>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Tharja is my wife
First for best waifu
Is Lyn Hector's wife?!?
Thought it was Florina.
Kill yourself nigger
Hector's canon wife is Eliwood.
Tharja is my daughter
Your wife abuses children and wants to hang herself.
I just want to plow Nowi's tight loli dragonpussy and seed her womb with 10 of my children. Is that too much to ask?
Your daughter is my wife.
>collecting HM feathers
>not leaving them so your favourite characters are always in the castle
I can't be the only one who does this right?
can I join
Hector/FemMark is canon
>not wanting Hector's Ostian cock plowing your tactician pussy every night
Plowing used goods. You know those bandits had their way with her when she was captured in a cage.
I've been doing that since forever though
Marth x Minerva
Dew x Lachesis
Lex x Ayra
Noish x Sylvia
Conmomore x Miranda
Roy x Lilina
Hector x Lyndis
Seth x Eirika
Ike dies of AIDS in the desert
Xander x Nyx
These are the UNSHAKEABLE foundation upon which all /feg/ rest. Any who denies this are from Reddit or its sister site, /v/.
Indeed. Look at this happy mother and daughter!
>people don't know true canon
Eliwood married Lucina.
Lyn stayed alone, Hector married a village maiden.
Please use me as your human footstool, Empress!
I love how lewd Dew x Lachesis is.
>Eliwood married Lucina.
>2nd most popular female gave birth to 2nd most popular male
Guess being 2nd best runs in the blood
CYL Banner
>Legendary Ike
Green Axe; Armor
>Raw Stats
HP 47, Atk 36, Spd 32, Def 31, Res 23
Might 16: Unit takes 20% less damage from attacks while health is full.
>B: Magic Guard 3
Prevents this unit from taking damage outside of combat.
>C: Cavalry Breaker 3
Inflicts Atk/Spd-7 on cavalry foes in cardinal directions through their next actions at the start of each turn.
>Legendary Lyn
Colorless Bow; Cavalry
>Raw Stats
HP 40, Atk 33, Spd 33, Def 17, Res 22
Might: 14. Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked.
>Special: Galeforce
>A: Mist Boost 2
If Unit has at least 3 more HP than enemy at the start of combat, unit receives Spd/Res+4 during combat.
>B: Bravebreaker 3
If unit's HP >=50% in combat against a Brave weapon user, prevents the foe's second attack.
>Legendary Roy
Blue Dragon; Flying
>Raw Stats
HP 46, Atk 32, Spd 30, Def 29, Res 26
Might: 14. Slows Special trigger (cooldown count+1). Adds total bonus on unit to damage dealt.
>Special: Malevolence
Charge: 5. Grants bonus to damage dealt equal to 50% of damage suffered. Unit recovers HP = half damage dealt.
>A: Defiant Life and Death 3
Grants Atk/Spd+5, Inflicts Def/Res-5 at start of turn if unit's HP C: Goad Dragons
Grants dragon allies within 2 spaces Spd/Atk+4 during combat.
>Legendary Lucina
Red Sword; Infantry
>Raw Stats
HP 43, Atk 34, Spd 36, Def 25, Res 19
>Special: Moonbow
>A: Life and Death 3
>C: Panic Ploy 3
Hector married Farina. (Lillina's hair matches and she's exclusive to Hector mode)
Eliwood married Ninian. (Constantly pushed throughout the story)
Lyn married nobody and spent the rest of her life traveling through space and time to look for Mark. (awakening DLC, Heroes)
This is canon.
REPOSTING my rant because im triggered:
>Rolling all month in attempt to get Summer Robin
>Used every single free orb from the past 1.5months towards this stupid fucking banner
>Finally pull her
>Minus fucking Attack
I got 4 5 stars in the process before pulling her: 2 Summer Tikis and 2 Catrias (and those catrias were within 10 rolls of each other, how fucking unlikely is that off focus?!)
All things considered I am fucking disappointed, I've gotten near every single free orb that's been offered the past month and all went towards that banner, I wonder how many orbs that'd be?
I've spent around $300 on this game thus far, none of that was towards this banner, but this banner has helped me make the decision:
I have decided I wont spend another fucking penny until they offer a way to fix the IV problem (and we know they fucking wont).
Luckily I've been enjoying fate grand order, so all my money will flow into that game.
And if any of you tell me that IVs dont matter I'll tell you to go fuck yourself. My -Att Spring Lucina is actual trash, my Genny does more damage than her.
stop giving him attention
>Marth x Minerva
Though I do like the thought of Minerva being fond of him and admiring is prowess as a leader, I know Marth is devoted to Caeda through and through
>Hector x Lyn
I can't see this at all
The rest are good
>No my dick x Nowi
>No Xander x Sakura
This list is gay and fake.
I agree with Dew/Lachesis and Lex/Ayra. The only reason I care about Roy/Lilina is the fact that it lets Eliwood and Hector vicariously fuck through their kids. I'm intrigued on Marth/Minerva, though. What's the story behind how /feg starting shipping it?
