ETA 8d0h
>ES and Life manifesto
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
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ETA 8d0h
>ES and Life manifesto
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
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1st for lightning attack skills not being shit.
For new players
>dont ever play standard
>start on softcore, migrate to hc once you learn the game
>dont EVER map with randoms
>solo loot is best loot
>ssf is master race
>do NOT give GGG money unless its for stash tabs/something that improves your gameplay experience
God bless ProjectPT who died for our sins(even though hes an autistic unshaven neck)
fuck you I'll buy all the high cost supporter packs and all the cosmetics with my ridiculous disposable income. : ^ )
I really want to play SSF but I also want to play
with friends
thought it was being released this weekend but it's actually next weekend
>3.0 objectively worser
>sheeple chomping at the tit to play it for free
>ssf hc
>run strand only/same zones for a year now
>ssf hc
>run new maps/new content
>ssf hc
>repeat turds(unless they release a REAL TRADING SYSTEM)
reminder to never give GGG money again
I really want to know how PT looks without his beard and his stupid girly hair
ARPGs are so 2001
being straight is so 2001 so you better start sucking dick
PT is a shitter
ur a shitter
Won more demis than PT. Didn't burn out on the game either.
Who's the shitter now (still me)
>play on hc
PT was an honorable man.
He wanted nothing but the best for the game for its growth, but he also wanted to keep the game challenging and complex.
GGG went in the opposite direction of what his vision (and vision of many others was) and so he quit
He was someone who had his principles and had his vows
He would not play unethical builds and he would not be a speedshitter.
He would respect player interaction above all.
He left us too soon.
The saviour we needed but the saviour you guys cast aside.
>tfw too poor to buy even a single armor mtx
>talisman league ended before I could snag the rigwald body armor, so only have boots and gloves
>forced to be a half naked pantsless hobo every league
I really hope they make the 3.0 challenge rewards an armor set, it's been a long time since talisman and it'd be a good way to celebrate 3.0
He played several double dipping builds. He is a heathen and a shitter. He left because he was autistically playing 12 + hours a day and got unrationally upset with tiny things like the pages of vendors items. He was lord shitter and nothing if value was lost when he left
PT was an annoying shitter..
He wanted nothing but the worst for the game for his growth, but he also wanted to keep his twitch donations coming.
GGG went in the opposite direction of what his vision (and vision of many other shitters was) and so he quit
He was someone who had no principles and was two-faced
He would play garbage builds and he would take 15 minutes to clear a blue t7
He would respect drama whoring above all.
He ragequit the game like the little bitch
The retard we needed but the retard who didn't know when to stop
are you retarded ?
every build used double dipping
I never saw PT running around strands 3M dps poison BF but that must be just me
He played blade fall traps lad. Just because he didn't reach the same dps doesn't mean he was ethical
>Only one (you)
>when Chris was still happy and had hair
reminder that projectPrettyTerrible abused blasphemy temp chains with tons of curse effect and then complained that mobs move too slow and can't do anything
that was before he sold his soul to the jews and started selling 500 dollar supporter packs instead of producing content for the game
I remember that one time I was watching ProjectPoop help his viewers with passive trees and he picked minion leech nodes for an SRS build
>king shitter is a shitter
i honestly don't get how anyone could like his autism
but he sold 1k supporter packs back in 2012
>the quality of the game is proportionate to the amount of hair Chris has on his head
he helped me with my build back then dude dont be mean
theory: projectqueerfag was too scared of being embarrassed by superior ssf players so he fabricated a reason to quit before the 2.6 ssf league
Reminder that you're a fucking idiot.
PT played ssf before it was cool
our guys: havoc, steelmage, alkaizer, exif
reddit's guys: mathil, shiggyd, zizaran, projectdiaper
projectPT is BASED and better than 95% of /poeg/ including me(and i'm the best player in /poeg/)
>our guys
>no steyox
No he didnt you can literally go to ziggy's YouTube and see him playing self imposed ssf before PT even existed in the PoE world
steyox is reddit's little bitch
not our guy, never has been, never will be
Waggle and mors are the only PoE Streamers I even look at these days. Though I haven't watched lately.
