Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Neighborly reminder that a game missing strong space control is a worthless game.
Neighborly reminder that in its first month Tekken 7 has lost a bigger percenatege of its playerbase than SFV did within its own first month.
Neighborly reminder that Dragonball FighterZ will be a poorly designed fighter with abysmal space control, abysmal movement when compared to the Marvel series, single assists per character, and no character archetype variety.
It's like this picture should be sexy as hell in theory but the perspective is poorly done so it just looks weirdd
Is she trying to be a human fidget spinner?
>that pic
>this guy that posts this confirms hes a kappatard
Is jin honest?
>Despite being the protagonist shoto hyde has the lowest total health in UNIST
Remember to play a fighting game today /fgg/
Remember to practice tech that you have trouble with
Remember to view replays of both your wins and losses and learn from them
Remember to always practice good sportsmanship, whether online or in person
Remember to help newcomers learn by playing constructively without trying to frustrate them (i.e. keep doing one thing until they learn to counter it)
Remember that your main is your main for a reason, and playing another character might set you back, but don't be afraid to change characters if you think it's best
Remember to watch some high-level play of the game or character you're learning
Remember to never discourage someone from playing a game they're interested in or having fun with
Remember that the lab can only teach you so much, real matches are the best way to learn
Remember to support and attend your locals and grassroots events, they're the backbone of the FGC
Remember to practice personal hygiene reguarly, especially if you're going to an event. How you look and smell isn't just a reflection on you, but on your game and the community as a whole
Remember to set realistic goals for yourself and keep working at them until they're realized
Remember to ask around to find sparring partners who play characters you're bad or inexperienced against
Remember that tier lists are generalized and tailored to the highest levels of play, so just play who you think is fun and don't blame your losses on your low-tier main or attribute your wins to your high-tier main
Remember to never dodge when you call someone out as being bad and they actually challenge you
Remember to seek out opponents who are of equal or higher skill
Remember that winning or losing isn't as important as improvement
Remember that no matter how bad you think you are, every single player you consider better than you was at your level at some point
And most of all, remember to have fun, /fgg/, because fighting games are something so great.
What's this meme about ranked doesn't matter? Think punk would be this good if he just played lobbies with the same bronze level scrubs?
That's like going to the gym and only using the 3lb dumbbell and swear up and down you are gonna get swoll.
Other games don't have this problem. GG you can't even find a ranked match.
Angel was a fucking mistake
play Rashid's wife's game
Akatsuki is more shoto than Hyde
Also he's /pol/
because playbirf
akatsuki/gord is the shoto of UNIEL
karin is honest
Actually this is best boy.
Guilty Gear has a very aggressive setplay/reset based playstyle and a lot of mobility and super meter to play around with and cancel stuff into stuff
UNI is a ground based game that has massive spacing among most of the cast and a strong defensive focus but also has a meter that rewards you for playing aggressive, to make sure that you don't play passive and are constantly making decisions vs just mindlessly throwing plasma
What are the strengths/focus of blazblue? I honestly don't know anything about it.
>white cosplayer as jap
Why even bother posting this? What compelled her to do this anyway?
friendly reminder that if you think Sin/Sol are dishonest, you're trash at GG and dumb to start with
+5 throw in the corner is not honest
akatsuki doesn't count, he's a guest character. hyde is the well rounded main character yet multiple middle school girls have more health than him
>gord is a shoto
>waaaah race
just go back to kappa you pathetic polturd
why are you in the corner against? you made mistakes
never ever :^)
at least in S2
Is Street fighter worth? 20bucks on g2a
Best girl. Best boy is naoto or hibiki
literally worst boy.
Even fucking carl is better
I really hate this kind of costume and everyone who finds it hot by association
The sunglasses look retarded
The hat looks retarded
It makes you look like some 60 years old german woman
If she is fun I would main her. I am having too much fun with my wife right now.
play honest bee
i wouldn't know i play F(lol) Sacchin
cammy is best sf girl by a mile.
>Remember to practice personal hygiene reguarly, especially if you're going to an event. How you look and smell isn't just a reflection on you, but on your game and the community as a whole
Yeah but who got in the corner and thrown?
so did you
base game? isnt that worth it for? 20 imo? but its not a terrible deal?
Namco X Capcom didn't come out in America
Enjoy your carpal tunnel
>play goober for about 2 hours
>don't know how many matches later check my goober buck
>I barely got anything
Am I expected to actually do the single player content to be able to afford shit? wdfugg
Ah yes, when I think of Shoto, I think of a guy with no fireball, a full screen overheads, a full screen DP, and a far range command grab.
