/pg/ Persona General

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>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/
>BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle announced, will feature P4 cast: personacentral.com/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-announced-features-persona-4-arena/
>Persona Super Live P-Sound Bomb!!!! 2017 Paid Live Stream Announced: personacentral.com/persona-super-live-p-sound-bomb-2017-paid-live-stream-announced-limited-persona-stalker-club-v-revival-august-2/

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>we will never see him again
it hurts

She's mine /pg/

Opinion time, do you think Wakaba had a Palace or not?

I didn't like him that much from the outset

Doesn't matter

It's possible. Does Goro indicate familiarity with Mementos while he's with the PT? If so, he may have just capped a whole bunch of Shadows in there.

I think Futaba is the only one that has the right to an opinion on that matter, she was her mother after all.

I love Ann!

I'm glad Katsuya has a cameo on P5.

The game indicates that he has third eye like Joker which makes Mementos easier to navigate. Not that he actually went there or knew how to get there since without Morgana the only way to get into Mementos would be randomly like C&J say.
Plus it would be difficult for him to move around Mementos, particularly the lower layers where the super corrupt political targets would be since he never has as much pull at any time as the Phantom Thieves do.

Hmm, he doesn't seem to be that surprised about it at least and the likelihood he could have survived a Palace alone is low when he started so he most likely did spend some time in Mementos.

Based on how he scandalized his dad's opponents, my best bet is that he found Mementos first as you only need the target's name for that but the question still arises as to how the fuck did he figure out so much before going to Shido and acquiring more knowledge, did Yaldy tell him?

So do I.

Obligatory Makoto post

NEET girl.


Anyone have the updated version of this?

>did Yaldy tell him?
Probably. He was Yabadabadoo's champion and the one who was suppose to defeat the trickster Igor predicted (Joker).

There's also the matter of how the narrative implies only distorted Shadows would show up in Mementos but NPCs like the train driver don't really seem like the sort of person to be like that.

It's odd though that he comes to you with all sorts of tidbits to chew on but he never mentions anything close to some long-nosed guy even when he joins temporarily. And come to think of it, didn't he say something about influence making things happen too quickly or something like that at the Casino?

Where are my Pixie doujins?

you should ask on /smtg/ if you haven't already

You don't really get any amount of insight into the conductor as a person, just that he had no idea what was going on and Goro freed his heart to make him do shit.

It's pretty interesting that the cases you hear of both expose an underlying problem, so perhaps Goro's action was inducing them into exposing this problem which he'd then investigate and solve?

Is P5AG actually Persona 5 All Good?

Was it meant to be implied that Joker will commit suicide shortly after the end of P5?

Was Goro's fake costume meant to be a nod towards Igor and his bigass nose or just coincidence? I mean he even mentions it's based on someone he respects.


Was it meant to be implied that you made whoopee with each social link when you "spent a long time together" after maxing?

Why didn't Joker die when Goro killed his shadow? Isn't that how he killed Okumura?

You know how P3's Sun Link is confirmed maxed in P4? If this is done with All Good Tora things might get pretty interesting since he can get access to things the PT might not know about.

No clue, but it's worth noting that aside from that big nose his mask's design is the same as Joker's.

someone mentioned an Ishihara last thread in relation to shidou so I Looked him up. That guy might've been the single driving force behind P5 as it is today
>nip governor ~2011
>believed in divine punishment
>blamed the tsunami on the young generation
>said they were all sinful
>gave a half-assed apology and people voted him into his old position after his term was over anyway

Why didn't Wakaba die when they killed her shadow? Isn't that how they killed Okumura?

Why didn't the eagles just fly to Qilipoth World and drop Goro into the Holy Grail?

So you could say he altered the cognition of the developers?

Yeah, Persona 5 has a lot of plot holes

I think the big nose was more of a reference to Alex from the clockwork orange (white costume and mask with a big nose).

Before I played I got spoiled in a confusing way and sort of conflated a few spoilers so that I went in thinking Igor was Goro's dad (the similarity between their names definitely helped) so I took it that way, and also went through most of the game expecting him to reveal that he was really just using Shido as a pawn all along and had been working closely with Igor from the start, was kind of disappointed when his real motivations came out.

Does Yusuke like dudes?

Phantom is from Sumaru City!

Spoiler tag that you piece of shit

Palpatine was behind it all


>Death Boss from Cuss High

Fucking terrible. It needs to be changed to Undies Boss.

Of course.

What do you think her needs are?

He's going to make her curry and then do her laundry?

I'm not sure I follow. What are her needs?

I think it's implied on Valentine's Day at least. Like Ann stays the night I assume so do all the other girls.

Yeah but he also mentions that he's got no idea how he got his persona or app and assumed it was luck or a blessing from god, which suggests he was never in contact with Yaldy or else he'd know he got the power from him.

She's best hope curry's not on the menu. If he goes down on her like she's implying... well, spicy powders applied to the clitoris is an ancient form of Aztec torture.


