>Recent News New Rose Queen Weapons (Bow, Harp, Fist, Axe) - Medium Boost to Allies' Attack and max HP + Reduce damage from off-element. New Tier 2 (Gilgamesh, Hector, Prometheus, Anubis, Morrigna, Ca Ong) Weapons added. Tier 2 Raids hosting requirement changed (1 True Anima).
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Schedule for July: 6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo! 7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun) 7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns 7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash 7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts 7/31 - ?/?? - Poacher's Day
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
I'm sad because I can't get my final nugget because I need 3 more but there's only 2 days left :(
Nicholas Powell
Not well. I need to get another 80k for seals and nuggets but I've been feeling lazy for the past while. I can't even feel bother to farm for the baihu fist and zhuque katana this time around.
Samuel Turner
how do you get check-ins?
Isaac Allen
Ask reddit.
Blake Brown
Finished my grinding last night, feels good to slack off until the next summer event
Jonathan Taylor
I finished what I set out to do. I'll spend the rest of the event getting more nuggets so I don't have to farm 40 next celestials.
Jordan Gomez
>45 out of 60 nuggets soon im gonna have that 5* nio
Caleb Gray
Post best erune
Nicholas Foster
Best erune
Elijah Jones
isn't this like a week away still
Ethan Campbell
Asher Moore
>tfw not enough gold bars to 5* my gw character and I need 287 valor badges to get a gold bar from GW It's not looking good.
Nathan Scott
Ryan Green
Got 2 weapons + uncaps, set of seals for Kirin, consumables and 4 nuggets away from second brick. Should probably get another seals set and SR tickets.
Nathan Foster
Dark Zeta or dark Kat? Which should I mainline?
James Brooks
Heles is not just the best erune but the best girl.
Isaiah Peterson
What did you use your bars on?
Angel Sanchez
My wife.
Leo Carter
Other GW characters
Hunter Howard
Chev swords. /gbfg/ told me they would be worth.
Jose Price
>used his bars on chev swords fucking lmao light cucks are truly a laughing stock
Jace Cook
>actually projecting
Alexander Young
Don't post images of my personal cum dump.
Christian Perry
75 more days
Oliver Jenkins
I got everything I wanted, but I try to pull for another gold bar and some minor shit if the time let me.
Brayden Cook
I keep slacking, so I still have a lot of work to do. At least I only need 2 more nuggets.
Thomas Watson
Charles Wilson
Andrew Hernandez
you chose the words that would hurt me the most, didn't you?
Anthony Scott
Brody Sullivan
>tfw KMR wait with ticket for the time when I'll be able to afford for them He's such a nice guy.
Kayden Torres
how many daggers do I need for my magna water grid?
Tyler Torres
Why is Sochie so fat?
Leo Thomas
Brayden Watson
This is what moot has left to us.
Isaac White
all of them
Angel James
Wyatt Scott
is this for real?
Justin Taylor
Grayson Smith
>tfw no gold bar restock What's up with all these slackers that are going for kirins now and people not getting the nuggets each time there's a restock? Or even the weapon skills? What the fuck did you do the previous celestials? I've just bought sr tickets, pots, berries, papers and slowly grinding to 150 badges
Bentley Lopez
What did he mean by this?
Brandon Johnson
you need to get a better job user
Carson Baker
>dirt players out damaging water players in agnis
Angel Sanchez
Lucas Wood
Gavin Bennett
-slaps your mama's ass-
Isaiah Bailey
Zachary Baker
that's not my image that's not even a thumbnail swap! now it claims that my sen is a dupe, rude
Jack Gonzalez
What monki's stockings smell like?
Cameron Fisher
Haha I get the reference.
Evan Murphy
Goddamn kamikaze darkfags
Logan Robinson
>water cardinal time >go to raid tab >1 agni left >wait for him to die to refresh the tab >3 agni show up Ebin
Liam Perry
Banana flavor
Jordan Hernandez
doodle doo
David Robinson
Jace Watson
Matthew Allen
Is that sky compass?
Jack Torres
I didnt play the previous celestials
Gabriel Thomas
Whenever I see a dark wrestler, I hold my paralyze so they can kill themselves before using it.
Bentley James
God damn I love Six 5*
Ethan Brown
FUCK this p2w game -_-
Joshua Rodriguez
Mud has murbleburgles right?
Jayden Rivera
You can paralyse in the beginning and heal whenever you can.
Luke Sullivan
Can other people see if you have use an elixir if its not for rejoining?
Landon Murphy
Quatre died, but it went well. Slow and steady wins the race I guess.
Just one.
Joshua Butler
Jaxson Reed
No more new summer characters besides Kareso left this month right?
Mason Rogers
sauce on that pitpussy?
Jace Myers
If famitsu is rule then no. But yes, expect new characters release after legfest and a august legfest with the new ones.