Questionable Decisions Edition
Questionable Decisions Edition
First for space magic
>trying to do Atheon with LFG groups that are filled with people using unleveled LMGs and shotguns
I just want the emblem
>Uhhh, yeah. In the beta. Hence the comparison I draw
Weapons didn't have empty modifier slots in the beta.
>Proof. Also still talking about how opaque it is, not the color being .03% darker/lighter.
"Greyed out" is literally being made darker from a lighter color. Your personal impression is not sufficient proof.
We homostuck now
>Magic everywhere
Not with Destiny 2's cooldowns...
>Weapons didn't have empty modifier slots in the beta.
They also did not show up at all in the inventory screen. The only mods were the element damage on the secondary. By the way, better devils did not have a mod slot at all.
>is literally being made darker
>A greyed out graphical control element is one that is displayed with a light shade of grey (or lighter color)
>light shade
Jesus, can you get anything right? Just one fucking thing leaf. One fucking thing.
Xth for the proper alternate boner clan. Comes with plenty of pre-installed memes.
I see literally no reason to change Boner clans
We're not full at all, we've trimmed most of the fat not too long ago
Clan leadership posts on here semi regularly, just without a trip (as it should be, fucking fags)
So why are Boners still "unconfirmed" when the PS and PC clans are still at war with the redditor over which clan to use?
Because they haven't said anything unlike Hitch and Bob
>They also did not show up at all in the inventory screen. The only mods were the element damage on the secondary. By the way, better devils did not have a mod slot at all.
No weapons had empty ability modifier slots in the beta. You can't draw a comparison of modifier slots between weapons and armor in the beta, because weapons don't have them. You can't draw a comparison between modifier slots in the gameplay reveal, because you don't know if armor has them. At best you could try some sort of weapon-in-gameplay-reveal to armor-in-beta comparison, but it requires a lot of assumptions (including that no UI elements have changed in the obviously different builds).
>A greyed out graphical control element is one that is displayed with a light shade of grey (or lighter color)
That's when you have a BLACK element, idiot. We have WHITE elements, greying out makes it DARKER. Are you seriously trying to claim that grey is lighter than white?
Not to mention I've been adminning it for 4 years and I don't wanna.
Okay listen up you faggots, Armors and Weapons don't magically use different inventory systems, if the weapons had an extra slot it would have shown up.
>No weapons had empty ability modifier slots in the beta.
No weapons had a mod slot shown in the inventory at all.
> c...cant draw c...comparisions
OK, then neither can you, and the statement of "the only CDR we have seen is from mod slots" is 100% unproven, and being as we now can't draw comparisons at all due to you being BTFO, you can't not even assume it is with your logic.
>Argueing with the actual definition of greyed out
Lel, this is so rich. Furthermore, your assumption of light being a function of color is hilarious. But you being categorically wrong is great.
Are there even any old boner admins left from BoX?
Nah bruh the extra perk was clearly a mod.
Any left? Sure. Any that give a fuck about posting in thread and namefagging? Nope.
Probably for the best then. Will the band be going into D2?
>Doesn't know how to read the UI.
Really activates the almonds.
>the mod slot is not separate from the perk slot!
>OK, then neither can you
Alright then. The only effects we've seen are in a quantum superposition between armor perks and armor mods. You have no evidence that they'll be significantly stronger than Destiny 1 effects, and no evidence that we'll be able to stack armor perks with armor mods.
>Lel, this is so rich. Furthermore, your assumption of light being a function of color is hilarious. But you being categorically wrong is great.
Uh, yeah, in basic color theory, white is light, black is dark. You literally cannot grey out white text by making it lighter. Greying out white text means replacing it with grey, which is darker than white.
>lightness (light vs. dark, or white vs. black)
I just really want to get my Vex Mythoclast.
You have no evidence we won't be able to stack said mods, nor how weak or strong they will be. Congrats, you backed yourself into a no win scenario because you are to much of a brainlet to think critically.
>still arguing against the literal definition of greyed out.
Kek, yeah you are a special snowflake. Fuck books and reading, and things like "definitions"
>You have no evidence we won't be able to stack said mods, nor how weak or strong they will be. Congrats, you backed yourself into a no win scenario because you are to much of a brainlet to think critically.
