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Play wild

It's where all the gamer girls are

Tomorrow is the day lads.
I can smell it in the air. I'm literally tingling. Papa Brode is gonna turn these motherfucking tables upside down.
Big guns out, all blazing. Got a feeling we're gonna get the biggest news since they announced golden cards would stack in decklists*.
*only, not collection manager. but it's something on their radar they're talking about.

tried watching it but Mob is actually fucking trash and chat is too fast to be comfy.
90% of that stream is reddit incarnate.

90% of stream chats are reddit incarnate

Say hello to my little friend.

The Druid hero will either be ramp without any actual impact on anything or senseless token aggro shittery.

It's gonna be just as unplayable garbage as Jungle Giants, which also still won't be playable in the least and the only Druid decks will still be Jade and Aggro.


>the only Druid decks will still be Jade and Aggro.
EZ now kiddo

What's tomorrow?


they are doing a livestream reveal of a chunk of cards

Card Reveal Stream, 11 am PDT.

As annoying as it would be, it'd be pretty neat if they gave him more then 10 mana crystals as the battle cry, not immediately of course but it would set the max to 12 or 15

So when's the next arena card update again? They need to remove Babbling Book, Primordal Glyph, Meteor, and Cabalist's Tome.

Brode 2: Brode Strikes Back

what's with his ears

>11 am PDT.

That's an odd time

Bring him back.

>Play Kun
>Get Freezing Trapped
>Play Hero
>Replay Deathwing


At least you didnt say ice block

I'd prefer a 5 or 6 mana Hero that immediately boosts you by 2 or 3 and lets you cast a free Raven Idol every turn as the hero power.
That way you would reach big things faster, keep generating stuff to drop once you are nearing fatigue without such heavy reliance on Nourish to keep your hand full.

Would also immensly help those Jungle Giants decks, as they won't sit around with 5+ spare mana every turn because every minion is free and they barely have spells left.

Volcanic Potion also needs to have a -50% occurance rate

Can't we just remove Mage?

hot newt, he didn't say ice block cuz ice block is shit in arena
he would rank it first on the list for removal if it was meant for ranked, believe me

>/hsg/ told me this deck would go 3-3
I couldn't summon The Ancient One, my principal objective, I drafted the second blood over so much better cards, also one lost was because a dc.

If Discard lock is getting pushed again, will we get a 'cards can't be discarded' minion?

>get paladin as an option three times in a row
>11 wins
>7 wins
>currently 6-0
>raking in the packs
friendship ended with jaina, uther is my best friend now

I'm kind of hoping for a "Discard 2 cards, then add 2 random cards discarded earlier to your hand."

What are your hopes/hypes for KFT?

I personally hope to see a control freeze shaman being viable


literally anything good for rogue

An anti deathrattle mage aoe spell

>Creates Jades, the end-all be-all, penultimate Tempo, Long Game, Highlander killer.
>Comes up with other Tempo cards in the same expansion.
>Keeps coming up with Tempo/Long Game/Highlander shit in Un'Goro and Frozen Throne.

Can anybody explain to me why they do this? Am I missing something? I mean am I the retard here? Please, it's ok if I'm the retard who doesn't get it, but just someone explain it to me, because my mind is just blown here and it's been that way since Gadgetzan.

a card that immediately kills mages when they play ice block

i want warlock to have a viable deck on ladder again.

>Ice block blocker
>When your opponent plays ice block, they instead take 30 damage

Mana cost irrelevant

I'm new to the game. In arena is it whoever has the most taunts wins, it sure seems like it.

>Just got off the shit-train that is Path of Exile's 3.0 expansion coming early next month (fucking everything is happening next month, fuck my life)
>Left an awful taste in my mouth with another League with an alright mechanic and shit side-content
Any good card reveals since Bolvar and that weapon?

no it's whoever has the most firelands portals

>no downside to discard
it'll never happen
this expansion will just have warlock get a buncha crap that's all over the place
we'll get a lazy deathrattle minion. maybe a big spider. but nothing that'll synergize with each other

kys tripfag

I really want to use this card in rogue but without brann its just hard to be worth you know.
Any ideas so i can make BIG GUYS

If anybody can correctly guess why I am always online 24/7 then I will remove my trip code forever.


