Only pet that matters is winning edition Official World: 42 Official FC: "grindanfc" Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)
reee why did jagex have to ruin f2p runecrafting challenges
Ian White
>he doesn't make 610 body runes for fun
Kayden Thompson
what happened
Lincoln Wilson
Old challenge was runespan, now it's making 610 essence body runes (i.e. making multiple runes does not count, you have to consume that much ess). The new one eats into bank space, takes more time, and is the same shitty xp as the old one.
Logan Bell
610 essence into body runes *
Ayden Lewis
>being f2p
Aaron White
>not having multiple alts
Easton Thompson
its also stupid because even the f2p rc urns are only usable on non ironmen because they have to be activated with pure essence
Lucas Perry
Doesn't giant mole drop it?
Joshua Moore
Gettin' there
Christopher King
thanks, I never even thought about that because I thought only kbd was f2p what website is that?
Jayden Hall
Logan Cook
No problem, just remember you'll be getting regular essence when you turn in the rc challenge.
Zachary Scott
pretty sure rc/runespan dailies have always been around. it's random which type you get similar to pickpocket/pyramid plunder dailies.
Luke Roberts
I'm gonna get 50 rc and then go get my magic to 55 by:
30 from burthope trolls 60 from safespotting ogres in yanille
after that i'll just do dg until 90 or 95
not sure how i'll get the t60 staff on dg though. i'm definately not going to get 68 fletching for it.
Austin Long
In f2p after a certain level you only got runespan challenges. At least, that's what I got dozens of times consecutively until the urn update.
>doing quests >shit that gives me pitiful amounts of exp in skills that i currently don't care about & can train in more efficient manners
sure, i'll do Monkey Madness, The Grand Tree and the kind; but quests in general? fuck that.
James Lee
careful yuo'll trigger the qp autists
Jason Price
wew lad you're dumb as fuck aren't you Pretty much everything good is locked behind quests.
Eli Flores
>everything good is locked behind quests how retarded do you have to be to believe that shit?
you can get 99 EASY on firemaking, cooking, fletching, crafting, smithing and herblore with JUST FREE PORTABLES from the portables FC
Divination, Summoning, Fishing, Runecrafting, Dungeoneering and several other skills are completely gr8 without many quests
you only really need to unlock priff & menaphos to get decent skilling locations; more than 200qp is just to show off.
Jose Roberts
>gnome quests >haven't explicitly seen Glough since 2004 >last gnome-centered quest was 2011
Jason Ross
Grayson Perry
Without crystallize, the xp rates on gathering skills is terrible. Without bane, you can't earn any money. Without sliske's meme set, hunter is absolute fucking cancer. Without curses, you're not going to be doing much of anything. Without crystal mask, you're basically fucked for thieving until you hit 93ish. etc.
I can't be assed to remember all the BiS stuff unlocked by quests for a retard.
And the amount of xp quests give is not "tiny" Sliske's endgame gives 1m xp, which for something
Besides, quests have actual gameplay, unlike mindless grinding. Why would someone play video games, if not for the gameplay?
Grayson Sanchez
>without bane, you can't earn any money L M F A O
Aiden King
without quests you can't tp to either gwd is a better one
Dylan Moore
max guild portal
Andrew Thompson
How can player choice exist if everything is determined by the probabilities of particles bouncing around inside the brains of Chinese investors?
Jack Hall
You need t90s to reliably farm telos and spoder. Please, do tell how you expect to get the money for them in any reasonable amount of time without doing qbd?
Connor Young
>requires quests to get to
Oliver Foster
>bane is required for qbd meme Remember you also need 99 herb and 99 pray to do any combat at all :^)
Logan Robinson
Just to unlock priff It's not about not doing any quests, just the useful ones
Michael Reyes
As i said; you don't need more than 200qp for those quests.
There are hundreds of quests in this game that have pitiful rewards and completely irrelevant post-quest content, such as:
Recipe for Disaster Druidic Ritual Carnillean Rising The Death of Chivalry Legend's Quest Myths of the White Lands The Chosen Commander Rune Mechanics Curse of Arrav Elemental Workshop Salt in the Wound
i could spend all night making this list; but you get the idea.
The point is: only questlines really worth doing are the elves, mahjarrat, sliske's and guthix shit, and they don't take more than 200 qp at all.
Andrew Mitchell
It takes 300 qp to get to anything close to the best rates in the game
Carson Foster
WGS and ROTM both need around 300 gp WGS itself has a hard req of 270 What kind of retard are you smoking?
Henry Myers
no it doesn't
Daniel Price
if you are this retard you need curse of arrav to get The Light Within
Gavin Davis
read again I said about doing useful quests, not doing none if it's worth doing, sure but doing them just to get a useless cape is wasting time
John Hill
wgs literally has a 270 qp req
Chase Carter
>There are people itt that still haven't done all quests
I wanted more so I did them all again on OSRS
Ayden Butler
I'm using sunspear as a main weapon for melee and mage. Should i change for something better
Liam Price
Jordan Cook
>200qplet gets btfo >stops posting
Chase Wright
what's the best way to farm levels for the "hard" followers on temple trek? i know for easy/med you can just afk snails with a snelm on but i figure the weak guys will take a gorillion years to kill those
should i just rush down the hard path as fast as possible?