I don't need that evidence, because the burden of proof is on you to overcome the added complexity your theory and certainty requires. There is a significant probability that Destiny 2 launches with shitty long cooldowns, and gear that provides only inadequate reductions. It's possible it'll be otherwise, but I wasn't disagreeing with that as a possibility. I was disagreeing with the assertion that it was so certain that everything will be fine. It's not certain, at all.
>white to grey
Someone who knows so little about color theory has no place lecturing anyone about UI design.
Greying out means fading foreground to background. When you have dark foreground and light background, this results in a lightening effect. When you have a light foreground and a dark background, you get a darkening effect.
>when the PS and PC clans are still at war with the redditor over which clan to use?
There is no war. You can call hitch's clan what ever you want, but it won't ever be Density.
Kid's not an admin for Density.
>still going at it
wait what's be up
>because the burden of proof is on you
To prove that "the only CDR is in mod slots"? Nah, that would be the guy who stated that.
>There is a significant probability
Now now user, as you VERY clearly said, we can't draw conclusions! You have no proof of any statement you just made, nor can you draw conclusions based upon old builds.
>still arguing against litteral definition of greyed out
Never gets old with you leafs. Absolutely incapable of admitting he is wrong. What's next, conspiracys?
>light being a function of color
It is though.
>getting buttflustered you don't get to play mommy anymore
You literally offered the name up for anyone that wanted it yesterday (which noone did because Density is old shit)
>To prove that "the only CDR is in mod slots"? Nah, that would be the guy who stated that.
To prove that there will be enough cooldown reduction available to get ability cooldowns similar to Destiny 1, with sufficient certainty to justify laughing at anyone who's worried otherwise.
>Now now user, as you VERY clearly said, we can't draw conclusions!
>I have no understanding of statistics or quantification of uncertainty
"A significant probability of X" does not rule out "a significant probability of not X". If all you want to say is that you're happy because you trust Bungie, that's fine. But when you insult other people for being worried, you cross the line into gross arrogance, because you do not have the evidence to backup your claims. It may be persuasive to you, but it is not actual proof.
>Never gets old with you leafs. Absolutely incapable of admitting he is wrong. What's next, conspiracys?
>Doesn't understand that Wikipedia can be incomplete or inaccurate, especially on minor topics
But sure, continue to pretend you're right.
This. Guy said "we can't draw conclusions". You threw that in his face. Watch as it comes out he meant that "Only I can draw conclusions and you cant". These types of faggots are insufferable because they never admit they are wrong.
I offered up Destiny General. I never said I would let the Density names out for Hitch to grab.
All I said was that I'd change the names so that we could make new and revised Density clans, if the majority wanted the old ones gone.
Why would I suddenly give up Density when I'v been part of it for so long? That would be fucking stupid. I offered Hitch and Admin role in Density, and that's all I'm offering.
That would be like Don and Zippy giving away Alpha team when D2 drops.
>"A significant probability of X" does not rule out "a significant probability of not X".
Except, based upon your own logic you cannot say there is a significant probability of anything because, again, we can't draw conclusions!! The only thing you have left is, "WELL BUNGO IZ DUM" If that is the case, why buy their game you idiot?
>To prove that there will be enough cooldown reduction available to get ability cooldowns similar to Destiny 1
You cannot PROVE otherwise. Again, going back to your brainlet ass who can't fucking think critically for a single moment.
>t...the definition is wrong.
Conspiracy. Like fucking pottery. You leafs are something else man.
You lost the original argument fag. It's logical, with plenty of evidence, that supports mod slots being visually different from perks. Which is kind of fucking obvious for a million reasons. Go away.
(taken) KANGZ
How does it feel to know that everyone in dg is laughing at you?
>>Except, based upon your own logic you cannot say there is a significant probability of anything because, again, we can't draw conclusions!
No, those are not equivalent statements. "Cannot draw conclusions" means "cannot set probabilities close to 0% or 100%". There are lots of meaningful values between those. Like 50%.
