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Birthday boy in 3, 2, 1 edition


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gay for swain lol

this god damned client won't stop restarting my download

hello kael'thas

Links because OP is a braindead fag.

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Brand is my favorite champion

You need mental help

I want to install a baby in Lulu against her will.

>No PT
waifu fags and husbando fags are a cancer on society. I highly suggest you end it all right now.

Nu-urgot is kinda scary to fight

Usually though I'm Gangplank or Darius so I feel like I got a fighting chance.

You just have to sound like a girl. Not overly cutesy or bratty like you dumb fags do when you try too hard, but simply feminine.

Poppy support is the most fun I've had playing the role.

Anyone have the Vladimir anal game picture?

Canon Kayle x Karthus SOON™

>tfw the one Urgot counter no one expected was Poppy

>t. won one game against new Urgot players who had no idea how to play the reworked champ

>be giant mechanical spider war machine made from man himself
>be able to slay anyone you could ever meet
>except a shortstack wielding a hammer

xth for Cute Ashe

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

I feel like the older I get the more Im turning into the azir copy pasta

lolg design a skinline with at least three (3) champions in it

be concise

this isn't how you say "Happy birthday, qt"

I hate that one so much. Its never been funny.

Old thread as well:

pretty sure Annie would tear Urgot a new asshole too
Lulu too

he just sucks vs ranged bullies

You're not cute tho?

Nice try shekelberg

but he is

Would you become a muslim in runeterra if it meant that you could marry Annie?
if no ur a fag

WHAT was riot thinking with this stupid ass Garen tenacity buff

The faggot just runs around with ghost blade, spirit Visage, and maybe a warmogs and split pushing to fucking hell

You need a god damned lvl18 morgan Q or ashe ult just to hold him still. Even then he just runs away.

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

Neither (You) or your "husbando" are cute. Now stop trying to be cute.

You wanna post some selfies tho?

People on this board have met me irl they know I have the cute.

My husbando is a certified qt

Your judgement is weak

I'd continue the astronaut line with Illaoi, Poppy, Singed, and MF.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I would marry her anyways

He's creepy-cute when he's not trying to out-pun Phreak (in my localization at least, not sure what yours sounds like).

out of all the fucking posts in this thread thats the one that makes you question the people here god damn

Tumblr Xayah, Taliyah, and Lux

I would

I want to tear Annie's asshole.

Dragon Rider Kled
Dragon Lord Swain
Dragon Aurelion Sol

If only i played that good everytime.. i would climb in no time

If only you played that WELL

>90% of ADCs either jump to the middle of the enemy hoping no one will notice them or are so scared of getting into the range of anyone in the enemy team they only AA when they have RFC ready

>embracing the dogma of one false creed so you can shun another's

If all you want is validation, here you go:

You are an amazing programmer who's gone through lots of challenges to where you are now, and you will continue to grow as an amazing person. But you are still a waste of space who should consider quitting your job. Let's face it, you won't be working for Microsoft as a head software developer any time soon because of your flaws, but you'll just blame it on sexism.

Am I trolling if I pick ad kennen bot?

t-that was uncalled for, user

creepy-cute is cute af

If your not rekkles, yes

>when u get the ganks instead of your enemy laner
top lane is about 1v1 skill :^)

Not if I can Nidalee bot

>Care to make a donation?

nice le meme xD upvoted

>being a fag


I recommend you try something new and stop obsessing over a fictional character.

I got from Gold1(plat4 mmr) to Silver1 in 5days and i have no clue why this is happening. I was constantly climbing till one day i started to get really unlucky. I played decently but i got a lot of bad teams. Last 2 days i still got bad teams but i fed like hell. I fed every single game HARD. and i shouldnt because this elo should be so easy for me also before i fed in 1/50 games. The only games i won were during "brights moments" and i went like 26/2/20. Please tell me whats happening. 5 days ago gold1 was easy for me,i was climbing very fast, now the lower i get the harder i feed. Help me

>wanting him to obsess over a real person

wouldnt that be worse?

You are tilted. A similar type of drop happened to me a few months ago.
What I did to recover was take a break from LoL, and just watch streamers to see what they did correctly/wrong in their games and try to imitate the good parts and improve on my bad parts.

