>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Tatiana gets to fuck Camus
Not fait.
Jiiku's wife looks like that?
Panne is cute
I would stroke her and feed her carrots for being a cute lil' cinnamon roll.
So who's gonna be the next character that we arbitrarily hate because contrarianism?
Reminder Lilina is Gonzalez's cock sleeve
Idol Sakura, Elise, Mist, and Sanaki banner when?
CyL Lucina
Micaiah, except that she's a shitty character so there's good reason to hate her.
remove shit like sanaki and mist and add good stuff like fae.
Either anyone spic like
or any female character people like only for their body. Like tharja, Sonya, Camilla, etc.
Trip back on spic
Prepare for FE16 avatar obsessed waifu to be Faye copy.
I just wanted to bring upSakura and Elise. The others were just the first to come to mind.
>anyone who disagrees with me is the spic
You fuckers are worse than the beaner honestly.
ok then
Any reveals going on today? Banners? Games? Ike's sexuality? Anything?
Tell me what costume banners you want other than the usual Halloween/Christmas.
>maid outfits
>formalwear / eveningwear
>winter clothes
This is my wife! She makes me happy!
Happy Groosday, /feg/
The "meme" got really old, real quick. But the retards are too, well, retarded to realize that they're only giving him more incentive to shit up the place.
that witch corrin
Reverse classes.
Characters as classes that they would objectively be the worst at in normal FE.
This would be a cute banner. I theorycrafted idol Sakura and Mist ages ago.
It's too late now and we'd have to wait until next year, but I wanted a Tanabata event.
What's the point when it's just going to be use on characters I don't care that much about.
That said: I hope Laguz and/or Keaton are established before Halloween, cause I would love a 'Werewolf' Hector or something.
Idols, cosplay, genderswap. Also winter clothes sounds comfy as fuck.
Drill BTFO.
>Choose your legend
>You get any character you want but it's 1*
Who do you pick?
fuck, i need to get a job. that would actually make me whale.
At this point, Azura.
Like that cipher card of Xander as an ongoing. Ryoma had a wyvern rider card too; were there other class swap cards?
This banner theme would be cute. The paralogue would be about Str-based characters expressing how difficult magic is, and Mag-based characters complaining that their weapons are heavy.
>mage boey
>myrms as knights
>archers as archers
ah, I get it
You know what: I know exactly what I want.
Witch Lute
Werewolf Hector
Vampiress Celica
Headless Xander
How to build +Atk thonya
What's your progress on the Chain Challenges?
I've been doing as much as I could be I'm slowly getting to the end. All that's left is everything from Ch 9 to 12 on Normal and Hard, and then Ch 9 + 10 and Ch 11 + 12 on Lunatic. Once I'm done that... I'll actually have nothing else to do.
Offense meta makes it hard to win using enemy phase
Res Ploy Fodder
hey wasn't there some FE7 hack that you guys were working on? I saw it somewhere once but I can't find it again
School uniform
>winter clothes
I like the idea of a unit in a huge fluffy coat and heavy snowshoes being counted as an armor.
There could a tome that blows conjures icy wind and snowflakes.
A dagger user could throw snowballs.
An axe could be a frozen tuna.
What should I give to my Sharena, TA2 and lancebreaker?
I want to see sanaki in a giant oversized winter coat
With earmuffs and a scarf
t. Raul
if you use blade or cav stuff people might beat you even with losses just out of spite.
>Idol Sanaki
Would whale for
Nigger I'll kill you
My entire team is infantry
Fury/G Tomebreaker is her best, she's Julia-lite in that sense.
If you mean the queen's lament it's only a bunch of guys, I don't kow what's been of them recently but they were alive when echoes came out I think.
There's also onmi doing his thing and the tacthack.
The Queen's Lament? Tacthack? Maiden of Darkness too, but that's FE6.
That'd be cute af
Are Priscilla's heals supposed to be crazy good? Cause holy shit, she can one-shot full heal characters sometimes.
Distant Counter is too useful.
And Frozen Swordfish for swords?
>doing chain challenge
>forgot this part when selecting my second team
She looks like a cocksleeve.
Wouldn't they fit as lances better?
Saw Fish could be used as swords instead.
>Fates as a shoujo manga
Pretty good.
Assuming you're talking about Heroes, Rehabilitate is the best heal skill in the game. Read the description. Other healers have it too and it is inheritable to your favorite healer.
>no distant counter camilla with emerald axe
you asked for this
I hope we get a banner with Feh in all colors from the stream.
1 try each so far, I wish wiki had cc stats so I could planify.
ayy wut dat mouf do?
I know. She still looks like one tho.
Don't be rude to my empresswife please
he's imitating Pikomaro's style
>Red Tome arguments
>autistic screeching
>Green Tome arguments
>autistic screeching
>Blue Tome arguments
>relatively chill and everyone acknowledges each character's strengths
Why does this happen?
>Cordelia has 35/35 attack/speed
>Kaptain Kanpeki has 35/35 speed/defense
What might Caeldori have 35/35 in?
HP and Res
A whole fish or sea-themed banner could be good too. Old-timey fishing/diving gear? Pirate/sailor outfits? Mermaid costumes?
Blue Tomes don't have a shitty waifu Raul attached himself to yet.
Just wait for one and it will be the same as all the others.
man Ishtar is fucked
Cleared them all easily first try without a single unit lost.
It already has the quality writting you'd expect form a manga aimed at prepubescent girls. It's just like Tooyama Ema's works.
Good times
>>Blue Tome arguments
>"they're the second best blue tome users anyway"
Because everyone knows that you're not beating Reinhardt anyway so there's no point in arguing
Also because Sonya and Tharja aren't blue
None of the relevant blue tomes is a NuFE character
>maid outfits
may spend some $
Is that supposed to be a palette swap of Eirika's brother with Hector's face?
>sonya is nufe
>Red Tome arguments
>autistic screeching
>Green Tome arguments
>autistic screeching
Actually this only happens with Tharja and Sonya. Ones like Lilina or Snacki people never get worked up over, it's just when one of those is involved.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder if there's a connection
No one gives a shit about Gaiden so she might as well be. Also mommyfags
FEH needs somethng similar to Friend Point Summoning from FGO.
you look like a cocksleeve
>mermaid Doot
Why am I not building on this guy, that sounds amazing.