Additionally, I never actually said "you can't draw conclusions". I said that two types of comparisons were invalid because there were important differences that obfuscated the usefulness of the comparisons. YOU said I can't draw conclusions. Which I disagree with. For example, I can conclude that there will be guns in Destiny 2.
What can't be concluded is whether there will be cooldown reduction perks on armor, cooldown reduction perks as mods, or both (and if both, can they stack). Nor can we conclude how strong they will be. What that means is that probability is distributed among all the options. And thus, there is no contradiction in saying there is a significant probability of them being only mods and inadequate. There is also significant probability of them being both armor perks and mods, and sufficient.
Why even bother with density?
Everyone will play together for a month or so before half of them quit and move on to other games or create other meme clans with some new clique. A year from now there will barely be enough density members on to fill a raid group.
4 years of being CIA, to be tossed because of Bane. Aight, that's fine with me if that's what you big guys want.
I really don't understand some of you big guys, buy do what you do, I tried.
matt, you're an old namefag as far as /dg/ is concerned, you've been here basically since the general started existing
your critical flaw is believing that veteran status means anything
There's going to be a fuckload of meme clans, and I have absolutely no control over that.
But I'm not giving Density to Hitch.
Because clans matter now unlike the first game? If people go inactive then the moderators can just clear them out for new blood around christmas time.
It's nothing like Alpha Team though
Wow guys. Just did a comparison between the base grenade recharge rates between D1 and D2 (for hunter) Base grenade recharge for hunter is 1 min. (no displine bonus). Base grenade recharge for D2 is 55 seconds
Based on
Logically, being that there is 5 tiers of reduction in d1, I would assume each perk gives you one tier, all 5 armors perked out give you the same CDR.
>still giving a fuck
Dude, just shut up. It's just sad now.
>I'm not giving density to hitch
LOL You don't really have a choice he took the name and he beat you to it, stop being so autistic, he runs the clan now fuck of
I'll going into D2 but not on Xbone, switching over to PC.
Ahhh, so what you meant is I cannot draw comparisons, but of course you can. This shit is fucking pottery.
What comparison did I draw, faggot?
Holy shit you are a moron. You did nothing at all in Density lmao. You just sat there with Admin beside your name pretending you're important. Who the fuck want a wining crybaby bitch like you as an Admin?
4 years of being an Admin, to be tossed because of shitposting. Aight, that's fine with me if that's what you guys want.
I really don't understand some of you guys, but you do what you do. I tried.
Hitch is a literal who who I rather have someone this community knows run the PC clan
To add, base super time is 5:30. Now, I can't test this nor am I THAT autistic to find a video where nobody picks up or a, but I would be willing to place D2s recharge rates right at 5 mins or so as well.
Destiny 2 does not recharge, at a base level, any slower than D1.
>matt samefagging
lol, sad, its either you or one of your skype faggots
After max CDR that lowers to 3:40 per ult, or about a 50% reduction.
Stacking pure CDR on every peice of gear, thus loseing out on whatever, I can see D2 getting close to 50% reduction cap.
Is this whole slow recharging bullshit making mountains out of molehills? Furthermore, why the fuck did nobody do this?
That's the gameplay reveal, which is a different build from beta. Also, it looked like people had ability cooldown perks/mods on their armor in the gameplay reveal, which if true, means those numbers you list are after cooldown reductions. The beta had 7:30 cooldown supers and 82 second cooldown grenades.
Proof of beta recharge times?
Only one peice of gear from the reveal had CDR, right?
I'm not sure, but I think each slot affected a different ability (and 4 pieces of armor for 4 abilities).
Beta cooldowns:
>Realistic recommended specs from a console developer for once
Good on you Bungie.
This is actually great. Assuming only one perk of CDR (one per armor peice), it lowered grenade by a whopping 33% per perk. 4 gear lowering 33% each time (of course, of actual value not of base), would put it at 17 seconds. That seems crazy low, which makes the grenade being underpowered make sense.
This is also assuming no diminishing returns beyond not going by base. Shit man, to me this is looking like a mountain out of molehill situation the more I look into it.
Do you guys think it'll feel weird if I just don't even touch Rise of Iron?
