>tfw will be able to full ascend Caligula and Nero after this event once I get enough monuments
Logan Robinson
Who has the biggest breasts in Fate GO?
Hudson Turner
Aoko is my waifu, I'd whale for her.
Christian Morales
Noah Gonzalez
This thread will have no lewds
Sebastian Powell
Passion Lip
Dylan Evans
Samuel Campbell
Isaac Morales
BB, or so I heard
Julian Brooks
Luis King
This titty monster.
Christopher Lee
Who in the Nasuverse would stand the best chance in a fight against the Bogs?
Henry Mitchell
>ywn be me why live anons?
Ryder Bennett
I love my alien wife!
Chase White
I'm gunna need a quick rundown
Jonathan Thompson
Forget that, Rider Neil Armstrong when?
Benjamin Kelly
Jose Watson
Colton Bailey
Does Caligula have any animations besides his "Monster Mash" grapple?
Lincoln Scott
I sure hope no one lewds Ushi.
Isaac Bailey
Someone post that boob size chart of all the girls in F/GO
Evan Barnes
>no matter what happens I'm cockblocked by monuments A-At least those 2200 MP were worth it right? RIGHT?
Bentley Davis
I don't want to fap tonight so please don't post Altera
Adam Martin
Stop posting this every thread.
Joshua Ward
ok user
Kayden Torres
same boat user except I am lacking monuments and exp to ascend my favorites
Noah Torres
Because I can do this
Connor Moore
Levi Miller
Easton Long
Me too
Henry Clark
Can't pick between Redman or Herc for next hero to spurge out on and max.
Lucas Lee
>192/300 good goy
Caleb Brooks
It's getting boring, stop posting this shit every time.
Easton Foster
Cameron Cook
Why is this 3* more useful than her 4* sister?
Angel Ward
They're actually Archer xp for my Gilg
Hudson Wood
Has the servants that come from folklore/stories that you have ever made you feel like reading the stories they came from?
Nathan Smith
>192/300 servants YOUR ACCOUNT IS MINE
Camden Ortiz
the power of Cock
John Richardson
Okay, but here is more.
Is this in the Steam or Switch versions yet?
Adam Reed
Thomas Garcia
there a chart?
Kevin Reed
Yeah I read fate stay night because of emiya
Luke White
today is the best bet for bones
2 rooms of 3 skeletons each
I already ascended my hassan running 5ap and im probably gonna apple to get the 18 I need for leos final ascension
Matthew Bennett
Should I use Prisma Cosmos or Imaginary Element for support? Seems kinda annoying Even for people with Kaleidoscope to grab that 1 Art card from a berserker.
Christopher Long
>spent something like 1000AP >only ever got 3 claws and strictly when I wasn't looking for them
Angel Jackson
grind whatever the hell you want, not like you'll get any drops
Elijah Roberts
Brayden Stewart
The qualifiers are going to end in two hours, how many fangs/claws did everybody get?
Elijah Reed
Fuck off this chart is outdated.
Nolan Watson
she not even listed
Austin White
1 fang, 3 claws
Adrian Wood
>brave liz gains 4 kg Lizard is fat!
Dominic Flores
If your waifu is 50kg or over she's an ugly fatty
Josiah Ward
>Saber alter santa >154 cm >52 kg Well shit, she really let herself go
Kevin Lee
So if my waifu is Jeanne, do I also get Alter and Santa Alter as a sort of package deal?
Liam Lopez
Imaginary element since people with Waver can instantly bump that up to 100%
Daniel Brown
KA CHING that was such a stupid waste God dammit
Brayden Howard
Lots of claws, hardly any fangs.
Guess which one I needed.
Ryder Watson
Is Halloween the best time to roll for Tamamo caster?
Nathan Powell
Probably counts the sack she's holding
Samuel Wood
Ethan Nguyen
Owen Kelly
What does she say after the KA CHING KAKKIIIINNN ?
Gavin Peterson
my sack isnt that heavy user
Easton Morris
Does someone have the servant popularity poll for the male voters?
Benjamin Anderson
who ready for no drops
Robert Jones
My nigga, would whale for her too
Leo Collins
Bullshit excuse to cover for her weight gain. It's because she's a glutton
Nathaniel Young
I want to accept Spartacus' business card and listen to his gibberish about oppression!
Mason Ross
It includes the presents. Not even kidding, it says so in the profile
Nathan Watson
Kevin Wood
Man, that pic really works, huh?
Also, thanks, spooky bones it is. Fuyuki's probably not worth it.
Adrian Jones
You're saying that now, but that could very well be the quartz that gets you your waifu.
I had to blow an apple to get it done, but I also got a heart, a reverse scale, and 2 lanterns in the process of getting the gems.
Oliver Miller
She gets flustered and tells you to forget hearing her exclamation.
Ian Myers
You can see the translations for what she says in the archive. If I remember right it's something like "oh, I-I'm not playing with the important resources"
David Cooper
Nicholas Perez
Is Kiasa /ourguy/?
Joshua Miller
You'll be swimming in monuments in a couple events.
Elijah Evans
>we'll never get actual breast measurements for these girls
Liam Ross
ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-BLUE UNDIES
Carter Edwards
But which one has the best anus?
Parker Rodriguez
>You can see the translations for what she says in the archive. Oh you can?