Driving in heavy rainfall

>driving in heavy rainfall
>can barely see more than 100 feet
>most cars in the opposing lane have their lamps off

>>most cars in the opposing lane have their lamps off
Move to a 1st world country

this. never seen it happen and I live in the fucking balkans

I'm in Texas

as he said, move to a 1st world country

even 2nd world would be an improvement

>live in the first world where the average vehicle is a $50k crossover or some luxury sedan with auto headlights
>immigrants still find a fucking way to drive with their lights off

I don't even high beam flash people that do it anymore, They just don't know what the fuck is going on.

Nobody in america calls headlights lamps you imposter

I work at a dealership so I just got used to it

How fun is it to sell cars to unsuspecting normies?

Decently. I try not to gouge.

>>most cars in the opposing lane have their lamps off

>Winter / Rain / Snow
>Idiots with their lights turned off
>Idiots with full beams on but one bulb dying
>Turbo retards with Xenon bulbs pointing right the fuck up
>Driving countryside roads with zero lighting
>Salt, dirt, fog crapping up my visor
It's radical m7

It’s very common in Australia.
But is less of a problem with newer vehicles and DRLs

driving in heavy rain is the comfiest thing

>drive during heavy thunderstorm to get a UPS for computer because my house has lost power 4 times in 2 hours
>roads filled with water
>get slowed down by 10mph when I was driving 35mph from the sheer drag of the water in some puddles
>can't see

Nah, I'll take snow thanks.

drive at a speed appropriate to the conditions
road ragers don't like it they cant get fucked

>car slows down
just push harder on the accelerator buddy

not seeing is part of the fun
embrace the inevitability of death

heavy is best for everything
suber gomfy :DDDD

>Riding in heavy rain
>Can barely see twenty feet in front of me
> Doesn't matter if opposing traffic has lights on or not since I can't see them anyway

Try life on two wheels bro...

i remember on one particular occasion, the downfall was pretty heavy and i felt so comfy that when i finally got home i just stayed in my car outside listening to the rain and comfy tunes on the radio
only needed a cute gf
>tfw still need a cute gf

>driving in late afternoon
>sun going down but its still light out
>everyone has their lights on

I call the fixture a lamp and the actual bulb a light.

>it's dark out but we live in a city with road lights everywhere
>some jackasses in new cars always coming the other way with their highbeam LEDs on

>see people with those dumb DRLs all the time
>occasionally see some old corolla or w/e with highbeams on in midday sun