>being an esportsfag
>while pulling for units that aren't even that good
You're living a lie, my friend. Enjoy FGO though, I'm sure you won't have a single complaint about spending money on that game lol.
guess again, markcuck
>Enjoying FGO
>Spending money on FGO
This is a fake post, right?
Add me?
>Implying they didn't just ignore her and just have her perform tricks because they didn't want to be seen as pedos
>Noish x Sylvia
weird way to spell Alec x Sylvia
Lyn's canon husband is a fat old man
What's your FC
Sylvia should marry a grave so that a superiour substitute is born instead.
Go ahead and add Joshua x Natasha and Naesala x Leanne.
0550 7055 29
Me on the left
>Being Poor.
>Not having enough money to spend it on whatever you want.
I'd rather not right now, but thanks for the offer.
Just the manga lust she has for him.
>tfw you tried to resist the horse memes
>failed lunatic chain challenge at the last map
>get pissed and start using all my feathers for the horseys
>beat all the chain challenges
any more pictures of Hector and Bride Lyn?
And here's a happy mother and son!
I've got a neutral IV Olwen and no Barblade inheritance at the moment
would a quad build with life and death 2 or darting blow 3 be alright to shoot for in the meantime?
>have 20k feathers
>used to have 2 options
>check my 4* once again
>Suddenly turns out I had many great options
>can't decide
Holy shit. Why is everything good a 4*?
>not spending money on your empress
What are you even doing with your life?
Thanks user for posting the true canon of FE7
What does that have to do with what I posted?
LaD. Her atk is garbage.
I dunno how you are with green melee but Michalis is seriously tight as fuck. Get him bonfire and quick riposte and you have a flying Hector
>Nero's BIG breasts
How can FEmlets even complete?
I already have nero bride.
>He plays the version that will be dead within 1 year
All I care about from FGO is for the story to advance so Mash can stop being shit, Heracles, Medea, friend summons and the free 4 star(I rolled Herc on my second 10 roll) are enough to deal with everything so there's no rush to get anything specific.
And again, all that matters from S. Robin is Lance Valor and I'm jealous of your Catria luck.
This is some joke right?
Base Spring Lucina is a pretty awful unit that basically needs a bladetome to function. -Atk IV for Spring Robin is really ok (43 with her default weapon). Bad IVs can be feelsbad but ultimately, people put way too much weight into them and most units can be patched up with proper SI.
P.S. go look at FGO pricing and drop rates and let us know how spending money on that goes for you lol.
You're quite welcome!
I like Hana
-HP/+RES S.Tiki or +HP/-DEF? I want to feed of Close Def to the Wall for fun butI also want to use one S.Tiki for AxeP
I like I like Hana user
new heroes player from last thread
I took a look at a tier list and made changes to my team
+Res/-HP can tank non-Tiki dragons thanks to Close Defense. -Def kind of defeats the purpose of her kit though, the ability to tank shit is supposed to make up for the low HP.
>Not promoting your starters to 5*
What you doing man
Just b urself
>the rate for pulling a 4* or 5* unit put together in FGO is 4%
>you have less than a 50% chance to even pull a unit period
How do people tolerate rates that shit
nino doesn't really shine until she's leveled up and has her blade tome, but looks aight
Reroll until you get a decent 5*.
Get one of the summer banner units since their limited.
Cavalry banner has the best units if you want to tryhard.
Seriously reroll until you at least start with 1 5* that isn't shit. It doesn't take long and you will thank yourself for it down the road.
I only have one empress
I want to cuck Raven!
>Anything to do with Warriors
ugh, thanks for reminding me
>mfw I have both
Wait for CyL banner and reroll for the powercreep Bow Knight Lyn.
No point of rerolling now, save whatever orbs you have for the cyl/hero fest. if you get nothing good reroll then.
>Get one of the summer banner units since their limited.
Limited doesn't equal good. Why reroll for them, unless you really want them, when Olwen and Dyute are on banner?
I've gotten real obsessed with Anna anal recently.
Good for you?
Not bad, but you really don't need two greens that do magic damage.
There's a reason most of the spenders in that game are whales. Thankfully they gave out a free 4* to use as a starter so early adopters aren't stuck with complete garbage. A good Berserker helps out a crapload early on. Aside from that, friends lists send out loan units and points from using and being used by friends let you summon from the garbage pool to try to get some usable 3 stars going.
Wait for the new banner to come out and reroll. You will be the king because the powercreep is here and Day 1 players are getting left in the dust
The only good thing Fate ever did was Zero, it's fucking embarassing to even admit you're a fan of the series.
Nasufags please fgo and stay fgo
>Roy is Eliwood's son
>Ares is Eldigan's son
>Sue is Lyn's daughter
>Cynthia is Sumia's daughter
Take your child to work day banner when?
>your favorites wont be in
>if they are they'll be DLC
i hate snack
You faggots keep crying about power creep, but original banners are still the best and its all been downhill since sibling banner. This game is actually balanced and only thing "power-creeped" are the missions for players to challange.
As someone who liked Fates in general, FGO killed it in my eyes.
It went too far.
What's it gonna be?
I got a +spd summer robin on my first pull and never rolled another orb in that shitty banner. Get fucked faggot.