I love Lissandra!
Please be patient with Sejfag and Ashefag, they have autism.
League of legends general /lolg/
akali is one of the weakest champions in the game
stop crying reddit kids
>Very Useful Links
>7.15 Patch Notes
>Champion and Skin Sales
>waiting patiently for new thread to ask question
>oh well I'll just ask it
>new thread 1 post later
heh good one
*presses 3 F R while pointing at your adc*
*does 2000 true damage*
*presses 4 for 2k shield per team member*
nothing personnel, position better kid
Do you unlock the rookie icon by just having an omega squad in your team?
Guess I'm not playing for a month
Should i use this shard, /lolg/?
Nasus is pretty good right now
xth for Syndra
xth for breast metal waifu
What champ took your pentakill virginity?
skin looks shit honestly, dreadknight nasus and galactic look the best
dude weed lmao420 nasus is o k if you want to meme it up
What? The three quests I've gotten have nothing to do with the Omega Squad champions or their skins. The initial quest is literally just play 1 game. Even in co-op Vs. AI, which unlocks the PvP gold quests.
Well, you tried.
Is there a definite way to top lane? I can say I properly main Jungle with Support as side role and I can ADC decently well as I'm good at bot-lane dynamics, but top? Holy shit, I don't remember the last time I won top. At best I don't feed.
It's like that lane is always full of buffed up roided super monsters. Everyone is faster, does more damage, has more health, is more tanky than me. I absolutely always feed or lose my lane, a best I play some Galio or Malph and hope to get tanky enough and be useful during teamfights. I can't play that role for the life of me, even if I go FOTM meta picks.
maybe I just don;t understand toplane dynamics, but I really can't play that lane at all. At first I thought it's the champions that I play, but after a while I simply decided I probably just suck myself.
its a super old skin, there are better ones you can get for the same dust
>He can't win without Akali buffs
Silver shitter please.
the one and only
That picture is so fucking ugly holy shit stop posting it.
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
I miss maxing E
you can do it user!
>he dies to akali
go kys bronze nigger
>Tfw never gotten an official penta
Xth for Akali.
>+28 to both resistances at level 16 makes you practically impossible to burst from full health
>"nah hit me up with that 30 second reduction to flash, senpai"
pls dont bully me out of cs good sir.
The Dunkmaster
I lost that game, its still the only penta I've ever gotten. I almost got one as Viktor about a months ago, but died at the last second. I still wonder if buying Zhonya's before Void Staff would have made a difference
I always felt like Penta was a luck thing. I play this game for 6+ years and I've never got a proper Pentakill, only in ARAM once with Gnar like some years ago. At best I got a delayed quadra + another kill. The fact that I tend to play tanks probably doesn't help either.
It was _Azir on summoners rift.
however Quinn did it in aram.
Have yet to get one because my teammates think it's funny to take the last kill as I am about to get it. No big deal though. I'll get one when I get one.
i had a game today where my irelia got 2 pentakills and one quadra (it was aram and she just ks'd but still)
me personally, katarina when i started
looloo in normals I think
Shyvana last season. Don't do low health barons kids
>game somwhow not over after the first penta
not an argument
i miss teleporting behind enemy
pretty much this
Depends on what you're playing.
Are you a real toplaner, or are you scum?
Depends entirely on the champ, excellent for fighters and tougher ADC's, not so good for the squishy adc's that will die regardless making flash much more worth it.
Also the game doesn't start at lvl 16
Yeah, had a friend do this. Twice, actually. It's weird because he'd have blown the fuck up if I did the same.
Partially. Maokai or Sion simply won't get as many multikills as, say, Darius, Katarina or Akali. I got a ton of triples/quadras on Renekton and Swain when starting out.
this shit's been happening since his stack changes came out
why'd riot give him even more buffs
what role do i play if i want to be a special snowflake
>flash never got removed
>bitches continue not to cry
I miss old memes
its my 2nd role so i just play tanks.
Just go bard/blitz/taric every game
I love Ms. Buvelle!
Do you love someone user? Tell me about them! Why do you love them?
