2018 Mazda 3 Hatch vs Toyota Camry

2018 Mazda 3 Hatch vs Toyota Camry
Which one would be a better buy overall?

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Thats not a 2018 tho

Camry and Mazda3 aren't even competing in the same class, a better comparison would be a Mazda6 vs Camry or a Mazda3 vs Corolla
Either way modern Mazdas are so much nicer than Toyotas, especially if you like driving and want a fun econobox, they also get the best mileage out of all non-hybrid cars in their class

Other good alternatives are the Civic and Accord, the Civic particularly is well regarded for feeling like a more expensive car inside and out
If you live somewhere with great rebates the Clarity plug in hybrid is based on the new Civic except it gets like over 110MPGe and makes over 200bhp which is quite a bit more than other plug in hybrids or smaller electric cars
With rebates in Ontario it can cost us the equivalent of 23.5k USD

This, get the Mazda, better on fuel whilst making 20% more power. Also a Camry is massive compared to a 3.

>Mazda 3 Hatch
Get a used current gen Mustang GT.

>get a completely different car instead

>used current gen Mustang GT.
Get a used Geo Metro and a fuckton of coke and hookers

>buy a dull as fuck camry or goofy looking shitbox 3
>Could of had a V8

Hellacious buyers remorse on radar, sir!

Maybe if you're 20 and can only afford one car. Adults are talking right now

Don't buy that functional 4 door DD buy a coupe instead

>get a load of this kid.

If we are talking NEW cars, then anyone that could afford two cars wouldnt buy an econoshitbox, even for their second car.

That's literally what most people do, kid

Clearly he hasn't looked at sales charts or ownership statistics pretty much ever

Yeah you are right. You can definetly fit more of your numale friends in the other two cars XD

Why not post them?

Post your cars with bread and benis on hood.

Not entirely sure why I'm bothering to improve your general knowledge

Lots of Mustangs there

>Dumb amerilards think giant 7 seater suvs and full size trucks are considered sensible family vehicles
Can't wait for gas prices to skyrocket again like they always do and everyone scrambles to offload their giant turds for pennies

toyota has been coasting on its reputation for a while, mazda has used inovation to improve performance and driving feeling

>calling people numales whilst recommending the most unimaginative and soy sportscar on the market

the mustang is what boring office workers buy because they're afraid to lose relevance.

Tfw spouting that reddit tier Mazda meme shit

FUCK mazda

I'm no fan of Mazda but the stupidly named Skyactiv is certainly that, 13:1 compression on low octane fuel, literally nevuh been dun befowah, even Infiniti's variable compression engine doesn't manage that.

3, obviously.

Manual or bust.


The last vehicle Toyota made that was worth driving and wasn't an SUV or truck was the MR2. Meanwhile Mazda has been steadily improving their reliability and overall quality for years. Now they're better than Honda.

why did toyota shift the camry to a rebadged lexus? didnt they have a unique platform for it these past couple years?

Actually got to drive a 2018 Camry today. Good shit. New 2.5 liter makes 203 horsepower which is a near 30hp gain from the 2arfe. The ride is nice. The 8 speed transmission is sporty and quick. Sounds good (for what it is). Fuel efficiency is good. Interior is a bit odd and dull though.

I’m gonna take her to drive both just so she has an idea, but for me the Camry seems like the better offer all around
If anyone has any other recommendations I’d be willing to check them as well

>Gets btfo
>Uses same pic
Fuck back to plebbit, loser

Get a Mazda 6, it's fucking gorgeous.

but its not the same pic.

The Corolla iMs aren't too bad either and will be a bit cheaper. They almost feel bigger on the inside with their styling, but that could just be me. From experience, Corolla are very fuel efficient and surprisingly safe. I got tboned by a guy going 45 and came out just fine.

Happy car hunting an/o/n! Don't let the fucking snakes in finance harass you though. Scum of the earth.

Isnt an image of a godzilla on a japanese car like a mural of the twin towers made out of an american flag on a mustang?

civic for 3k or fix your current car

Wait for the 2019 Mazda with skyactiv x

Godzilla is a character in an extremely popular Japanese film franchise.
9/11 was a tragic event that involved the destruction of US property and death of innocent unsuspecting citizen in numbers that are rarely matched.

Ye nah they are totally the same.

I like them and all but that CVT is made of nightmares, I wish I could get a manual drivetrain but the car won’t be primarily for myself
Luckily I have good credit so I should be fine with them