You guys all laugh at new Corollas but this RWD converted 1000hp Corolla can make most of this boards cars look like...

You guys all laugh at new Corollas but this RWD converted 1000hp Corolla can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Toyota Econobox can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

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wow dude I'm so triggered haha wow you sure got me !

>""""1000 hp beast""""
How many miles can it get before the engine disintegrate itself due to the 10 turbocharger slapped on it?

Wow a race car is fast who would have thought

You guys all laugh at the Renault Espace but this RWD converted 1000hp Espace can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Renault van can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

>new rwd corolla.
the next dagumi mobile? (besides the gt86)

How does it feel knowing a Modified VW Econobug can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs, Miatas and 1000 hp Modified Corollas in a rallycross?

>gut entire car
>swap racing drivetrain, suspension into "corolla"

Ship of Theseus etc etc

You guys all laugh at old Alfas but this MR converted V10 164 can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Italian Saloon can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

No shit a nonproduction manufacturer vanity project can beat other companies production cars. I am triggered though, that paint design looks like something a blind Mexican would rattle can onto his 3k civic.

this is a good pasta

Monster > Rockstar

What now OP!?!?!

OP here, dear god I think I just created another shitpost pasta

>"hey guys this 1000hp corolla is not slow"

You guys all laugh at new Darts but this modified Dodge Dart can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Dodge Econobox can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in rallycross?

You guys all laugh at new Odysseys but this RWD converted 1000hp Odyssey can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Honda Minivan can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

I don't think that's rwd user

You guys all laugh at new Priuses but this RWD converted Prius can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Toyota Econobox can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

hit the BOOST kiiiiiiiiid
aight mane

jokes aside, the 2005 corolla XRS was a fast car

Thank You For Your Service

You guys all laugh at MR2s but this AWD converted 750hp MR2 can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Toyota Econobox can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

i mean the toyota never intended for this to be an econobox despite its humble origins

You guys all meme about Twingos but this RR converted 182hp Twingster can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Renault frogbox can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

when will it stop

You guys all laugh at old transits but this RWD 650hp van can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Ford Econovan can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

>Modified Toyota Econobox

You realize the only thing that is even slightly "econobox" about that thing is the fucking frame, right? Literally EVERYTHING else is performance oriented.

>Modified Toyota Econobox
So how long's that engine gonna last

About 1 or 2 laps

I like your new trip, always thought it was silly to be “mightyBenz” posting a toyota in every thread

His trip was mightybenz cause he drove a fucking benz newfriend...lurk moar...

Yeah I know that but he stopped driving it a fucking while ago so it needed an update

You guys all laugh at Nissan Micras but this AWD/AWS converted 1000hp Trophy Andros Micra can make most of this boards cars look like turds. How does it feel knowing a Modified Nissan Econobox can beat your vape machines, toyobarus, Mustangs and Miatas in a track or touge?

I want one

If this was RR like the OG beetle, Hitler would've been proud.

>racing performance = cubic dollars
>guy dumps truckload of money into car
>its fast

Oh my God stop the presses

That truck aint mine. Im an ausfag. I think he's in norway ro some bloody thing. Just liked the cut of his jib.
Listen to that glory.

lol when horizon 3 came out there was a guy trolling all the drift zone global leaderboards using this thing

>how can this purpose built chassis and drivetrain with a toyota-like shell glued onto it beat a production sportscar

Papadakis racing swapped a 2jz in a xb a few years ago, pretty cool cars they've built

ok, so now I'm gonna have to filter you out

>a car with 100-300k+ of parts dumped into it beats a shitbox with 5-50k dumped in it + thousands of hours of work

You seem a little flustered, m8. It's ok to have a car slower than a Beetle.

>giving a shit about slow

I like the feel of driving

0-100 and circuit times of some obscure racetrack none of us will ever drive on is bench racing