So are they planning to nerf botrk? I understand it's not the newest hottest thing but they canceled the passive nerf for ranged champs and went quiet, while it's still commonly rushed on many adcs and is pretty strong. Or have they settled to allowing botrk to exist as an alternative to full crit?
avatarfag as a support
I love Sarah Fortune because she has bigger breasts than Sona!
Fair enough.
You will be spared. For now.
Top lane has always been like that, usually whoever loses lane can't make a comeback due to the length of the lane and the nature of the match ups. Winning early trades and achieving a level advantage is most important.
Perseverance is the one that has surprised me. Laning is a breeze.
i'm waiting
Next champion is going to be a fire giant from the freljord. Should be on PBE next cycle.
Ty sir, wont happen again.
juggernaut or cc tank
riot already confirmed its an initiator tank though
so its an assassin. great
It was with Irelia a few years ago
Is there anything to do in Warframe besides grinding now?
[something about raping Lulu]
tristana has cute ears
>still no buff focused enchanter
Here you go. Sadly I'm not good at drawing snouts in perspective.
>losing from champion select
Riot really needs a way to change this. You shouldn't be forced to play a game you know you're going to lose because of bad teammates.
u wott faget
Lulu has literally 3 buffs.
haha! leavers can't win games summoner!
>Be bronze in season 3
>Had a Morde on my team, and he was carrying the fuck out of us
>He was facetanking 3 people, then their Jax WALKED PAST ME
>I cleaned up and got my first penta as sivir
Those were simpler times...
reeeee why are you picking anything but the two meta picks in each role this is lost XD
just dodge bro
Problem fuckin solved if you're not retarded. b-but muh promos. Then carry the retards.
>implying anyone at riot games could code that without it giving 2500 ad to everyone in the game
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
and murder anyone who even thinks about hurting her
The only ways to win top lane is to autisticly one trick a lane bully or to play a tank and wait for your team to win lane for you. Any other advantage you get is due to the enemy being a shitter and not you being good. Also, are you any good at mid?
stay away from my waifu please
too bad shes a ugly sack of grapes
>still no buff based enchanter that non-autists will want to play
thanks bro, you saved my life
>Any other advantage you get is due to the enemy being a shitter and not you being good.
Isn't this every 1v1 ever
generally when you win anything is because your opponent was worse
>ywn look like this
1.5 years playing this game and my only penta was with mf
Why would a man want to look like Miss Fortune?
>Implying anyone that isn't an autist will want to main a support
>implying Rito games would allow such a character to be a viable solo laner
You ask for the impossible.
Thanks, friend.
>Pick something super fucking tanky.
>Miss farm on purpose so the enemy is always pushing into you.
>Freeze under your turret forever.
>Never get into a situation where you can get tower dived.
>What ever you do do not fucking die, don't even trade if you don't have to. Just sit next to your tower and farm.
>Only try to kill when your jungler comes and only if you can win.
>It's okay to lose turret and farm as long as you don't die.
The purpose of top lane is to be another camp for the jungler. Your goal is to make the juiciest looking camp physically possible. Then when laning phase ends you win because you're tankier than that faggot who picked fiora and got zero kills and multiple deaths because she was under your turret all game trying to CS.
The most important thing is to not try whatsoever to win, just let the victory come to you naturally.
Did you forget what board this is It might as well be Video Gays
>speed buff
what else?
To get fucked by hunks, obviously.
Katarina. I don't even play her, I was just trying her out after her first rework so many years ago.
It still feels kind of dirty, like she seduced me, used me for her pleasure,
and then left me
post yfw:
>Lulu toplane becomes the meta cancer of S8
haha XD zed mid talon top shaco jg vs 3 tanks and they're first timers/beginnginers at their champs
totally my fault XDDDD
I already dodged because i one game someone instalocked vayne jg and wasn't trading with anyone
how do i play twitch
and which skin do i buy
vayne in aram followed (i think immediately) by cait in ranked. it was a nice play too i even flashed over walls to kill people. it felt good
Don't bother if you don't have Medieval