League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cute Annie Edition

Old Thread: >Very Useful Links


>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyosongive.us

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!



annie is best gril.

i wonder what happened to that annie poster from a few weeks ago

xth for Syndra

xth for breast metal waifu

how is adc graves even real

like how do you deal with cait

i want to look exactly like janna

I miss Fupoo :(

So can Urgod jungle?

>can't stop getting teams that don't focus objectives or they feed or both
>last game had a draven that was literally only going for kills, would not take an objective when we could like dragon or something
>tell him to pay the fuck attention to objectives
>everyone honors him because league is a fucking hugbox now.
Riot's forced 50% is kicking in really fucking hard now.

>not banning le epic trap hat kite meister

How does penta sona feel now that she isnt the only female member?



she's still the only member with tits so I imagine she feels pretty good.

Best husband!!!!
I want to play ranked but I'm scared....

kayle isnt flat

Those look like tits to me

dumb sissy retard

if i can get plat so can you

But she also isn't this fat

>4000 damage fizz game
wew lad

>Kayle confirmed a giga slut

>SJW haircut

but when i play support my mid and top feed........
and when i play mid my bot and top feed..........

she's flat by comparison m8s, enjoy your pre teen tumblrite, im gonna be over here with a REAL PENTAWAIFU

A Haircut invented way before your SJW boogie man

this is why riot is buffing fizz

>those boots
>that midriff

it has the default AA animation,but fuck it looks good

>me unga
>team bunga

xth for depression.

>no two champions that can combine into a stronger champion

Uhhh... lolbabs?

the hitler youth hair cut predates adolf hitler, and yet...

>pick wukong
>get black cleaver and go full lethalty
>annihilate anything that isn't a tank in less than 1 second
>can even destroy two or three at the same time

what the fuck, this guy is so fucking fun to play


i literally never understand this post
like "mating" sure, but "press"? i mean press as in newspaper the "press" or like squeezing something? pls explain your autism

true, don't play then i guess

but if you want to climb to where you belong you must face your fears and overcome them

Google it you autist.

It's a sexual position used by those trying to conceive.

>having this argument again

the first thing you think of when you see skinheads is the roman empire amirite?

>Play so good at Yorick top lane the Lux support starts praising me
>Basically ignores the ADC in favor of helping me
>Get jumped by four niggas, she ults them and I fuck them up right after
>Get an S-, only S on team
>She praises me again, and friends me.

I'm rock hard right now, gonna jerk off to that pic of Star Guardian Lux being gangbanged by Yorick's ghouls.

Is there a better feeling than cucking ADCs by taking their support?

>rakan and xayah
spotted the guy who wouldn't change/shower with the other guys in gym class

sidecut reminds me of someone hmmmmm

pressing yourself on top of her lovingly,as if breeding her user

but then cho is open

>that pic of Star Guardian Lux being gangbanged by Yorick's ghouls
Gonna need some sauce, friend


>not just simulating games of league of legends in your head so you don't have to play with shitters

Next patch: more wind facing, because Riot.

tell me, how is this fair?
there was someone inting on my team for the last 5 games, just because yesterday i got a win streak, this isn't fun, I feel like i'm punching a mirror
i'm done with this game see you guys never again, there's no winning in this game just losing slower

see you in a couple days summoner
remember, players with a positive attitude win more games!

Do they put daily players in worse matches, knowing they will come back anyway?

If you're auto filled and you pick shit lee sin/varus support I hope you get fucking gunned down in the stree

stop feeding

I'll pick ez support dw

xth for the most canon ship ever since Rakan x Xayah, Kayle x Karthus!

I called him a monkey ass nigger in hope of getting perma banned so i can go and never look back

you can thank riot for autofill (and quicker queues, too! :3)

I WANT to IMPREGNATE You, Yes Shyvfag, YOU, EXACTLY like Shyvana.

just dodge

I always go AP ezreal when I get shit support, and go for ultra late game build. That way I can still have fun and lose with 0/0/0 score with good CS

>Tune into a stream
>Enemy mid disconnected, enemy jungler running it down mid and crying, an Aatrox main whining all game about Panth/Yasuo/Jayce while winning
Challenger soloq sure is amazing.

