>Patch 4.05 Notes
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>Job Guide
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>Patch 4.05 Notes
>Live Letter Q&A
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
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looking for mateus friends
first for naka bp
Ninja quests were good
You are absolutely not wife material. Please fanta away from the designated wife race asap.
Thank you.
>he already went back to lizur
Favorite looking WHM weapon and armor glamour?
Post pumpable catboys please
Show that mug so I can blacklist it in my mind
It is pretty hot today.
I will once a certain blue cat gets on.
Try again but this time say "post COOL catboys"
They were fun.
I miss him
I miss when we were happy together.
post naked catboys ready to breed
what is even happening here
you should have just changed your tail
not sure about armour, I think the WHM's armour either go too slutty or samey/stereotype robe.
Is this a sunseeker that likes tanks?
Post some Elezen
>tfw no mace wielding Cleric job
post dead catboys ready to decompose.
Is this from the SB quests?
what happened to Tsubame after the ninja quests to 50? I liked her a lot but she wasn't in the 50-60 and I haven't done the 60-70 yet
pls no blacklist :^)
Yeah. She gets kidnapped and whored out to an old man in unrelated incidents.
Still doing it.
You look worth bullying too you know that, got that kind of face that screams bully me.
she went home after the 50 quest
I wish there was, but even in other games they never dedicate to a mace-wielding cleric, they always turn it into a paladin.
I don't want to be justice, I just want to spread the faith and keep the peasantry close to god while cracking ungodly creatures skulls every now and then.
Who's asking......
>Cleric mace job
I want this. I love maces soo much
Please post chocobos.
Well I really do like being bullied
Reminder that the main ingredient of Infusion potions is fresh, warm, creamy lizardboy spunk, milked from the aroused Xaelas that alchemists keep constantly edged on the verge to cum chained in their basements.
Daily reminder that you should never play your 3DS in public.
So easy to spot you dubious sunseekers.
can you two not take this somewhere private rather than rubbing your boners all over this board
All Ruby Sea sidequests done.
>This one in Yanxia is just a dead body
I'm supposed to meld crit or det in the lost allagan nin chest since dh is maxed
Clearly you do.
How sad it's no fun breaking a toy that's already broken.
Stay far away from me pig.
It's much more fun fucking with people here than in game to be fair.
I'm going to sell my PS4 and games to buy HW, SB and more play time!
Looks like he Keiko'd the bucket before he could give you the quest.
Hello /xivg/!
or you will be peeled, boiled, and mashed.
>kill a boss
>someone says brb smoke
This is incorrect, there's nothing to suggest that, it's actually possibly ala mhigan tears.
Midlanders, post them
a hung male xaela that needs to fill up a catboy
>tfw favorite cat hasn't posted in a while
We should meet up and run stuff together sometime!
good for you if you enjoy it
What tank job does everyone have the most fun playing?
I've been DPS main since I started (BLM and a little RDM recently) but I'm trying to get into tanking.
>and at that moment, everyone on Earth felt a little emptier, as if all the humor in the universe had been erased
Zeta looks good.
yoiu eb/?
>poop nose
Fun would be Paladin or DRK, Warriors are lame
I enjoy aspects of each one.
WAR has been my main since 2.0 And I still like it the most because its my most comfortable despite being the worst tank right now.
PLD can start out a little boring but it ends up being alright. You'll surely have the MOST fun with DRK though, it gets really good and even better near the end.
Oh, hey it's you!
How are you doing?
Mission. Complete.
You forget who's doing the mashing here.
Ok time to actually play the game.
>tfw still trudging through 50s as drk
yea sorry kid
>shit taste
im doign okay trying to kill time before raid by shitpostin how are you kotter
hi lewd lala boy (girl)
>knockback immunity never works when you want it to
>WAR has knockback immunity as part of its rotation that works when you DON'T want it to
Will they ever get non-damage or mitigation effects right in this game? They decoupled damage from a lot of different CC, so why haven't they thrown in anything that actually requires it?
I will fucking fight you over doggo noses.
I WILL come back and take your stupid fishing pole.
I want to feel loved again
me too
I've got five invitations to my EB left, does anyone want them? I'll be at the bench in Ul'dah.
I'm fine, just lvling
Good luck on the raid
Join or
Nothing wrong with those noses
or just the linkshell, that's what it's there for
what you levelin kotter?
I'll love you lots!
How's it going Lala friend.
For the love of christ help me. I don't know what the fuck to do. My IW gear lasted me to 70 for MIN/BTN, is currently better than any HQ thing I can fucking craft, but I miss more than half my casts. I can't catch anything, let alone HQ. I don't know what the fuck to do. FSH is especially cancer this fucking expansion.
Which one and how? I have a lot of stupid fishing poles.
Predict where the primals will come from and what they are.
I took my FSH to 70 from just weekly challenges and HQ leve-turn ins that I bought from the MB
of course they did
The trashiest iteration still don't know why they ever pick their original cat
The final relic stage and sharpened cane of the white tsar are good, I also like the vault staff.
All of the AF sets are nice, void ark healer robe is really pretty and underused.
Most of them are sold out or not sold at all here.
So hows the raiding fellows? Any new classes to 70?
Tfw trying to use party finder is aids
Panda is the purely xivg fc option
but yeah what the other user said, just join the LS
>tfw you are leveling crafters through Heavensward and you find a bunch of mats you can craft that sells for 25k to 50k a HQ piece
Suddenly leveling crafters through Heavensward ain't so bad.
Do you have leves? Just buy eastern sea pickles until 66 then sea lamps to 70
I'm in sweet!
> void ark healer robe is really pretty and underused.
The dress-like cut makes it look too girly for male characters and the poofy shoulders make female characters look too manly in it.
Really, just bad on everyone.
and why black box??????
its ok!!!
Would anyone on Mateus care to ride me to Ul dah?
Men can't play healers anyways, user.
Because I can.
L-lewd, user... I hope you find your catboy one day!
Join Panda we have a midlander
Psst. This is Lily. Hi!