Daily Bike Thread /dbt/

Big Single edition

>Motorcycle Questions & Answers
>Motorcycle Tips & Tricks
>Motorcycle Gear & Accessories
>Motorcyle Pics & Webms
>Motorcycle shitposting

/dbt/ map: google.com/maps/d/viewer?msa=0&mid=1YwqbzbdRjMAItdOZPktcND3Nr98

No Bike? Buy One
Be sad that you are too tall for 90% of bikes here:

These bikes are for pussies just get a liter:

Check your helmet's safety rating here:

webms with sound:
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for sandy curves

Reposting because new thread.

What helmet is good?

I got a Shark S650 from my dad when I started riding 6-7 years ago, so it needs replacing by now. Got a new gf who wants to ride shotgun, so the S650 will be doing passenger duty. I'm really happy with the way it fit since I got it, so I'd prefer another Shark.

Looking for (in order of importance):
>Full face helmet
>Quick release buckle
>300 EUR budget
>Matte black, no graphic
>No fucking LED's
Bonus points if it's under 200 EUR. I can just buy another S650 if I really can't find anything good.

>Matte black, no graphic

cleaned my bike a few minutes ago but turns out I'm going for a ride later and it will all be for nought

Why no scooter edition? I was promised a scooter edition

Is the Braaap 125 available in the US anywhere?

I get 130€ straight carbon ones, no sunvisor or useless stuff
I'm you, but cooler


>6-7 years ago, so it needs replacing by now.
Only if you want to, or the lining is falling out or something. Recent research shows these thing basically last forever.

Sure is being a weenie about it

because scooter suck and I didnt make the promise

>Soyboy arms
>Respek wahmen-tier glasses
Send sister, you don't deserve her

Anyone have any webms of riding up stairs? I never tried it but I kinda want to.

The visor is scratched, replacement ones cost 50 EUR, I need a passenger helmet, a new S650 is 100-120 EUR.

Might as well delegate this to passenger duty, scratches and all, and get myself a new helmet.

that's not even me lmao
>implying I'd wear monster energy hoodies
>or such shoes
>or these pants
lol dude
also I don't have money for a DR

I saw a nice video once about it if I find it I'll make one

It is big senpai.
>thats what she said

How much bigger should it be to be considered big? I bet my left nut it has more power and better power to weight than that and the op.

Nigga u posted yourself buying those camo pants

>tfw no gr1200rom

it's not hard to be lighter and more powerfull than the TT, trust me on this one lel
I have a friend with a 690, as soon as its fixed he has to let me ride the bike.
>wheelied it
>front rim broke
>rear frame busted
ayy lmao

youtube.com/watch?v=MTYrhquq3VE here's the video, I don't really remember that much if it was a good video but give it a try, can't be that hard to ride stairs.

mine are baggy and not some gay ass pants to go small at the bottom
>wearing fitting pants
lol dude, do you even 00's hip hop style?

>tfw no Swedish housegrinder

>tfw no this, but with a decent engine

Suppose you had an unlimited budget and had to buy two brand new motorcycles to replace all your vehicles, because reasons. These two have to do all the stuff you normally do: touring, canyon carving, city riding, the occasional dirt road. What do you buy?

They each have a button on the handlebars to instantly change into the other bike, meaning you never have to go home and swap into the more appropriate bike, and you have a spare bike at home just in case one breaks.
If you ever have to haul anything serious, a brand new, fully loaded fullsize pickup from your manufacturer of choice suddenly appears in front of you, so no worries about that.

can you explain again?

I keep hearing about weird issues with these brand of bikes but they are mostly in the form of memes. I hope to never encounter these issues. Might have to buy a DRZ just to commit suicide with.