>tfw roguefag

because ur a fag with no life

No one cares (you) attention whore

because you havent been banned yet

>playing explore un'goro meme deck
>replace my deck
>discover hemet

Whoever has the most card generation has the better chances of winning. Arena does involve a lot of skill, although that statement is at an all-time low currently, because there's just so many random card generators where you can't play around anything.

Still, when you draft, knowing the value of each card and the likelyhood that you will get to synergize their effects with upcoming cards you may chose is a big factor in doing well.

>discard shit
>lose divine shield shit
>[interaction] if target is frozen shit

there hasn't been a single thing that's exciting. The new druid legendary is kind of cool at least, although it not resummoning things that are given taunt like C'thun is going to be lame and taunt decks are boring anyway


Got this for my free Arena. Which one should I go for?

>Any ideas so i can make BIG GUYS
It's aight in a spirit echoes/evolve Shaman, there are probably better choices for that deck though

The lifesteal card will be good if we get a high attack weapon to justify it.
Plague scientist is pretty solid

thats the most normie post ive seen today grats user. Now fuck off


Priest and hope you get Amber

just fucking stop no one gives a shit

Hunter and go face

>He doesn't have golden heros

The Druid Secret would have been cool if the Secret you chose wasn't so incredibly obvious.

>he doesn't have the 12 win key

So far I've achieved explore un'goro on Warlock(renounce) and Paladin(hey goons, over here!)
Fun stuff. Hoping I can get it on some of the other classes.
My casino mage hasn't been lucky enough yet.
>tfw every card in the deck is a Primordial Glyph


here's an alt I used

I purposefully delete decks so I don't get it because I think it looks like shit

Pretty even. I'd actually suggest going for Shaman and hoping to draft a Volcano. There's a lot of idiots drafting Bittertide Hydra right now. Free fucking wins.



show rest of deck

Probably OG D-Wing, depends on curator value.

Post deck so far, impossible to tell.

curator is solid for draw if you think you can at least draft a couple of dragons/beasts
nothing wrong with Deathwing either, if you're not counting on having a hand anyway

Hunter btw

If you have a beast and primordial drake choose curator, otherwise go Deathwing. It will hail-Mary win games you have no business winning.

I'd say Fledgling already gives you the "autowin, maybe" effect, so go for the card draw Curator.

deathwing for sure my dude

Book and tome rotate out next year. meteor and glyph are with us for another whole year

21 cards in, no murlocs/dragons, old deathwing ez

So is Kazakus worth crafting for Standard still?

I know that he's definitely good enough for all kinds of Wild decks, though using him in Standard as well would be preferable.

Deathwing, nobody expects it.

Jesus christ man i bet Kripps footpussy game is unmatched

t. shieldbearer

There are no tier 1, 2 or 3 Kazakus decks in Standard, so at least for now, no.


Why is Trump so adorable and cute and autistic?
Too bad neither him nor me are gay, would totally try to hook up otherwise.

i want to soak his feet in honey and leak em clean thats what

honey shrimpin?

Wait until the new set drops, right now Kazakus is so-so.

>tfw when the whole chat spams REEE because of an advert
Watching the anime marathon is hard as fuck without cringing yourself to death


first transgender minion

more like Deathrattle Deal 3 to all Minions.

I can't wait for the inevitable Fidgetspinner memes.

I forgot this shit was a thing, kek.

Whatever happened to them wanting to keep card text simple? This shit looks like it's OC.

Well it's a gamble. The opponent has the choice to either kill it and hope it's 3 damage to everything, and so not summon any minion. OR risk the +2/+2 and have to destroy everything first and then this one.


who's the coolest hearthstone player?

Cards that rely on the opponent on making the wrong decision have only worked in the form of secrets, and even there you tend to only get results when you force the enemy into playing into them.

I don't expect much from this shit.

Well it is a secret. The Deathratlle say's "SECRET" It's a secret minion.