Fighting Games General /fgg/
Kind memo that a game which lacks strong zoning, is a game not worth playing.
Kind memo in its first month Tekken 7 has lost a greater percenatege of its playerbase than SFV did within the same time frame.
Kind memo that Dragonball FighterZ will be a poorly crafted fighter with abysmal space control, awful movement when compared to the Marvel series, lack of assist variety, and no appreciable character archetype diversity.
H-He's fast
>yatagarasu abandoned their ggpo stretch goal
i want my $40 back
I want to kiss ibuki and lick her midriff
play bee
this guy is pathetic.....
>tfw Infinite is going to be my first 'real' Marvel game
Played MvC2 and 3 both casually but I'm only just now trying to get into fighting games seriously. Did I fuck up?
how much did hbr blow on that again
I'm going to give Jive another chance, should I main Ryu, Ed or Akuma?
I don't give a fuck about tiers, i'll beat everyone anyway
>capcom still didn't give meterless reversals their invincibility back
why'd they do it, bros?
Put Cummy in Mvci
>He fell for the GGPO meme
is smash a fighting game?
yes, marvel games are awful and shouldn't be taken seriously
to keep shoto frauds honest
This is a weapon.
We won't know until the game's released, but high level Marvel 3 is extremely frustrating.
How to fix Juri:
>Wheel kick now has air hitboxes and overheads (just give her one good move, Jesus Christ)
>Remove the icons showing which charge you have
>HP is -2 on block
>MP > c.HP combos now outside of FSE
>V Skill has faster start up but more recovery, charging it to level 2 makes it -3
Play Weiss
remove vat
free dp's were always gay
>trusting early access and crowdfunding games before is proven is not a scam
Is that a recording of a recording of a replay?
>1280x720 500 bitrate webm
at what point do characters become functions?
yeah man they should put fireballs on a cooldown too fucking spammers
it's a bot. he has a list of synonyms for "friendly reminder" (the original string) which randomizes after every thread to prevent filtering. the rest seems to be the same every time, so just filter that
when you stay on reddit
I've watched a lot of high level Marvel 3 and it does look pretty frustrating but it also must feel good to know you're one of the top players of one of the craziest fighting games ever made. I never thought I could be anything better than mid-tier or so but I'd be happy even getting that far. I'm still kicking myself for not getting into that game competitively.
I think Infinite looks really good just from a gameplay perspective.
don't remove the icons, I'm a retard and don't remember which ones I have stocked.
But those are alright but also
>Vt is now 2 bar
>start fully stocked every match
anyone gg rev2 eu?
teach us how to make good webms genius
How to fix that picture
>holy shit is that a fucking thigh
>seriously is it alive and sentient
>jesus christ that leg
How to fix Juri:
>Delete charges
>Make mk charge overhead
What's it
Why is he so perfect?
because of scrubs like you who mash dp during pressure. people who actually use dp properly are unaffected because they choose the one with the right invincibility now.
Do not remove cute weapons.
yo brick you wanna room together at ceotaku? bring your skirt
You're a faggot, we get it
light beats throw, medium beats strike, hp does damage, ex does all 3
Step 1: Up that fucking bitrate
Step 2: Reduce resolution, don't go under 640x360, becomes too small
Step 3: Up that fucking bitrate again
Step 4: Get as close to 3MB as possible
I'd much rather have wheel kick overhead than her mk charge
if you're going to guess whether to use a throw-invuln dp or a strike-invuln dp, then it's not really all that much better than just blocking or teching
is brick still wanted in canada for posting cp on the melty discord?
but I don't want his hard work to go unnoticed
I have a hardon for lolis
My friend bought me tekken and I've never played it in my life.
Who's a good starter character? Looking through the cast I like the look of Asuka, Lili and maybe Dragunov
Yes. I'm tasked by the RCMP to monitor any and all Brickactivities and report them to Ottawa. I'm paid to lurk /fgg/ until he's brought to justice.
>tfw u will never taste jam's cooking
>tfw u will never sniff jam's different types of pantsu she rotates through every day of the week
why even live?
There isn't. Prepare to learn every character and get your ass smashed by meme strings you don't know the data for offhand.
Dragonball Fighterz is going to be shit and there’s nothing you can do about it.
>only one assist per character while mvc2 and mvc3 came with 3
>homing dash and teleport mechanic homogenizes the cast and forces every character integrated into the game to come with flight. This means no Kid Goku, Roshi, Tao, or weaker characters like pretty much every female that isn’t 18. Whereas the MvC series had unorthodox “non” fighters like Frank West and Phoenix Wright
>Power levels actually matter so you can kiss the chances of humans ever being top tier in this game goodbye. Every team is going to have Beerus in them and the teams will be built around Beerus, he will be this game’s sentinel.
