/ss13g/ - Sapporo School 13 General

Last Thread:
Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Sapporo School 13 is a new idea for a Space Station 13 server
>Set in a japanese high school
>Players will enjoy roles like Teacher, Student, School Nurse, Janitor or the exclusive School Council President
>Everyone in the thread agrees Sapporo School 13 will be a refreshing level of roleplay that no-rp Veeky Forums lacks.

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


First for /u/ metaclub

We need to answer some basic questions about sapporo school 13.

>What should the age range of students be at the school
>What kind of punishments should students get for breaking school rules
>Is romance allowed in sapporo school 13, and if so to what point? Not sex obviously.
>Flavor text, yes or no?
>What code base should SS13 be based from?

Healsluts unite!

I genuinely like this Sapporo School 13, playable when?

Fucking gross

when you make it

this is the manifestation of the waifu cancer

I'm going to personally code Sapporo School 13 and sprite it all.

I have never coded or sprited in my life. So it will be playable in 2-3 years. It will be complete in NEVER probably.

>What should the age range of students be at the school
A normal age range for high school duh
>What kind of punishments should students get for breaking school rules
>Is romance allowed in sapporo school 13, and if so to what point? Not sex obviously.
As long as no ERP yes
>Flavor text, yes or no?
>What code base should SS13 be based from?
Whatever doesn't lag so Veeky Forums's

Sapporo is pleb tier beer, why would you name your faggot school ERP after it

People keep talking about female Grey eyes. What do they mean?


Sapporo is the 5th largest (in population) city in japan so makes sense for the setting and it starts with S so we can call it SS13.


So they wanted the eyes to be slimmer like that?

I remember that round
I'd be okay with it if it wasn't for the fact they were all talking like "oooooh I'm such a girl, bra size bla bla tampon bla bla [thing only men talk about when pretending to be a girl]"

Take a guess.

I feel worse after having read this post but it's not your fault

>you will never stack chairs to lock the transfer student in the girls bathroom with your metaclique gals


Yes. but the problem is that the eye overlays work the same way for one species despite gender. Meaning if they want to do this they'll have to introduce some snowflake code for only greys to have different eyes per gender.


what if you could make sand tiles with sand from mining?

What time setting would Sapporo School 13 be in? I like the idea and I'd help with coding

Sapporo School 13
>no validhunting fags
>no way to powergame
>lots of great roleplay
>no metaclubs ooc
>no discord
>no kolith

It's like lifeweb but gonna be good.

how many times are you going to miss the post you're actually trying to reply to?

Sapporo School 13 is probably going to be a late 90's to early 2000's setting. If we did it modern or in the future there'd be too many problems with everyone having two mobile phones.

Plus late 90's is comfy.

>completely new experience to discover
What's not to like

There's nothing wrong with pretending to be a cute girl.

Does anyone else leave old pizza boxes around their room because it makes it smell delicious??

get out of my apartment.

Sapporo School 13 is:
>not in space
>not a station
>doesn't belong in this thread

make your own general you plebs

someone get this hothead out of here

Can someone tell me what common item does the most damage?
Shard of glass?

How can I be the most robust

Lifeweb is
>not in space
>not a station
>doesn't belong in this thread

make your own general you plebs

disarm intent

the fire axe

second life

Sapporo Station 13 antagonist ideas
>Traitor = Delinquent (Student with objectives to cause property damage, break school rules and bully other kids. Gets items like a switch knife, a lockpick or razor to shave that bitch stacy's hair clean off)
>Nuke Ops = School Shooters (Self explanatory really, they get rifles, shotguns or whatever and have to shoot up the school and set fire to it)
>Yandere = One person is a Delinquent with objective to bully a random person, another is a yandere with an objective to protect that person because they love them

>Just recruit other students to squat in the halls outside of class with you

Test servers are down and have been for a few hours

>more half-assed spinoffs

tables, windows, soda cans filled with water, toolboxes

>Nations but with school clubs instead of departments

This will never happen anyway so fuck off, it's just ideas fun

sounds like y'all just want the 500 school rp gmod servers but with anime models

that was the same shift that as the infamous Traders vs Ismael incident

>idea guys defending ideaism
I have an idea
go fuck yourself.


Hey fuck you dude.
Maybe it's not a good idea.

>school rp gmod servers but with anime models

Those exist? And don't they come with those models?

>cancerous awful shitposting ironic scenarios
>idea fun

it's as autistic and as badly made as ss13 but 3d

what's not to like?