Season three should be Sakura Violent Ken Evil Ryu and Dan
Are hitboxes better?
you can be the highest ranked netplay (insert character here) in the world and still get bopped in an offline tournament
netplay in general can teach bad habits and being forced to play against randoms with varying connections is never ideal for getting good
She's even more unga and just as dishonest in exchange for harder execution
>that cute tongue
>see the patch note for Injustice 2
>all of Swamp Thing's buffs aside from the general health buff for all large characters revolve around his shitty character power
Suck a dick, NRS. He's the lowest tier character in the game, just give him a goddamn damage buff and give vine grab armor all the time.
Does /fgg/ even talk about Injustice? Fuck it, I don't care, I mad.
>It makes you look like some 60 years old german woman
thats called reinventing yourself
Can't you fashion, brick?
Seriously how do you get a ranked match in GG? I'd love to just queue up and get a match.
I like it better than pad. I've never tried stick.
They have advantages and disadvantages.
Well that also has to do with nerves and experience in an offline setting. I think a master rank player has a better chance of making it out of pools than a bronze that plays lobbies all day. Or what ever rank you wanna insert here.
reminder that Guymam spent $7k on a shitty Naoto
Please help me. Street Fighter 5 won't stop fucking crashing on boot. I'm gonna fucking off myself.
>Went 2-2 in my first pools ever
Am I gonna make it
I'll have to agree
I played mvc 2 and dante and morrigan in mvc 3. Also been playing marvel in general since xvsf. Also played a lot of stepmania and guitar hero. My hands are used to punishment.
>guest character
So is this based on an anime or something? Because Akatsuki is legit the most interesting character
what did you do? try the steam integrity thing
Move to Japan.
Or play on consoles and embrace 2 bars
You won't drown
Nobody plays ranked in gg. They are scared of progression and muh points
says the retard who thinks hyde is a shoto
What error do you get? If all else fails try to reinstall it? Maybe the recent update got fucked downloading somehow
Ooh this dude is so salty
I mean, I would get salty too, but I don't know if I would show it THAT clearly, or at least try not to.
I respect it.
Depends if your local is a decent size or not
>What's this meme about ranked doesn't matter?
It doesn't.
>Think punk would be this good if he just played lobbies with the same bronze level scrubs?
This would be way more useful than playing some """gold""" level player who got a bunch of PP by running memes against people that don't know the matchup, never having to worry about being downloaded because ranked is always over after one game
are you on win7? sfv used to struggle with my win7
rank is just a pretty number
SnakeEyez, CEO champ got bopped out of EVO by ISDD, some diamond scrub
go to a japanese arcade and play on one of the cabinets
>tfw play supergirl and canary and they both got buffs
>Have kid
>Instantly become shit
LMAO he fell for the Asian wife meme
>Her face shape doesn't fit these sunglasses.
First pic you can shrug it off because of camera angle, this second one though... Ugh
Reminder James Chen is the fucking cummy poster
Game boots up, about a second of the opening cutscene plays and it closes itself. Reinstalled it twice now.
Windows 10
Didn't work.
there's no vagina in that picture
>/fgg/ finally has another Karin poster
The future is bright
put Drossel in mvci
I think Akatsuki is the most shoto character in the cast.
But Hyde also has shoto ass shit.
Unlike Gordeau, who has practically nothing a shoto would have, and makes me think you don't even know who Gordeau is.
Turn off your firewall.
Whens roxy
Serious question: Can you even netplay him?
Firewall and windows defender is all off. Also made it so the sfv folder and exe and steam are exceptions with windows defender+firewall
Linne is the uni shoto fags
he has a low forward
he has a fireball (force function)
he has a DP
he has a playstyle that both teaches you the game and is versitiale enough that you never get stuck in one style of play
you can play him full screen and capitalizing on opponents mistakes or upclose
his 6b overhead is literally a shoto overhead
>you don't even know who Gordeau is.
start a uniel lobby and i will body you with my gord shoto fundamentals into next week, bitch.
I actually have no clue then.
>What are the strengths/focus of blazblue? I honestly don't know anything about it.
like guilty gear on crack
Post your PSN, I'm working right now. I'll play you in 2 hours.
>Caring about the hat or whatever
Have you seen that thigh, m8?
The bra is quite ugly tho
Man this is my ninja
well thanks for trying to help anyway
>fireball, fully invincible and fast DP and spinning rush move with a QCB motion as well as a bunch of well rounded poking normals aren't enough to make someone a shoto
>but a projectile move that doesn't behave like a fireball at all and a bunch of other unrelated shit does
yo unist popoffs never thought id see the day
Is it balanced if most normals have their hitbox extend past their hurtbox
Linne surpasses shitty shoto design.
Tell me about cum
>only ryu is a shoto
09er? 16?
It was Combo Breaker, but a dead game