Wǒ shìgè hào xuéshēng. >What is BDO? Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, group pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo-sandbox experience.
Why can't we be friends Sardine people ): Who cares about a thing like guilds anyway
Hunter Hall
kys poothier you dumb shit eating tranny cuck faggot
Cooper Phillips
I'll be friends with you just please stop killing me at field bosses
John Sanchez
It's probably IC shitposting you, all they do is start drama.
Asher Young
Why the fuck do people cluster up to fish at the exhausted spots in Velia and Heidel
I don't get it
Wyatt Hernandez
kys Eristic
Christian Morris
Cuck-chan you're cute 0w0
John Garcia
I wasn't at Bhegs my friendo ): :D
Logan Lopez
I'm not Eristic.
Jose Ortiz
Not in sardine, but if you joined ITC then you are pathetic. Get your CC ready you disgusting degenerate oink oink
Leo King
>ITC literally declares war and wont lift it because they wont be able to declare again
I don't wanna be your friend, ITC.
Kayden Rodriguez
this lmao
kys ITC faggots
Jackson Gomez
I'm sorry I don't erp with anyone anymore or whatever you are upset about or "just shitposting for shitposting sakes"
Ian Walker
>Look at my kill feed.
Jaxson Hughes
Post noods
Isaac Bailey
>It was me shitposting you, I do it to try to start drama ftfy
Christian Scott
I'm not in IC though, I'm in ITC
Joshua Hernandez
>this QT
wtf I love ITC now
Josiah Parker
>I'm ITC
Even worse.
Adrian Bailey
It's literally a template 1:1 lmao
Joshua Allen
Elijah Rodriguez
Except you aren't.
Angel Gray
Post template
Daniel Moore
>how to go from top cute loved waifu to shit dumpster trash everyone hates in one day
Cameron Foster
Leave ITC or ya gonna get it.
Nicholas Parker
Channel and place?
Christopher Rodriguez
We will end the war if you bend the knee and become an ancillary guild to ITC. We'll even hand you nodes in good faith so you can get some moneys flowing.
Also please use guild protection to help out your non-geared or otherwise helpless members.
Asher Russell
Ser3 Tarif
Ethan Jackson
You know how to get that dec dropped
Brody Roberts
>Two Vjera's I told you motherfuckers that Vjera was actually multiple people and you thought I was joking. Well now who's the joke?
Nicholas Parker
Because you guys worship a mentally ill dude who has cucked you all into using your neetbux to pay him real money just for the opportunity to be in the same guild as him.
Frankly I hope you all kill yourselves, society would be better off.
Nolan Adams
Kick Vjera and we'll think about it.
Gabriel Hill
You can stop the war right now... Card #: Expiry date: cvc: This donation will also grant you 3 days of personal friendship
Joseph Cruz
Lucas Allen
>kicking one of our most valuable members LO okay
David Kelly
Valuable Implying
Nathan Lopez
>when your guild's clique constantly talks shit behind other guild member's backs
Does this not work anymore? Shit's not giving me knowledge or energy
Kayden Robinson
Who is spying on me. >Kicking the person who runs the guild. No. I guess you'll continue being upset that my members are killing yours when you can easily remedy the situation and get free nodes.
I don't even have anything against Sardine but hey, whatever.
Michael Barnes
Ayden Ortiz
Reminder to ignore anything and everything ITC.
Isaac Williams
guild chat and /bdog/ is all drama and i'm just sucking bbcs in heidel..
Andrew Torres
Me neither! i love sardine, and i want to hug them, but i don't get the same back ):
Easton Butler
Nice try imposter... Although you do sound a lot like me
Dominic Murphy
What's itc?
Luke Lewis
Henry Morris
Fuck kill toka
Easton Phillips
The three most attention desperate cucks in the same picture together.
Blake Gutierrez
>valuable rofl
Alexander Richardson
Infantile Testicular Cancer
Michael Collins
A new mental illness that quickly makes it's hosts break down and give up their credit card #'s in return for "friendship" with a tranny
Avoid all that have the mental illness, there is no saving them.
Eli Kelly
I'm The Cook.
Matthew Scott
I take credit
Cameron Reyes
I messed up.
Jack Brooks
>the zeneth1 doesn't respond to your advances
Liam James
A guild that nobody likes.
Xavier Morales
Inner Cuck and Sardine shitters mad as fuck ITT
Just kill yourselves, lmao
Dylan Bennett
Who and who?
Brody Phillips
Dead and irrelevant NA guilds.
Landon Baker
>I'm in Sardine and- >no you aren't >Silence
>I'm in ITC and- >no you aren't >Silence :thnkgn:
Adam Ramirez
The two NA Veeky Forums guilds.
John Adams
I'm in IC
Jacob Jackson
Make a coherent point or fuck off, retard
Sebastian Perez
>replying to retarded posts really makes you :tkinhgni: if you have down syndrome
Josiah Rogers
no you aren't
Alexander Cox
kys fuckface
Luke Reyes
I can prove it
Nicholas Sanders
You guys aren't doing well with the reminder.
Jeremiah Parker
Privyet, /bdog/! Which guild show I join for Node Wars?
Cameron Reed
Michael Wilson
Chase Stewart
fuck off steamfag
Hunter Cook
None of the guilds here
Aiden Morales
anything that isn't ITC, IC or sardine
Adam Foster
The guild that teaches you to change the filename when you're saving pictures to pretend to be someone.
Ayden Bennett
>ugly downsyndrome girl >cum dump >wannabe toka
Ian Roberts
Anyone want to ERP? I'm bored
Lucas Gomez
Fuck off straum
Connor Powell
I've been here since March though.
I just wanna do a few node wars before I uninstall.
I'm me though, user.
Josiah Young
maybe, where at and how cute are you
Gabriel Torres
James Thompson
Whisper me, my name is Doxen
Jayden Johnson
Are all posers this retarded?
Brandon Reyes
Calpheon 2 @ Calpheon Maybe?
Alexander Parker
anyone pls
Jackson Richardson
is this you straum?
Justin Cox
Nope! Still at the trees! but ERP might be nice.
Oliver Hughes
No, I'm Doxen. Whisper me.
Josiah Perry
Carter Green
sorry we're at war now sadly
Mason Robinson
Yeah, that's the name of my terribly depressed Valkyrie.
....Emerald Eyes, would ITC take me?
Blake Cruz
Jason Johnson
Reminder that IC has only just awoken from its year-long slumber and that you'll all be overtaken.
Dominic Phillips
Who cares about a thing like war ): Make love not war.