It's not as solidly built as SS13

yeah school rp exists. there's a few maps. you have classrooms and shit.

all based off dark rp so you still got mayor (aka principle), police (aka guards), drug dealers, citizens (Students), etc.

triggered lol

>group of female statics bullying the new girl because her hairstyle is "like so out of fashion oh my god"

tell me right now that Sapporo School 13 wouldn't be the tighest shit.

Sapporo School 13 wouldn't be the tighest shit

>the infamous Traders vs Ismael incident

I want this so bad fuck

What about

Sapporo Space School 13

someone post the story

>Space school 13
>Like the space station, but instead of assistants and small departments, you have students and teaching departments
>Bullshit still happens because this is spess and spess is unfriendly

Okay, let's stop shitposting and actually set the ground work for Sapporo School 13.

Reply to this post if you are interested and willing to work on it and what you are good at like coding/mapping/spriting/music.

>tfw I just want to see a modern day city setting for SS13

of all the awful memes you guys throw around, this looks like it would be a rather fun to play awful meme. we should actually do this shit

legendary round
it got greentexted from like 4 different perspectives afterwards in the thread
I don't have the screencap compilation saved unfortunately

Count me in

I'll help out as much as I can.

Make a discord for Sapporo School 13!

Then we can join and make plans there, start coding and mapping, get some spriters working on making literally everything from scratch too. If we're lucky we'll be done before pjb finished ss14 and personally kills byond as an engine.

not going to actually help.
not going to actually happen.

I can get the started on the rampant shitposting.

I can't help so I can't reply to your post but I will play it

>tfw this was actually in development for a while
>it got shitcanned when the Le funny reddit hackerman was busting into codebases/forums of servers that were posting their stuff on reddit.
>developer got spooked and ghosted

I forgot to mention what I was good at. mostly spriting, a very little bit of coding.

This is a warning to all of you. I am an insider from the admin discord, do NOT I repeat do NOT join the sapporo school discord, it is a sting and everyone who joins it will be banned for waifu faggotry.

I forgot to mention what I was good ad. mostly coding, a very little bit of spriting

>Veeky Forums is a norp shitter server
>/Sapporo/ will be a medium rp paradise
>all the good players will leave Veeky Forums for the superior SS13 experience
>admins hate Sapporo because it will kill Veeky Forums and they won't have any power anymore.

One of these days were going to find you, you fucking mole.

>Zealotron and his cronies burn the server to the ground so the former can be king of the ashes
>Their metaclub celebration lasts very short as they realize everyone is at /sapporo13/

it needs to happen

Sapporo discord where?


I just realized.

>No AI or grifficons
Holy shit I need this game

>the emergency short bus has docked to the school

I'm not kidding, I will make /sapporo/, I will do it alone if I have to. The idea is too good to let die.

The laughing drunken rats who left /sapporo/ to a sorry grave, you won't be laughing in another day. All spring now I'll be coding in a discord with my friend, 3 hours a day in dreammaker and twice I've been at wit's end. Thank god it's only a single server and the playerbase is low, or I'd never have the strength to not say no.

>Principal faxes the education ministry for advice on how to deal with a delinquent gang converting students to their cause after the student council president mysteriously disappeared.
>They send a deathsquad.

>No robotic teaching assistants
>No cute android school girls
>No personal AI style school companions
You can't be serious user.

>(ADMIN): alright boys ahelp for dylansquad

Don't bother joining guys it's another battle royale round

ayy go fuck yaself

>people think its changeling
>people think its cultist
>its actually extended
This round is fucking amazing, I'm laughing

If I made a /sapporo13/ discord could I just ban people that join to shitpost, people like kolith and yclat that hate our dreams?

Rpfriends, what is your opinion on Aurora? I've never really played anything aside from Veeky Forums, but have recently begun expanding my horizons and trying new servers. I played for a little while last night and I liked the slower pace somewhat. I'm not very good at roleplaying or making connections though.

UGH I fucking hate TDM.
I joined this game to get away from TTT

If they join the discord it's to add input or collaborate
If they only add shit a ban is natural yes


woop woop faggot delamination

could i make a discord account called like "Sapporo13" or something, make the channel, send out the invites and then log out and join on my regular discord? logging in to Sapporo13 only to ban people and never talk. so people dont just shitpost and try to get me banned for starting a "metaclub"?


Sure, especially if you're using the app. You can just use the web Discord for the admin. That way, you can even be online on both accounts at once

You're in the cafeteria when your friend that only you talk to tells you, "You're alright, don't go to P.E. later" and leaves. What do you do?

Don't coders have their own discord or something? Anyway as I said, if they aren't there to help or just watch the progress then they can eat a ban.

thats good. i hope somebody does exactly that then.

we'd be working on purely developing the game, I don't see why any drama would need to arise. please don't bring in any drama.