It's not that I don't want to play it, it's that I don't want to pay 30 motherfucking dollarydoos to play it.
raifus need not be rifles
>Assuming you can stack the perk
>Only benefits one ability
>mountain out of molehill
Bullshit. Raifus must be rifles. Otherwise it's a gunfu.
With the min specs being G4560/1050, what kind of performance would you get out of G4560/1050ti? Would it be better than console?
Some perks you can stack in D1, and the perks to mod relationship is also in question. Worst comes to worst one perk one mod will put you at 37 seconds (assuming equal scaleing), which is only 10 seconds off max CDR, and no big deal (to me)
>one ability
Hey, gear just didn't give you int or str. Why not a perk giving you two CDR stats?
>Takes 15 hours to respond.
>Still think guns are raifus.
I stand corrected. THIS is how retarded you can get.
You're a petty fuck, Matt.
If you have to ask, then your PC isn't good enough.
>Worst comes to worst
Worst comes to worst there are no perks, only mods, no stacking, and you get 33% off each ability. Which is 55 second grenades (except for -bolt types, which are 60 base and would be 40 after reduction) and melees (except for hunters who get 66 second melees), just under 5 minutes for supers, 55 second rifts, 25 second barricades, and 17 second dodges. Which is like T0-T1, maybe T2 tops for grenades.
>Hey, gear just didn't give you int or str. Why not a perk giving you two CDR stats?
Because that's not how Bungie designed the gear in the gameplay reveal, and the only cooldown effects we've seen are singular? If we're talking about freeform design, I'd get rid of cooldown perks entirely and just lower ability cooldowns to something reasonable.
You've got beyond the point of no return, you literal retard. Fuck off.
>thinks being a grizzled ancient works anywhere but reddit and Bnet
>thinks people actually care about your "contributions"
>thinks Density means shit to the general
You've become the meme
>Considering getting a port from a developer that hasn't had a PC port since 2004 with anything less than a GTX970
See what I'm talking about? There's no drama or arguments, its spastic matt repeatedly getting triggered by low quality bait. One guy's meltdown does not make a clan drama.
Actually Destiny 2 is a collaboration work between Bungie and High Moon Studios, and High Moon is pretty good at developing for PC.
No, they're just porting it, not designing anything.
>I'd get rid of cooldown perks entirely and just lower ability cooldowns to something reasonable.
That would make sense if CDR mods didn't stack because you'd get one of each by virtue of not having any other choice. Which means it's probably not your worst case scenario because that's dumb.
>That would make sense if CDR mods didn't stack because you'd get one of each by virtue of not having any other choice. Which means it's probably not your worst case scenario because that's dumb.
Unless the point is make people trade cooldown reduction perks for other perks, like increased grenade throw distance, faster reload, or increased ammo capacity, etc...
Which is what I'm worried about.
I'd much rather a literal who than a desperate tripfag. Fuck self realised thread celebrities.
Even then I'd still have a 970 at the least, its got another card generation until its significantly weaker in performance, right now its still a great card. I also say this specifically for Destiny 2 because Standard PS4 specs are about equal to a below average CPU and a GTX 760ti and that runs both D1 and 2 at 1080/30.
For a smooth 1080/60 at around max settings the recommended specs from them are 3.1 GHz CPU and a 970 and personally I think that sounds about right.
Whoa now hold on I though you said CDR was mods only.
You have it the other way around, it was perks not mods in the reveal. But yeah, but i fail to see why mods would not, well, mod.
>worst case
I suppose your idea would be absolute worse case but i don't find it reasonable. I think no CDR stacking mods and no stacking perks, but they cross stack would be better. Another option that would achieve the same thing is a mod that says "increase perks on armor by 100%" or whatever.
>only cool downs we have seen are singular
Stat on early level green gear is singular in D1 too.
>No, they're just porting it, not designing anything.
U mad bro?
I like High Noon, the Transformer games were fun.
>would be better.
*more reasonable.
Do you want to have a discussion or do you want to be a pedantic shit? Because that's not actually a counterargument.
>Which is what I'm worried about.
Why? There is always a trade off.
>No, they're just porting it, not designing anything.
This is factually wrong. They worked with Bungie on TTK and ROI. They're not there specifically for the port, they're there to supplement the Bungie dev team.