RSV mille with appropriate hoon mods
NC 750 with side bags, knobbies, comfy saddle and additional fuel
Maximum hoon and maximum fuckoff touring

5/10 not impressed

that exposed chain looks hungry for your kneecaps 1/10 would not ride

>You lose all you current vehicles
>You need 2 brand new bikes
>They need to do everything you current vehicles do, except hauling big stuff
>You can swap between the two instantly, at will

Aprilia RSV4 RF, KTM 1090 Adventure R

Husqvarna 701 for maximum hoonage
Triumph Bobber for comfy cruising
Half a ton of cement for winter DD

I'll ask him if he has pictures of the damage
>buying a DRZ
nice meme, my dude.

so its just the looks that are relevant then?

in theory KTM would be cheaper to maintain than say a Husqi right?
>inb4 combustible bike.jpg

Husqvarna is KTM

This is the hypothetical of a nobike 15 year old, and all 3 responses after are in the same answer format, leading me to believe he replied to himself.
Please get off Veeky Forums you're late for school.

"In 1987, the Husqvarna motorcycle division (not the other arms of the brand such as chainsaw production) was sold to Italian motorcycle manufacturer Cagiva and became part of MV Agusta Motor S.p.A. A group of the company's managers and engineers were not willing to move to Italy and therefore founded Husaberg AB – which was acquired by KTM AG in 1995.[7] Husqvarna motorcycles were then produced in Varese, Italy."


Husqy = KTM now, but Huskies cost 20% more. I'd expect parts to be similarly priced, despite being identical.

Looks and capabilities. You don't want a pigfat Goldwing for dirt roads now, do you?


here, I'm 23, own a GSX1200, and I only posted .

>Late for school
>When it's 7 PM
>On saturday
>During winter break

250 grom is better

>I'm 23, own a GSX1200
And I fuck Emma Stone on the reg.

the question is harder than I thought. Now that I think about it I could get every bike because it will get repaired but really there's not much new that's really interesting, and the old stuff sucked, too somehow lmao
>fuck bikes reee

I posted this one senpai

Brb, getting some bread.

>people can't afford a 3k bike with 23
lmao ok user stop posting

Emma stone is fucking ugly

>people can't afford a 3k bike with 23
>Being in Europe
That explains it.

>>>I'm 23, own a GSX1200
you made it sound like that's impossible


>Implying I paid more than 2K EUR

here, I only said I own a GSX1200 because I got called a nobike.

>owning a shitzuki

A gsxs is fucking 500$ you nobie

Show me another 3K euro UJM that does 0-60 in under 3 seconds that I don't feel bad about when i DD it during winter. Has been perfectly reliable so far.

good 4 u
lol kys faggot i bet you ride a Honda
not here ;-)
at least there are non for sale atm for less than 1k

That's a katana, a gsxr

God that looks fucking awful.

pic unrelated haha
nice digits

so does ur mom xd

Kys wr

Was für ne Scheiße hast du da über mich gesagt, du kleine Schlampe? Du solltest wissen, dass ich als Klassenbester meine Klasse der KSK abgeschlossen habe und involviert war in verschiedenen geheimen Einsätzen gegen Al-Qaida und über 300 bestätigte Liquidationen habe. Ich bin trainiert in Gorilla Kriegsführung und der beste Scharfschütze der gesamten Bundeswehr. Für mich bist du nichts, als ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde dich scheißenochmal auslöschen, mit einer Präzision, die auf dieser Welt noch nie zuvor gesehen wurde, denk an meine scheiß Worte! Du glaubst du kannst mit der Scheiße, die du mir übers Internet erzählst davonkommen? Denk nochmal nach, Ficker! Während wir reden, kontaktiere ich mein geheimes Netzwerk von Spionen quer durch Deutschland und deine IP wird zurückverfolgt, du solltest dich also auf den Sturm vorbereiten, Made. Der Sturm, der das lächerliche Ding auslöscht, das du dein Leben nennst. Du bist tot, Kind. Ich kann überall sein, jederzeit, und kann dich auf über 700 Arten umlegen - und das nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Ich bin nicht nur extensiv trainiert in unbewaffnetem Kampf, ich habe Zugang zum gesamten Waffenarsenal der Deutschen Bundeswehr und ich werde es bis zum Letzen ausreizen, um deinen miserablen Arsch vom Antlitz dieses Kontinents zu wischen, du kleines Stück Scheiße. Wenn du nur hättest wissen können, welche unheilige Vergeltung dein kleiner, "cleverer" Kommentar auf dich herabbringen würde, vielleicht hättest du dann deine scheiß Zunge festgehalten. Aber du konntest nicht, du wolltest nicht und jetzt zahlst du den Preis, du gottverdammter Idiot. Ich werde Zorn über dich scheißen und du wirst darin ertrinken. Du bist tot, Kleiner.

