>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Faye is the qtest.
How many units are you gonna SP grind tonight?
>trannies cant join zofian army
thank you chancellor desaix
Kill yourself.
Panne is precious.
She needs to be treated with love and care.
Remember to get along with your friends at /feg/!
Falcon Knight or Ladymageswordfighterthingy for Misha?
I like Sages, I will go sage.
Plus I might find an A rank Light tome maybe.
Thanks, Danved.
Am I going to be able to save her or no?
I just want the overworld cav harassment to stop and every ""Guide"" is playing on normal
How do I build this guy?
He's -Res +Def, his stats are weird with these IVs.
Ok Devdan
FE fighting game when? I want to honorably shit all over you fuckers in the field of combat with my favorite functions.
>aigis and mitsuru on one side
No one would pick Hoshido tbqh
Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! I love Felicia!
Why not retreat the battle when you knock a few doods out or leave the battle and use the Wait command for the horses to attack you?
Going to the beach with Severa and her family! Being part of the family!
Guys, all shit posting aside for a moment,
Is there any guide on how to get the chap. 12 lunatic quest orbs ?
I didn't find anything on youtube...
Reminder that Devdan is an okama
If I wasn't incompetent at everything, I'd like to make one.
There is no guide for getting gud
I love Silque
She'll hang in there unless a witch teleprts near her, it shouldn't take you more than one attempt
Pls stop posting this extremely untrustworthy fellow, he makes me uncomfortable.
I'll never leave /feg/.
>mfw Fire Emblem amino
honestly every FE community I visit just makes me like /feg/ more and more. Please never stop existing you band of idiots
need to get 200 for my 5* olivia to get fury 3 :/
Why is her top falling off?
You mean she needs to be buttfucked and cummed in while being choked.
Vanguard or Hero on a Horse for Eltoshan?
If Faye is a cleric and has physic you might be able to keep Clive's waifu alive
Come on dude I am a f2p shitter and don't have tinihands hector or ryoma/ike.
I somehow managed to do 12-2 and 12-5 but the others seem impossible.
u sure know that's not Silque right?
Let her die once for a nice scene with Clive.
We have smash :^)
SC x FE when?
Er, I mean Paladin.
WHO will dub feh??
Soul calibur being alive again when
Mia's FE10 voice actor
>very slightly better stats versus a fucking horse
how is this even a contest
Unless enemies are very powerful, Paladin
what's that vanguard skill on the end
Smash 4 basically is a FE fighting game
That top design looks spiffy.
seem like only us understand that pic
Powerful they are.
She was about to flash some random shmuck to take her home and fuck her brains out when her husband wasn't looking but got caught by Severa
She must be bred with is a loving manner for the sole purpose of procreation
It's color coded senpai
Never. As in she never doubles but she never needs to either, she can oneshot Hector with one Hone/Fortify, going above +3/+4 is overkill
>This triggered about a filename I pulled out of MY ass on the fly
I almost admire your passion, user I grew out of my mon phase last year. I just went with Anna Snivy because smug, no other reason. Tepig's high attack and low speed felt good enough for Alf. Oshawott a cute just like my best friend. and that's the entirety of my thought process right there
Which starter set would YOU pin them, if you feel this autistic strong about it?
I honestly have no Idea.
>hoshitdo has shitkari
>nohr has bropei, mitsuru, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS, and I NEED YOUR HALP
who would even pick the other side desu. only good thing is koromaru and maybe fuuka
I don't know but I fucking hate Tekken and I want SC back
Fuck Namco for that fucking f2p SC
Is that Moonbow or Draconic Aura on her?
What a slutty mother in law
Same choices as Misha for Lacheslut!
Purple wins!
Just like Fates
>I fucking hate Tekken
me too, never saw the appeal and the characters always looked boring or way too retarded. I always liked SC and DoA more.
>hating on based Tekken
I miss Soul Calibur too but lets not be faggots here
>who would even pick the other side
Anyone with a brain
Draconic Aura. I like big numbers, and Blade+ Lilina doesn't disappoint in that department.
Darkness sword
>hate Tekken
You can't be here if you're under 18, user.
But Fuuka's garbage too.
>Anyone with a brain
>Liking generic Tsundere
t.: that ugly gyaru girl who bullied fuuka
"sense of crushing evil"
raises str and def, apparently
Bow Knight or Baron for Scopio?
superior edition coming through, noot noot
I knew Othin was evil.
Baron for the laughs
>Just checked my Lilina's IVs
>-Atk +Spd
Fuck now shes just a shit Tharja/Kat
>tfw your favorite franchises soul calibur and advance wars are both dead in favor of their counterpart series
Both Snivy and Anna have unique niches (Anna with her Escape Route/Desperation shenanigans, and Snivy with Leaf Storm/Contrary nuking), so that's something, right?
Female Paladin or High Priestess for Aideen!
Red Baron wins
My dick is so hard right now. Maybe I should start building mine when I'll have spare feathers.
Nice build, user. Thought about giving my Lucy Renewal for Ardent Sacrifice healing, but I couldn't get fodder. Went with Desperation instead. I wish her spd was a bit higher to not have to rely on buffs - I know that's greedy thinking though.
>My dick is so hard right now
lol... wtf?
>not like Yukari
what boon/bane?
magic sword bitch
I might use a Rauorblade Lilina if i get a Tharja.
Im running a TA raven Lilina and is doing pretty good
so what do you think they are gonna reveal on feh channel tonight?
im guessing a new event or cyl
UNIEL is the best fighting game. Wagner is my waifu. Anime FE fighter when?
>Not liking Yukari
Kill yourself nu male
yukari is so fucking shit
she's a complete ass bitch and her portrait is SHIT. how do people even like this cunt? it's like they have taste as shit as makotofags
Sniper or Bow Knight for Ronan?
Swordmage it is.
>liking Yukari
Kill yourself nu male
That's called autism, sonny.
>unironically liking Junpei
>posts a video of FES where Yukari is a complete bitch
I think most people don't like her because of FES
I feel like FE shouldn't be too anime. No air dashes at least. Also, Eliwood and Sigurd should fight on their horses.
Me either
Honestly dislike something like 90% of Tekken's cast
A lot of SC players don't like Tekken it's just how it is