Devilish Thread

>be me
>waiting in stoplight behind 4 cars
>see 8/10 qt approach in 2014 Audi Q5
>light turns greens, one of the cars is fucking delaying
>start honking, dumbfuck does an illegal U-Turn
>roastie fucking buries her hand on the horn to me
>what the fuck you stupid cunt? I'm going.
>light turns yellow, last one on stoplight
>intentionally delay her as light turns red
>watch rearview closely
>she fucking steps on it and runs the red light
>gets t-boned by old Rv4
>mission accomplished

this literally happened an hour ago.

>be me
>work at local bakery
>super poor so DD a scooter to work and back
>bakery has strict fresh goods policy so anything unsold at the end of the day gets eaten by employees or thrown in the trash
>start taking old pies out of the garbage and stockpiling them in my freezer
>don't know why, don't even like pies that much
>couple months pass
>entire freezer full of pies
>probably have 50 of them by now
>mount a small cooler on my scooter and fill it with pies
>every day after work i practice opening the cooler and grabbing out pies with a single movement
>do this for a few days
>i've got the fastest pie arm in the west
>the time comes to put my plan into action
>city where i live is always full of bikers on the weekends
>guys with handlebars longer than their criminal record and harleys that make your pickup look like a clown car
>systematically ride up next to these guys at red lights with my arsenal of pies at the ready
>just before the light turns green, my arm darts into the cooler and flings a face full of stale freezer-burnt justice onto my victim
>direct hit
>50ccs of chinese apathy drive me away from the raging pastry covered visigoth in my rear-view mirrors while his two wheeled freight train comes lumbering after me
>zip into some nearby alleyways and lose him in the curves
>drive a few blocks over and look for my next victim
>nail another biker with some expired lemon meringue
>my tiny beta-mobile easily outmaneuvers all of my potential murderers

i'm gonna keep doing this until i run out of pies.

>on motorway
>see roastie texting in my rearview
>just cruise right up behind a huge ass truck going slower than everyone else
>at the last second i swerve around it
>dumbass roastie paying 0 attention slams right into the truck
>it was like a chemical truck or someshit so this big fire breaks out
>i'm fucking gone
>whole rearview is just fire and smoke, no other cars got past the crash either so i see no one behind me for about a half hour
>later watch the news
>suv roaste was the only fatality
>trucker got mandatory drug test for being involved
>they found he was full of fucking methamphetamine so he got arrested

I love the absurd fantasies of the people on this board.

mine was real

I just use these threads as a learning tool for my greentext skills (or lack thereof). 90% of Veeky Forums stories are completely fake anyways, so might as well roll with it.

gods work user
post updates

Roasties BTFO: The Thread.

You're my hero.

>50ccs of Chinese apathy
Lost it at this.
Good work user, keep it up.

This is fucking hilarious even if it's not true

Yeah honestly this. The story might be absurd and obviously fake but as long as it's funny it's perfectly real in my book.

>car has problems
>don't fix any of them

>see dirty car
>walk up to it and write mean comment in the dirt to force the owner to wash it



>touching other peoples' cars with your filthy mits
>rubbing the dirt into their paint, causing scratches

absolute degenerate

people like you are why I wash my car once a week

>write "Jews did 9/11" on a dirty car while walking to work
>get off work
>car has gotten all 4 windows smashed in and obvious keying marks along all sides
>Praise jebis that i dont live in some fascist shithole with CCTV in every street
>Captcha: Estates Audi
is this a sign for me to buy that Ur-Quattro i've been eyeing?

Hey Rabbi watcha doin?

Buy a ninja 250 for saftey's sake

I need to do this the next time I travel to the states.

Preferably an old 3-series.

>Own sports car with many modifications to the suspension w/ sticky tires.
>Can take exit ramps 2-3x posted speed.
>Driving at night, heading home.
>Exit approaching, car riding my ass when I'm the only car on the road.
>Don't touch brakes to slow down for the exit.
>Take exit at 70mph (rated 35mph)
>Idiot ass rider tried to match pace
>Tires screeching behind me, giant cloud of dirt appears in rear view.

>bitter /r9k/ faggots : The Thread
fixed for you