Chase Ward
slutblades for melee furfag wand and attuned crystal orb made from the free seed for mage
Xavier Davis
>guy mentions how bad runescape "quests" are >autists start sperging
Ayden Martin
yup just rush the path and hope they ding from that I don't even know if they can level from combat
Isaiah James
what is furfag wand?
Joseph Brown
gwd2 wand
Camden Scott
Brayden Sullivan
why is quests between quotes would you rather do wow quests aka slayer tasks
Kayden Walker
It doesn't take that long, honestly. what takes a while is farming the lumberjack shit though I got it in under an hour
Jackson Brooks
It takes like 5 hours with high efford
Wyatt Brown
It's almost like gwd2 exists or something. Or just doing slayer because ascensions are really cheap anyway. At no point is QBD ever really worth it to do, aside from just some pet chance.
Christopher Martinez
Lumberjack is fast now that you cant get duplicates Used to be aids
Elijah Cook
>wow and runescape are the only games that exist holy shit
Jayden Carter
give me your example then
Mason Baker
they're the only two schools of quest design casual shit not worth mentioning and point and click adventure
Lucas Campbell
Finishing a task without a soul is really heartbreaking.
Fuck Hydrix Dragons, 500+ dry so far.
Owen Bell
Ohohoho that's amateur numbers
Ryan Nguyen
Is 2m per qbd good?
Samuel Davis
>per qbd confirmed casual 65m+ an hour, 80m if you actually try
Carter Hall
What can I do that's afk on a near maxed account? doesn't have access to any new content since 2013 anything good gp while afk outside of prif and menaphos? don't care for xp
Brandon Diaz
Landon Morris
its an alt, I don't want to quest on it I just want to afk gp while on main
Lucas Carter
I heard that people use divination on their alts for idle cash. Incandescent energy is 2m/hour and transmuting addy ore to runite is 2.4m/hour (according to rs wiki). Cursed energy is over 3m/hour, but it's in the wilderness so you might not want to bother.
Dominic Scott
Jeremiah Ortiz
well shit. I'm 1 div on my alt. guess I'll just cut elder trees in the meantime or something
Isaiah Anderson
how the fuck do I request assist other players I dont see the fucking option on the right click
Liam James
>your perfect pet is going to win the prayer vote Good feeling : - )
Luis Ward
gear > game settings > aid settings > assistance requests > on
Joshua Hernandez
>only 2 out of 7 combat pets will be decent polling was a mistake
Cooper Diaz
look at the other skill pets it wouldn't be any better if it were up to jagex to decide
Isaiah Ward
Roo and Ghost?
Nolan Smith
pets were a mistake
Jaxson Kelly
>cleaning out your bank for junk when you suddenly realize you're rich
>I want Mining and Smithing to be profitable skills at high level >I want to be able to make money from having this skill at 99 despite everyone else also having 99 smithing implement artificial grinds to give me gp plz
Grayson Adams
>coming soon >this is coming soon >there's a upcoming update for this >we're working on this >coming soon
Levi Harris
>We've also been prototyping footprints – a new cosmetic reward type first mentioned way back at last year's Runefest. oh boy more cosmetic cancer
Elijah Lee
I'm surprised they're gonna be clue rewards and not on SGS/TH
Joseph Brown
That entire news post essentially contains no new information. We already knew they were "working" on all that shit, and it doesn't seem like they've made any significant progress since they last informed us.
There is this, however: >Bank Rework >Once the team's time is available to do the groundwork, we'll crack on with this project as a high priority. I thought they said they had made at least some progress on it, but now they're saying that they don't even have the groundwork laid out or even manpower allocated to it?
Leo Myers
What a good thing to smith while using augmented crystal hammer?
Grayson Cooper
How the fuck is she holding those daggers
Thomas Lewis
With her hands, are you fucking stupid?
Joshua Richardson
>they changed the wording >Once the team's time is available to do some further, essential groundwork, we'll continue with this project as a high priority. Nice damage control, but it still implies that they've barely started, at best.
Bentley Martin
>instead of fixing the player models we'll be reworking areas that nobody ever visits >oh and they'll all have the same bland appearance >bank rework hasn't been started btw LITERALLY WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN DOING THIS ENTIRE YEAR
Joshua Jones
>put up job posting for developers for new MMO >no one applies because no one wants to work at Jagex >re-assign devs from RuneScape to new MMO This is my guess. Menaphos didn't have nearly enough content to explain why they've made zero progress on anything. This goes beyond their usual incompetence, so I don't think it's that, either.
Joseph Taylor
Let's not forget they fired like two thirds of their staff in 2014 or 2015 and indirectly complained about being undermanned the following years
Jeremiah Robinson
>mining/smithing came second to the bank rework >they haven't even started working on the bank rework What the fuck are these people's priorities?
Ian Nelson
How long until we have cosmetic-only mounts? That would be another promise they'd break along with the "no wings" deal they had a couple years ago.