League of Legends general - /lolg/

I will never give up! I will CLIMB edition

OT: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:



>play starcraft
>want to banshee rush
>opponent bans me from being able to train banshees before the match starts

>play civilisation
>want to build a bigass navy and control the sea
>the other players ban me from building ships before the match starts

>play caladooty
>just want to hang out and have comfy sniper gameplay
>enemy team bans me from using a scope before the match starts

>play overwatch
>want to play pharrah
>enemy team bans me from picking pharrah before the match starts

>play magic the gathering
>looking forward to playing deck i've built
>opponent bans cards out of my deck before the match starts

Daily reminder that the entire idea of Drafting and Banning is tedious, boring, time-wasting garbage and only exists because Riot is too talentless to balance

their own game, and so outsources it to the playerbase.

xth for absolute cutest!

oh it's autsim leona
did you climb yet?

Why is this bronze retard making threads

What the fuck is happening to this fucking general

I'm not him, I just really like the meme


You pretending to be retarded?

No you are just faggot who feeds attentionfags.

Where is Aatrox at? Is he a meme? Plain trash? Or something because I remember that he was plain bad. How good was his rework?

>play magic the gathering
>looking forward to playing deck i've built
>opponent bans cards out of my deck before the match starts
This actually happens though. You can see the list of banned cards here:


>I just really like the meme
t. bronze leo attentionwhore

In starcraft and civ you set game parameters like which map to use, how big it is, and how many resources and this can greatly restrict your ability to perform depending on which faction you play. It's no different. Champions are the only metric you have in league because everything else is the same.

Hes just a really memetic champ, he just got destroyed by the new Bramble vest as well

xth for breast metaI waifu

>Pretending not to be yourself

Must be Easy for bronze too do


He is, and always will be, bad Tryndamere.

Urgot jungler with cinderhulk and red smite is fucking ridiculous

>Practice Champion in bot games
>Do pretty well
>Feel like I have a good grasp of the champion
>Go into a pvp game
>Get absolutely assblasted and go 0-12

nice ganks faggot

>playing bot games for anything other than grinding pre level 30
For why

>Very Useful Links


>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyosongive.us

Finally lvl 30. After 8 years.

>there are people building trinity force unironically on urgot
>on a high cd champ whose abilities are supposed to be used in conjunction to set up kills

vg vs vg results

another up

They're fun, stress free, you never need to worry about shit teammates.

Muh tons of damage tho

why did you post this gif
delet it now

holy fuck Doran's Shield Akali is fucking broken

Im going to molest Lulu and nobody can stop me.

Pick MANTHEON and wreck her shit

I'm stopping you RIGHT NOW!

>Akali is fucking broken
git gud

>mfw i can spam Urgot's dance now
Thanks Riot

Fuck, I've been caught.
We're just out to get a little icecream dont worry officer.

Yeah, abuse it while you can.

*polymorphs you*

>not doing the superior shuffle by spamming 1 and 3

Does pentasona bully PentaKayle?

>holy fuck Akali is fucking broken


Only sexually

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

Reminder that

are fundamentally toxic to the environment of the bot lane, and riot should rework them to involve some level of skill such as


to ensure that the bottom lane stays fresh and full of counterplay.

sona and raka take more skill than lulu wtf


are you sure about that

>Pick Janna
>All I have to do is E my adc every time they go in to trade

I love Lissandra!

>Nami buffs out of nowhere
>suddenly every lane is my support picking thresh vs their nami
>in theory a good matchup for thresh
>in reality he never lands a hook and we get outbullied

fuck nami i hope her species gets an oil spill on them

Since Lissandra is merely a spirit inhabiting the body of a woman who basically died ages ago, if she we're to abandon this body, and inhabit for example lets say, Ashe, would you become an Ashefag?

I want Leblanc to take me out to a picnic then a magic show and later show me some magic of her own!

Sona is fine
Janna needs her shield duration cut, CD increased and strength increased
Soraka needs to have her Q heal more but have either slower projectile or preferably smaller hitbox along with decreased base health regen

I'm not sorry user but the title of pic related is true

Well actually thats not how it works

She kills them first then "takes" over, so if that were the case, Ashe would be dead and my qt ice witch would live on

PSA: If you plan to play jungle, try to actually play the game and not sit in your jungle farming for the entirety of the game, accomplishing nothing and effectively making the match a 4v5. Thanks.

fuck u muh feral stacks

Not really. Before SG Jinx came out, maybe, but now... Not even close!

feral flare was magical time

>play cheesy lane bullies that push all the time
>know in my heart that neither jungle is going to gank because muh stacks

xth for Extra Cute Ashe

When will Taliyah get a new skin?

You sir have a very good taste in girls, here you have a cute SG Jinx for you.

>another unmasked kayle skin
>still no vgu in sight

>Pentakill Sona will never take vengeance against the adcs that bullied her and keep MF and Jinx chained up as pets

Riot aren't doing VGUs anymore because people weren't sucking their dick hard enough for doing them. Seriously.


Do skins count in something like this? Because that would mean that Arcade MF isn't the best red headed waifu even though canonically she is actually red headed.

Jinx is definitely the best blue headed waifu though. Much better than sona.

>Facing xeraths now

This is more annoying than facing an orianna. You can't do shit while he can do whatever he wants

He can't do damage tho

>Want to play a good mage in ARAM
>Roll Lux
>Someone dodges
>Queue again
>Roll Evelynn
>Reroll for Udyr
I miss poro king

He gets fucked hard by assassins like Diana, Talon, or Zed

I'm fairly certain they'd rather bully sona together

also that's slayer sona and not punk sona

I want to be fucked hard by Diana if you know what i mean

I don't know what you mean. Please elaborate in detail.

>tfw no yordle gf

shut up idiot

Did you color that yourself?

>tfw team so retarded they feed these players

I said nothing all i did was post a picture :^)

>no mosquito loli champion who sucks blood and other fluids to survive

>tfw no yordle friend with benefits

>turned on by Yordles
>start watching 3d midget porn regularly

That's a new one! Thanx.

>no loli champion who is killed and abused in grotesque ways and completely revived 3 days later

I remember now, why I stopped going botlane adc. I checked how much damage K6 did, and it was 2638 in 0.68 seconds. I literally spent the entire last minutes of the match staying a mile away, waiting for the enemy team to use all of their skills and go in to hunt them down. Especially that fcking Khazix.

They both have their charms.

wow ur vayne is clean

Can i have some gurosmut please?

Ill gift as always hehe

What's the inspiration for that champion idea? A doujin perhaps?


The possibility of getting my asshole blasted into the nether realm is what makes me feel alive though

>play Amumu
>walk up to 3+ enemies
>press R

Nobody told me it was this easy to climb.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results

whoops 3rd shit team in a row

Nah, i quit drawing years ago




>Being forced to depend on random shitters

Botlane is for the chronically masochist only.

Sona has the biggest charms!

by charms I mean titties

>Shit talking your team in vg vs vg
For what purpose? You're not helping your reputation as a huge cunt who only organizes them to stomp silvers. Fuck off you retard.

>majin bronzekage just gives up after 3 defeats