His car is in mcdonalds per hour

>his car is in mcdonalds per hour



Better than Kebabs per hour.


>when the speedo is in yuropoor mod the top speed is 220 kmh (136 mph)
>put it in freedom mode the top speed is 220 mph (354 kmh)

>his car is in irrelevant part of the world per hour
>his car is in conquered by Mohamed per hour
>his car is in Merkel slave per hour
>his car is in Soros currency per hour
>his car is in poor per hour
>his car is in weak military per hour

Am I doing it right? Am I making the memes? Ecks deeeee

butthurt murrifat detected


>per hour
git gud, my speed-o-meter is in yards per second

>his speedo has STICKERS for numbers and lines

>americans dont have regular tachometers with x1000r/min
>mfw americans have tachometers with x100000r/hour and its calculated on a 10 second average

why don't we just have rounds per second tachometers?
why do we have this x1000 bullshit
scale it like 0 to 300 rounds per second (on my bike I have much higher rpm of course) and everyone instantly knows what's up
why the minutes bullshit

someone explain this to me

random picture for attention

it shows the same data though
I think it has something to do with how older cars determined rpm

I was thinking rps might take up more space, but it depends on how the dials are organized. Maybe rpm is easier because it's more consistent across different companies, and easier for consumers -- which would also make sense to copy old cars.

Your bike revs over 18000 rpm?

I never tested max rpm in neutral but when I go full rossi I get like 10k
no clue why there's this absurd amount of rpm shown on my tachometer, I think it's 16k at the end in the red zone
impossible to achieve desu


isn't kmh killed muslims per hour?

WOW If you wanted to see 90 McDonalds per hour,you would have to go,like 30 miles per hour.

That stat is negative considering how many of them arrive every day

>km h
Not seeing it my man

>tfw a meter is the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second.
Why do Americans insist on using measurements from the middle ages?
what you going to pull out your yard stick and your knot rope next?
do they do it to make their cars seem faster maybe?
0-60mph is only 0-96kmh, need to do 62mph to be doing 100km/h.

so we need to raise the speed limit on every road?
the way i see it the faster people go, the more kmh they do, the better off we'll all be

You never go full rossi mate.
post your tyres.
bet they are smooth like a babys arse with 2 inch chicken strips and your excuse will be "i have only been commuting lately"

>Ireland is literally a potato

>Measures car power on kiloklcrikeys

Muh Pheels/hour

Dumb europoor, a meter is the distance your asshole gets stretched by Mohammed

nobody cares lmao