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Mini-campaigns are gone, 4 LL packs instead

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Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Dark Elves In-Engine Trailer

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - High Elves Let's Play

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>FAQs and General Info


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I'm a beastman.

Kislev or Araby, who first?

Can hangunners shoot over humans to hit monstrous enemies?

beyond my comprehension...

I really like beastmen more than any other race. Why so?

I keep forgetting how idiotic the AI is

We both know why.

oh boy, gonna be great having half in my infantry incinerated in the first volley

Use the other thread first


who is stronger, Nagash or a skeleton?

Kislev has at least some units in the lore, unlike Araby

Don't worry the AI can't handle artillery

>so this was the big tough guy huh?
>yeah, the fuccboi wasn't so tough after getting my hammer up his ass


Sarthorael will be a LL in the third game im guessing?
Which other LLs will there be for the other chaos factions?


>Morgrim is the son of Grimnir and Valaya and Snorri Whitebeard's half-brother
>he is considered an ancestor god
>Snorri Whitebeard however is not despite being the son of Grungni and Valaya

How this work?

>9 full units of eternal guards can't kill a single minotaur in a jagged-horn tribe army consisting of 6 units of minotaurs, while being backed up by archers and orion
fuck this shit



Total War POKEMON when

Always the earlier one, which means not this one.

So basically right now we are having 3 "chaos" factions in Warhammer 1: WoC, Beasties and Norsca.
All of them revolve around Chaos Gods and their marks. Which one of them is closer to the chaos, more favoured by its powers?

Im guessing the one which has the champion of chaos

So it is WoC then.

I dont understand the question.

Silly, go back to plebbit where you can enjoy simple conversations.

What's a good skill setup for the Fay Enchantress? I can't get a hold on the Brets.

Are you guys of the opinion that it's better to use Reiksguard, KotBS or demigryphs with lances for rear charges as the Empire? To use in tandem with some halberd demigryphs who will win the cavalry engagement.

humans are the favorite pawns and toys of the Chaos gods currently

Always Demigryphs if money's not the problem.

Also, I don't think you need halberds for cavarly, Demigryphs themselves shoud cave other cavarly covered.

Possible DLC races for 2?
Skaven are most likely to be in the base game
Chaos dwarfs
Tomb kings


Chorfs, tomb kangz and ogres

*jezzails your general*

psh... nothing peronsell, man-thing

*gasses the dwarf box formation*
Nothing personal manlets

>I got this



I take the Vigour skill, the +10MD for Grailsters, then magic. Most of her red skill unit buffs are crap, and I just generally don't like the blue skills, beyond +10% movement.

It is now July, a chill wind blows in Naggaroth but the sea of malice is beginning to thaw. From Ghrond, a messenger comes bearing word of an ancient prophecy involving the lands of north Lustria. The Hag Queens offer many sacrifices to Khaine, while their underlings train relentlessy. Meanwhile the Druchii of Clar Karond whip their slaves ceaselessly in preparation for the Witch-Kings coming campaign.
A great fleet is being assembled and the armies of the Druchii arm themselves for total war, domination by a best elf soon!

>Skink tending to a meditating Slann, ca. -1650 C

>Sarthorael will be a LL in the third game im guessing?
>not kairos
also I'll be pissed if lords of change & bloodthirsters don't fly.

Based Justinian took care of two Moorish stacks for me

That beastmen lord with wings doesnt fly either
Dont get your hopes up

What is the best race and why is it the Dark Elves?

Odd way to say the beastmen

Is Europa Barbarorum II worth time?

The first one wasn't so no

So I tried out a couple custom games to see if big units were as OP as they seemed
Is there even a point in building anything but Arachnaroks as Orcs? They literally cannot be beaten by any AI army

Because they have the best king, best mom, best babes and best hydra.

>is there even a point in not cheesing the game
How about having fun?

No user, I'm afraid that if you do make entire armies out of your faction's most expensive and powerful units the AI will find it quite hard to defeat you.

They cost a lot and you need a high tier building
Not so easy to recruit

>No Kharibdyss even though it's just a reskinned Hydra


So in other words, no, there is no point building anything else
Got it, thanks
Yeah but even like 3 of them can beat anything but the absolutely highest tier full stacks
You gotta remember there's also an Orc lord in there and so far I've never been able to get that guy killed no matter who I throw him against

some of you are okay. don't go to the warp gate tomorrow.

why doesn't a single bullet to the dome kill Kholek and other large things
why do only the front ranks fire as though in a line battle when you target things in the air

only losers have fun, I play to win

It wouldn't make sense since there are no naval battles.

