>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
leave it to raul to cry about getting 4* merric who doesn't even reset your pity rate
If you dislike Awakening but like NM then you're a massive hypocrite and need to kill yourself.
My son in the op, cute.
Shigure when? I can't handle only having one male Pegapony Princess in game.
Guys I just saw a sneak peak of the FEH stream, your buttholes better be prepared for the shit they're unveiling
They thought flying dancers would be too OP so they are currently thinking of ways to nerf him.
So far "give him armor movement" is in the lead
Is Merric /ourguy/?
Him and his mom are both shit
FE12hateboner user is cute! Playing FE3 with him and cuddling while he tells me why FE12 is shit and 3 is superior!
And so ends this humble spics journey to get a +Spd/-Def Sonya.
Honestly felt pretty cathartic doing this.
I used up all my orbs perfectly, got some good fodder, some feathers, the actual character I wanted with passable IVs,
Now I can finally go back to saving for Christmas again, unless Sonya gets on another banner or something. Hopefully she drops to 4* though it's unlikely.
You'll have two soon.
>More Fates shit
>A shitty 2nd gen at that
3 horses and a healer.
he's not a refresher, though
Anyone kinda miss bullying Veronica?
>awakeningcuck has no argument
Shigure isn't a refresher even in Fates. There is no question of him not having Sing.
Faye doesnt wield a bow either, take your canon and shove it my dukey lad
>Olwen killing something
What sorcery is this?
Hopefully never.
You can always replay chapter 9 to keep bullying her
>expecting intelligence from a fatescuck
I only like 12 because Athena and malice are in it. Also Cecille
Please help.
sure user
i am that pillow
I do, bullying Celica wasn't nearly as fun.
>we have to hate shigure now
Fucking hell I thought this was just limited to shitfus like Sonya, I guess no character is truly safe.
what characters are safe from the /feg/ hivemind hate?
I am that chair
Trip back on.
My husband
FE12hateboner user is a tsun! A cute tsun!
Pssstt user......
Olwen is unironically the best mage in the game. Don't tell the plebs, they haven't noticed yet
No one ever liked Shigure.
He suffers from being Azura's kid, hes actually alright on his own.
37 speed will rape her defenses but she will rarely be doubled and with her hp she can always survive one hit, and then it adds to her monster attack
fuck you old man miranda is mine
No we don't, fuck off. Shiggy is fine. If Le Ghast Army wants to throw their shit, let them, they just look like retards.
>He suffers from being Azura's kid
Fucking how should this be a detriment to HIM in any way whatsoever?
2 hours until the savior of green units is revealed
>tfw my Second Tiki was -res +atk.
Getting lucky isn't for everyone. Enjoy your merric.
The same way Lucina gets shit just for being popular or Roy gets shit for not being able to solo his game like Ike
Blade Olwen on Cavmemes is actually completely retarded
Nobody short of shit like Titania or TA Julia can stop her
Fuck off drill
I appreciate Shiggy for giving us a song with some actual emotion in it, rather than Azura telling me I'm the ocean's grey waves for the xxth time.
I like Hana
will he have hand axe+?
a distant counter 13 might weapon with special cooldown+1
who's next?
Did you seriously fell for the 0x4 meme user?
Not an argument, sweetie.
Not really. He's pretty shitty and boring on his own. His hair is stupid as well.
Let the rein shitters keep posting their 0x4 memes
Screencap this, they're going to finally add a way to change IVs however it's going to be an absurd gauntlet of 10 infernal tier maps in a row with that character in addition to having to spend a TON of feathers and badges.
Shade and the other Sonia
That's probably the only characters I really felt compelled to actually roll for. I rolled for Kagero too but just getting one was enough for me.
The only people who dislike Lucina are salty Lynfags.
No Roy gets shit because the game sucks his dick almost as hard as NuMystery and Awakening does the My Unit.
And you had one?
uhhhhhh morgan* and noire and kana* and rhajat and kiria sweetums
(*note that their hair color will be dependent on IVs and there is no way you can change this)
The Lucinafag victim complex is alive and well
>ike's dick is totally not sucked btw
actually, the only people who appear to like lyn just do it because they're salty lucina haters.
and of course, that's just because she's miss fire emblem
i wouldn't doubt that they would eventually add an IV changer but i feel like it would be a limited edition quest reward and just randomize the IVs of your unit instead of letting you pick
at least you could maybe fix the IV of one of your screwed units with it
Thank Matt Mercer. Shigure is still a shit character.
I love this meme!!!!!
What about a IV reversal?
Say you have a +Res -Spd unit. You could reverse it to be +Spd -Res or something.
>+spd morgan is lucina hair color
>Thank Matt Mercer.
Not if you paid me, I like his work but he's #imwithher garbo
Well those are a given, and also not expect to be added any time soon.
Or Saber on Lunatic CC 12-4.
found one
Don't mistake Lucinafags like me with shitposters like the user you responded to
Lyn is perfectly cool
I don't give a damn about Ike, I haven't even played his games.
How many bongs until announcement?
My argument: You don't need to change your opinions on a character because Le Ghast Army gets triggered by Fates.
>miss fire emblem
>isn't even second most popular
>wasn't in the first game
what was inferred by this statement?
>The Direct is to announce that they have a release date for Fire Emblem Warriors.
>They release 3 minute footage of Warrior gameplay
>They talk about the next FE 3DS game for next year
>At the last minute, they talk about how FEH is being shut down.
Who thinks this is likely?
Roy should get shit for being a crummy unit and bland as fuck.
Meant for
Thanks for the input, drill.
2 lazy hands, 21 quick hands
Reminder there are no rukinafags, only rukinafag falseflaggers.
>implying rukina is a good enough character to genuinely have fans
They said they were done making 3DS FE games.
Guaranteed replies
Good enough for now.
Enough about Shigure. This is your anchor post /feg/gots!
Now tell me: What's gonna be revealed tonight?! Is it CYL? Another meme Lucina? Horse memes are getting BTFO? are we getting a special event with another Nintendo Franchise? Another mage flier? Ike was secretly gay all along for Tumblr points? We are merging with Fate GO? etc.
i doubt it, random is the only thing IS would do because if it was a reversal or player choice then IS would lose money for summoning more copies