>Homing Dash removes complex movement and spacing since everyone will just spam it, and occasionally a divekick for mixup. No triangle dash like magneto
>Is a slave to the source material and just coypastas moves from the manga without just adding moves that characters haven’t used but make sense for the character thereby severely limiting roster choices. ChiChi in Super DBZ didn’t use most of the items given to her but it still makes sense for her character. So you’re going to be stuck with standard picks and no oddball choices because of that.
>ki blasts are literally useless and just take up valuable button space
>charge mechanic because le source material even though it’s also useless
>everyone just has stock beam supers. There’s literally no difference between Final Flash, Father son Kamehameha, and Solar Kamehameha other than the name, although they do look aesthetic
>no dp inputs to be found even though people criticize MvCI for that same reason, but at least Ryu and I think Frank West have them
What odor am I supposed to be smelling?
> Professional pad player enters arcade
> Where's the pad? No stick sorry.
> Gets laughed off, cornered in parking lot and beaten up, traumatized
Why play pad
wouldn't it be funny if someone modded chun and cammy into laura's volleyball outfit
jesus fuck. this shit makes me so fucking depressed that i'll never get a qt3.14 athletic gf. pictures and movies aren't enough for me anymore and i'm pretty sure i've gone through the entire list of fetishes.
its not a guess any longer, now its skill. the fact that you think this change makes it a guess just proves youre a dp mashing scrub.
imagine spreading her fucking cheeks and stuffing your face into that.
>Why play pad
because the whole
>enters arcade
scenario doesn't really happen for a lot of people anymore.
is brick a made up meme trip that various people use to post or does such person actually exist?
How are nips okay with paying a dollar per go? How the fuck did arcades ever get popular in the first place?
>Everyone plays the same minus Frieza and Majin Buu. Every combo is started with wall bounce or teleport into dragon rush followed up by simple combos and ending with a super.
>autocombos even being in the game
>no grabs at all but a shitty mechanic like dragon rush is implemented instead
>Is going to launch with 20 characters max, likely below that, and you can expect yearly rereleases that fractures the fanbase in typical arc sys fashion
>If they don’t go with the above it’ll be a broken mess like their other licensed anime ips HnK and Sengoku Basura
tl;dr this game is going to suck and people hoping it revives the dire state of fighting games are delusional.
>Going to Arcades or locals
Yeah, recent gameplay videos of Infinite definitely give a better impression of the gameplay by showing actual combos with some degree of difficulty instead of magic series OTG bullshit.
Competitive Marvel 3 isn't all it's cracked up to be, the even Marvel 2 was more honest.
Anyone wanna jive
I have never mashed in my life
Whats wrong with locals you fucking shitter.
Nah that's dank. Brick even streams sometimes, so we know he's a real human being.
The people
>tfw can't find locals that play anything but Smash or Injustice
literally everyone can do that much damage with a charged up move + full bars
>tfw WNF is literally three blocks from where you live but you're so bad you'd get laughed out of the venue
You may think this is an average fightstick, but it's actually inhabited by the spirit of Kuroda who uses his ancient GGXX #R knowledge to guide me through GG Xrd Rev2 tournaments.
Are you ugly?
I just wish Infinite had better aesthetics. Fuck me, at least 3 had a shit ton of charm and was visually amazing.
But then MvCI does look more honest too and it seems like it's a little better for me because I'm only just now getting into fightan seriously.
You insult everyone in this thread by having access to one of the most high profile locals in the world and not showing up.
Go next week for all of us who can't.
>Expecting matches from Fraud Gamers General
Try making a SFV general
no they cannot.
They did well with this one.
im glad that the arcade meme is almost over.
they absolutely can
I'm a shitter but I'd go there to try to get better.
>tfw you never went to final round even once while you were in college
frrrrrrrrrrp! fweeeeaaaarp! braap!!
i'm no casanova but i'm not igor either. why?
i just started last week. i want to go but i want to be at least gold or so before i do.
Newfags don't know arcade culture.
>can't do juri's second combo in the tutorial thing
should I just fucking kill myself now or what
>Being this fucking beta
permavirgin detected
That's... actually not a bad idea. No one even talks about SFV here
>tfw you go out to your locals whenever you can and have won 3/3 of the last tourneys you went to
>a bunch of ethnic minority dindus harass an innocent white person
I'm glad arcades are dying in Japan.
I swear to God sniffposting is gonna make me pick up Ibuki pretty soon
Balrog, Mika and Zangief can but that's about it.