The Kharibdyss comes out from sea, if anything it should be a summonable like Krell.

Or be a dick, thats fine.

They look pretty cool

The chest hole on this thing looks dumb.

A single bullet to the dome won't kill a lot of large animals either, and Kholek is a roughly 30 foot tall lightning powered monster
In tabletop cannons could fucking annihilate the majority of monsters, which is kind of what you would expect even if the target is twice the size of an elephant

Everyone is using this one already

>why doesn't a single bullet to the dome kill Kholek and other large things

Gee I don't fucking know, because it would make monster units fucking useless if a single bullet killed them?

Why do shields block bullets?

they showed concept art of the kharibdyss in today's video


>A single bullet to the dome won't kill a lot of large animals either
that's not true at all so long as it hits the brain, name one animal that wouldn't

pretty stupid to make them so powerful when gunpowder is around in your fantasy world then

never 4get



Getting past the skull is the hard part smartass

Do you have any idea how thick Kholek's skull has to be? His bone density has to be fucking crazy to support all that weight as it is. Bullets probably bounce off his fuckin' skull.

>X-Files theme plays

Those are gonna be two very long months.

also no medusa tits

they have a decentraliezd nervous system, there's no single central brain to kill them

>still no standard bearers in-game
>but they draw concept art with them in it
God damn it.

>concept art

That's from one of GWs books.

yeah it'd be pretty hard for a fucking whale, not for an anthropomorphic thing like kholek with a humanoid framework, unless his brain is in his stomach or some stupid bollocks

What? He said getting past the skull is the hard part
The skull is the bone part m8

>Chaos dwarfs
That's game 3


>why do only the front ranks fire as though in a line battle when you target things in the air
pretty sure all ranks fire in Warhammer m8

so Kholek with his human upper body and all that is actually just a big cockroach

hitting flatter bones like the skull is easier to break IIRC, and Empire bullet velocity would have to be pretty shitty to just plink off the skull bone like that

Isn't the Empire basically at the early musket tier of guns? Also, what if his skull bone is so dense that it's as hard as diamond?

Nigger his skull bone is probably thicker than a regular human.

>two hundred turns into an Empire campaign
>greenskins won the badlands bowl
>they declare war on me
>they're also the strongest faction
>karl and a random lord are stationed in grenzsdat, both have good armies
>7 fucking stacks appear at Blackfire Pass
>all of them have shit like black orcs, trolls, giants, doom-divers
>lightning strike them with both of my armies there, manage to drive them back
>end turn
>no more waves
>move more armies towards the Pass
>before I know it they send TWELVE (12) stacks to Blackfire Pass and another 3 towards Nuln

If bears today can take hits to the noggin from modern firearms and shrug it off I'm sure kholek can take a few from muskets

The last Moorish army. The Imperial Legions defeated two invading forces in the west some months ago, leaving two other armies to be dealt with by Belisarius. They were sieging Hadrumentum and its defending Legion when Belisarius arrived with relief forces consisting of over five thousand men.

He attacked from the south, relieving the southern section of the city as the army responsible for that part of the siege fled when they sighted the Roman force. Their mistake had been made, as they ran towards the coast and away from their allied army. The Roman force descended upon them and broke them, leaving the last Moorish army to stand alone. It tried to flee and head into the desert, but it had been surrounded by the Roman army and the defending Legion sallied out to defeat the Moors.

And now the Moorish king leads his battered force against ten thousand men, a brave act, if not a foolish one. He'll die well in battle.

>lightning strike them

That's a grudge.

they can't though, bears drop hard when you hit them and penetrate the brain, every animal would
there's a webm I had of someone doming a bear when it charged but I can't find it now, they certainly don't just shrug it off though, you'd just think that because of the relativity of the size of the bear and what kills it

Was it a great victory, worthy of Roman arms?

I'm new to TWWH, how do I beat large units? I'm having PTSD flashbacks to Oliphaunts in Third Age TW, but at least those tended to break morale easily

Penetrating the skull is the hard part, and I'm told that bear skulls are pretty fucking hard

Halberds/Spears and Ranged units

What's the most and least fun campaign of the five main races?

My opinion


Units with the Anti Large trait are good for that. Focusing ranged units can also work. I had three (admittedly veteran) ranged units focus on a Giant, he dropped in seconds.