Lovely Haru is my wife.

Runa is best girl

Wakaba went turning into a husk and died because she saved Futaba right before going full apathy syndrome mode.

Okumura already had poor health so that in combination with the shock of losing his shadow killed him. They say it in the game.

Got to say though, if he somehow managed to figure things out on his own that's really smart, not to mention he's pretty unusual even among Wild Cards because he started out at a younger age than the rest.


how can someone who gets 2/3 of her charm from a randomly generated dungeon be so top tier
I don't get it

Honest question, what were they thinking with Haru's forehead? What symbolism does it have?

>what do you mean?

Because she and Yusuke have all the best lines in said dungeon, is why. Meanwhile Anne has some of the worst but her responses to Goro almost count as foreshadowing.

There played it a bit more loose in P5 than P4, in P4 every single girl said "Yo, I have an excuse to not be home tonight."

After every scene with an S-link in P4 you'd either hear the front door opening and shutting or you'd "walk them home/to the station." But on Christmas you just walk downstairs so you can save or check the fridge, and the house is empty because Nanako and Dojima are in the hospital. Waifu is presumably still upstairs, potentially getting her spermicidal lube and diaphragm all set up.

Haru is nice but among the more cynical of the PTs, and I really like her explanation of how she chose her code name. Helps too that her Persona's abilities are highly customizable.

Yusuke absolutely draws porn. Don't give me tame doujin, Yusuke knows what he's doing.

>Meanwhile Anne has some of the worst but her responses to Goro almost count as foreshadowing.

Kettle calling the pot black, if you ask me.

No way Anne has some really good ones yeah the cheerleader routine is made better by Haru joining in but still

>among the more cynical of the PTs

>and diaphragm all set up.

Nips use condoms.

She does spend the entirety of her co-op thinking she's trapped from all sides by corrupt businessmen without a single shred of proof besides her father being as bad as he was

>Make a joke with Beep Boop, Mankoto freaks out
>Make a joke with Ann, she doesn't get it
>Make a joke with Haru, she compliments you and laughs

Do you think Ann is into anal?

She suspects that things are going too perfectly just before they're going to hell and mentions finding it difficult to trust anyone within Okumura Foods.

Haru is designed to be easy because she doesn't have much time. Seriously you can get like 12 notes during the Jinbocho event. That's frankly insulting.

Her dad wasn't even that bad. He wanted what was best for her in his own way.

I love Haru!

>Catherine in 2011 had better romance than Persona 5
>You get marriage ending with Katherine

I think they forgot they made that game.

Tatsuya turns 36 today!

By the way, what are the chat colors of all the PTs (Except for Goro because he's not relevant to this thing I'm looking at)?

Liz and Sayoko are probably still the most explicit about that
with Sayoko being even better when you realize they talked with each other for maybe 15 minutes at best before it happens

Nah. She is a girl who never had a boyfriend, she probably has a vanilla concept of love.

>Catherine in 2011 had better romance than Persona 5

Well that's a lie. Katherine hates you 90% of the time and Catherine literally doesn't care and is just following orders.

The Catherine ending doesn't even make sense because why would she marry him, he's NOBODY.

Talk about Goro already holy shit

>The Catherine ending doesn't even make sense because why would she marry him, he's NOBODY.

Because he becomes a sexy ass alpha as fuck demon in True.

Catherine was anything but a good romance, that was practically the point of the game. Plus a little horrible writing around the time Katherine breaks up with Vincent.

>Katherine hates you 90% of the time

Dude if you wanna fuck the blonde titie monster, no one's stopping you or thinking less of you. But there's no need to outright lie, Katherine has her own job and doesn't have cash flow problems. She's sticking with Vincent because she loves him.

She's done stuff like JAV before though

Ryuji yellow, Ann pink, Yusuke blue, Makoto indigo, Futaba green, Haru lavender
is that what you mean?

>>You get marriage ending with Katherine
It makes a lot more sense for 30somethings to get married instead of teenagers, user.

>Coolest part of the game was an illusion

>Phantom Thieves going to Sumaru City to cause a ruckus

Not if Suou is on the case!

I love Haru

Yep! xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/poe/masque.html
I was thinking about the Poe's masquerade bit from Beneath the Mask and this is the most likely inspiration especially with how the cast mentioned guests possibly getting lost in Shido's Palace.

> Interrogating the PTs like he would demons and citing which law are they breaking
Absolute madman.

Hmm, you fool. Your first mistake was thinking you stood a chance against my overwhelming power. Now tremble in fear as I unleash my Ultimate Excalibur Attack!

Kill Haru !
Death to Haru !

What would happen if Haru decided to get serious?

One look at Morgana and his ironclad will falters.



/our/ guy

I'd like this webm more if they werent wearing shitty outfits

>The you forgot our anniversary and left me running the shop all by myself look

I would never neglect Haru