Honda is greater than Suzuki


I wasn't aware of german pasta. Interesting.

What is the most comfortable 600 supersport?

better don't dig deeper into it, you'll find some shit.
Here's another classic for you.

True. Suzuki never had the racing history, or roadbike history, that Honda has had. They don't have the reliability either, which means you won't be able to buy a similarly powered Honda for the price of a Suzuki on the second hand market. Even their depreciation shows the difference in how much Honda is a greater brand.
t. That GSX1200 rider.

It's not pasta then, it's Nudel.

Studies show that during the last recession Suzuki was hit hardest with major sales decline. This tells us that lower class people buy Suzukis since we know that the lower classes were also the most affected during the recession.
Honda however didn't see much sales loss during that time.
This also shows that the quality of Suzukis products declined greatly in an effort to keep the doors open and thus created major issues and recalls to occur.

>Tldr; poor, stupid people, buy cheap shitty bikes

Go away mr shill

>poor, stupid people, buy cheap shitty bikes (Honda)
didn't knew that 100% of america rode Hondas

Head on over to rip general if you feel like me



that's only one specific type of noodle tho

>ignore facts
>claim opposite of truth
Definition of willful ignorance. Which is very common in Suzuki riders

Make sure your brake pads dont light your bike on fire again buddy

No it's not spam

Not sure what that's suppose to mean. Seems like and I'll formed attempt at a personal insult.
It's not helping your case however. You're proving you're ignorant and have zero argument.

Don't be mad at me about your bad choices

That's a fender. It works really well, no giant arcs of spray behind you when the roads are wet.

Never heard of that on a Honda. Particular model?

The last anti suzuki autist said that his dr650 caught on fire and burnt to the ground because his rear brake seized up. Figured you were him

Not him. But yeah that was a common issue

Where did /dbt/ ride today

To underneath a car.

>post yfw hondas top of the line highest quality bike activley tries to kill its riders with their gearbox made of entirely neutrals

>Brakes catching on fire was a common issue
>There is not a single post about it happening on thumper talk or advrider
Really makes me think

Nowhere because I'm at work.

I like money

>likes money
>doesn't ride to work

To my famigghia for monetary gifts

Am I asking for trouble considering this bike? It would be my 1st.


>20 years old
>44k miles

I don't want no trouble

>works on a boat
>stuck on boat for weeks at a time

>Top heavy 800cc
>From a brand with pitiful reliability or part availability
>For a first bike
You're gonna hate it in no time

>spaghetti build quality

>he can't ride his bike on the plank

>Neglected bikes break
Wew it's almost like they're pushing the small engines for all they've got

ok :(

looks dope though


It's 35 degrees outside, rainy and slippery as fuck, and I've had a 28 hour work week plus 35 hours at school. I'm staying inside all daying, watching Youtube videos and browsing Veeky Forums and /k/.

For the same price, you could buy a KLR650 with better parts availability and resale value.

>speshul snowflake radial valve system, designed for racecars, built by underfunded Italians easily breaks
Who would have thought.

Get a cagiva elephant and go tame velociraptors

>post yfw Suzuki sell brand new GSXRs from the factory with rusty manifolds and water pumps

>don't buy a shitty bike
>buy this other shitty bike
KLR a shit

It can't be radial valves
There's nothing to break with those, it's just a revolving barrel


Radial valves =/= rotary valves, go look both up.

damn they look nice tho