I need jhin (or others) reaction images
dump what you got

I wonder why I still playing this game, it is not fun anymore and made me hate people

>tfw no dragon gf to pump full of cum multiple times a day


was that my boy best aatrox NA

There's that word again.
Whatever happened to "feeding."
Don't give me that "inting implies it's intentional."
Fuck you, if you die more than 5 times a game you deserve it.

>We've had like 3 or 4 acceptable dragon zyra pics and it's been months now

what are people doing

Who is the top and bottom of the pentakayle x pentasona relationship

Whoever makes the next thread remember to remove Triumph.gg from the link list.

>I deserve have bad games because I have won too many in a row so I have to be matched with a literal nigger on my team instead of people who won many games in a row

To be fair they're pretty good lewds.

game's dying

I assume the annie he screencapped is the "inter" and not himself
The problem is, anybody with half a brain knows how to int without getting banned, and at this point the KDA doesn't really tell the whole story, because inting also involves making sure you contribute nothing to your team aside from "pushing out lanes" (taking as much farm for yourself to deny gold to your team) while making sure you don't kill enemy champions or take objectives.


but i am a boy (male)


>we've only had a handful of acceptable Blood Moon Elise art since her release

Majority of artists literally have shit tastes. We have a saturation in Sona and Ahri art (I don't mind Ahri, but Sona is already a boner kill for me with how cancerously bad the community who mains her tends to be here in low elo).

I found it on tumblr

Just looked up Yorick and Lux.


Don't you have to be 18 to post here?

well what now?


crazy is cute
crazy is tight

I already know that.

>tfw I'll probably just kill myself before I even have a child to carry the family name since I'm an emotional wreck to the extent that my scalp flakes whenever I get slightly stressed

Going to see the derm about this next week hopefully, but kill me now familia


xth for Urgot

>Only 3 Urgot posters for the longest time
>gain 20+ after the rework
>they are all assblasted

Really fries my potatoes

Does this count?

BM Elise is hot as fuck but more niche than zyra desu
I don't knwo why wouldn't normies commission their 150th pic of mf having big tits rather than zyra

>Riot even de-uggified Urgot


sluts are not tight
jinx just isn't right

I report anyone regardless if it's "just a bad game" or not.
I don't have enough autism to op.gg them mid or post game.
If they have gotten reports over a period of games then they get banned.

I just report and move on.
I get those messages telling me someone was punished but I never know who hehehe

anyone got the rest of the comic?

Is Urgot complete garbage or am I retarded?

I looked and I'm not seeing it

he's bad


even better star guardian is coming

Convince me that matchmaking is fair on a large scale. Im not talking one game. But like ~100 games.

If 10 players all play 100 games will some be heavily impacted by poor matchmaking yes or no, assuming there is no dodging involved.

Because lets be real.
they could tweak numbers and make certain people lose or win more to generate more profit.
For example player X seems to buy skins when he wins more often than not, and plays more too.
While player Y doesn't ever buy skins.
And player Z buys skins regardless, plus has a lot of "friends" so he is free advertisement, especially if he does well.

Im not saying its rigged, but from an economic standpoint it would be very suitable to alter matchmaking in a favorable way.

You could hide it pretty well too.

then your reports are going to become worse and worse because riot is absolute shit at reporting inters
you're getting a few of these messages out of all of them because these freaks just said the f-word or n-word and that gets you banned, pretty much

before the new honor you could see if someone was banned by looking at their honor, since it was public and would reset to zero when banned

>tfw no jinx gf for consensual headpats and handholding


You could not hide it, because any account sharing/duo'ing would discover it.

>smurfing in silver
>some guy on my team tells me "hey i'm smurfing too haha let's duo"
>he plays like shit every game
>he says "sigh this elo, braindead teams every game"
>i check his stats
>he has 180 games in silver 4
>i carry him to gold out of pure pity
>"ez game ez life let's get to plat now"
>"y-yeah haha"
>i delete him the microsecond he logs off