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
- ProjectPT 1:7
havoc is reddit
PT was and always will be /ourguy/
chris regreted PT leaving so much he dedicated one of his divination cards to him
>the best poe racer is a softcore player
could hardcucks be any more BTFO?
thanks dude
wow dude
kapow dude
reminder 3.0 will break all kinds of records and all the naysayers will be on suicide watch
>The Atlas of Worlds expansion has the best game performance of any Path of Exile release yet
>The Atlas of Worlds expansion has the best game performance of any Path of Exile release yet
>The Atlas of Worlds expansion has the best game performance of any Path of Exile release yet
>The Atlas of Worlds expansion has the best game performance of any Path of Exile release yet
i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about projectpt. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
our guys don't spread cancer so they can't be our guys
The reddit clip thread with dansgaming laughing at PoE being playable with a controller got locked by whiteknight GGG mods because people shittalked xbox
my sides
It will break records then everyone will quit 2 weeks in when they see how dogshit the build diversity is.
reminder that steyox and bakedchicken are our guys
the same thing was said about 2.0 and the game has done nothing but grow since then
reddit, not even once
bakedchicken isn't even a guy
Thanks redditspy
It's really cool of you to browse reddit all the time as though you were a redditor so that you can report back to us.
but don't forget jdance, execut1on and contrax
These 2 are literally the definition of shitcrows
2.0 was shit, the game grew in the leagues after that when they added more power creep and build diversity.
You would have to be retarded to not check the PoE reddit once in a while as GGG posts literally all their info their 2 days before they post it on their site
Literally everyone in this general checks the PoE reddit atleast once a day for updates
t. literal who streamers shilling
this desu
game was ded from 2.0 until Perandus
False Advertisement. Textbook example.
steyox has like 20 level 100s in hardcore... how many do you have, shitcrow?
most of these aren't even streaming
you have to go back right now nigger
throughout the years:
golden era: kripp
silver era: etup and havoc
bronze era: pt
today: fucking nobody, especially not redditors like alkaizer and steyox (WHO??)
Does stalking their gggtracker count as going to reddit?
>oh no other people are starting to beat me in races better quit now
Reminder that kripp is a shitter.
This guy was banned he has 0 100s now
but only 2014 havoc. After that he went bad
and that justifies you coming back here to report non-GGG shit you've read there like we give a shit? kys yourself
>etup and havoc
Watched unhost and manocean that era
Was Mors Helmann and Waggle and still is currently 2bh
All 5 of those players are absolute shit
holy shit guys have you read that reddit thread where that reddit streamer said that thing but he was downvoted on reddit by redditors? haha that was so cool what did you guys think of that btw do I fit in yet
We lived long enough to see reddit openly turn on GGG.
you just gave me an idea for a shit build
>every curse effect node
>20 q temp chains
>arctic breath curse on hit
>SRS main skill, zombies and spectres for fodder
>cast breath everything is slowed by 71%, minions rape it effortlessly
how shit is this
>golden era
2012 - open beta in january 2013
>silver era
Open beta until official release
>bronze era
2014 - mid 2014
>why are you even playing
mid 2014 - now
Zizaran is our guy and will be 1st 100 in 3.0.
Btw im new here how do you quote people?
I came from the poe reddit.
number of level 100 hcssf characters exif has: like 10
number of level 100 hcssf characters steyox has: 0 (zero)
alright that settles who's our guy
back to r*ddit
>the best race party
>several of who are also top solo racers
Unhost and Mano where just for the banter and for enjoyment both better than players who hardly talk and die because they actually fall asleep playing.
exif is promoting himself here.. again
steyox and bakedshit are like parodies of poe players
they've come to actually believe chaining shaped strands was some form of skill to be revered but when it comes to skillful races, they're nowhere to be seen
I feel like this UberElite guy really loves it up the ass I just get that vibe watching him.
They also played attack builds which were fun and unhost made some great trappers and totem builds. Better than the DD with 100% fire res till 100 crew
Why is alkaizer so tsundere for PT? he acts tough and calls him a retard bu you just know he really just wants to call PT daddy and get dominated by him feeling his portugal dick penetrating his boypucci
>Pick one nigger
Alk calls everyone a retard
dont take it seriously
sometimes a cat is just a cat and a retard is just a retard
>path of exile
pick one and only one m8
man i miss catposter