I practiced in Normals for a while also to recenter my skills and improve on my tilt.

>Been saying is Akali cancer ever since they buffed her passive in 7.5 or whatever patch it was

>Now everyone wants to agree with me

Fuck you.

I've called this dumb bitch being an overtuned mess ages ago. Her W is completely broken since her rework because it literally has no counter play what so ever and just lets her get free trades. Her Q and W last way to long to so good luck ever winning a trade against her.

>Just don't trade with her

Cool I'll just let her free farm and then roam and one shot people once she has 6 because her burst is insane.

The biggest issue is her sustain though she heals waaay to much even before she gets a Gunblade and its gotten even better since people just take Dorans Shield top on her ever since it got reworked.

This isn't even an Akali is a low elo stomper thing like she was before she has a higher winrate in Diamond+ than she does in Bronze-Silver.

>Gold1(plat4 mmr)

>no champ that is a litter of catgirls
Blacks out my wards in truth

but akali is oone of the weakest champions in the game the buffs do nothing

You do realize you don't have to obsess over a person, real or fictional, to function properly, right?
And there is nothing wrong with obsession over a person as long as it's done properly, such as a parent looking after their child or a doctor giving their patient intense care.

>Gold1(plat4 mmr)
Either you are or aren't a rank. No one gives a shit about your MMR. Riot doesn't give borders based on your MMR.

Not even Rekkles uses that garbage champ anymore

Is there a worse insult in league than to be called a 'north america' adc or jungle or support etc?

I just meant i was climbing, i was gold1 but there werent golds in my games, only plats.


I can only think of one European

>try to learn adc
>get a sack of potatoes with legs for a support
How do adc players deal with this shit?

being called EU comes close

Akali pretty much forces you to take ignite just so you can deal with the stealth and sustain.

In fact so does Kha'zix/wukong and duskblade.

>Same duoq of the same players cost you two games in a row in your bo5

Would people stop acting like shes awful?

The literal fucking rank 1 player in NA is an Akali one trick.

She's been picked a lot in Korea and even the LCK where she got a fucking Pentakill.

Her rework gave her sustain that would make old Vlad jealous and pink wards don't completely ruin her W anymore. Shes not a bad champion anymore.

The same way support mains in high elo deal with potato adcs.

Git gud

by running it down mid

Anyone try out Urgot yet? How does he feel as an ad carry.

hehe xd

>The literal fucking rank 1 player in NA is an Akali one trick.
well he's good imagine what could he do with a good champ

>She's been picked a lot in Korea and even the LCK where she got a fucking Pentakill.
only one time against a trash team

she's awful dude it doesn't matter she's you're waifu

I think she needs a little more scaling so she has an actual late game

Fair point

To be honest, I can see why tyler1 did that shit, playing with an exp leech in lane is infuriating.

>The literal fucking rank 1 player in NA is an Akali one trick.

Source or i call bullshit

I want to cuddle with Kled and never let him go! NEVER!

>Implying late game matters with a snowball champion

he plays a bit like graves, but you sacrefice mobility for tankyness.


Fuck off Akali main.

Yes. Being called a BR anything. I guess our cute Asian overlords don't want to pick on the weakest region since they've never used this as an insult.


wowow googling is hard

I want to IMPREGNATE you EXACTLY like I would IMPREGNATE Shyvana.

>queue up for adc since i kinda want to play kalista at that moment
>get a rakan support
>enemy bot lane is nami adc karma supp
>rakan stands behind me literally all game, told him to go support another lane at level 2 but he brainlessly kept coming back to my lane
>misses all but 2 knockups that weren't even crucial
>picks some god awful engages that lose us lane
>it's like he's a level 4 with mute all kicked in

>lose the 2v5 since rest of team besides 1 guy is in full monkey mode like the rakan

thats why you dont play adc. play support instead to learn bot lane. a great support can get a shit adc into at least the midgame but a great adc cant get a shit support there kno what im saying?

Just do it already, every thread you say that!

Are you another skeleton/tubby grill from lolg or do you actually have some healthy bust?


Should I give up on maining her bros?




I want to see Rumble's harpoon...