that marine is perfectly safe


globalist bitch


calcify my pineal gland

little things

khaldor is live



if only i had something i wanted to do... anything...


*builds a scout*


how come broodlings can float behind broodlords forever but as soon as they land they die after a little bit

maybe lower pressure up there in the air? can't handle ground atmosphere

possible, although broodlings also live inside hatcheries so the inside of the hatchery would need to be at lower pressure too

shit just got real
700 viewers and climbing