He pronounces it "gee tee eye" not "gitty"

>he pronounces it "gee tee eye" not "gitty"

I pronounce it GTI cause I live in Germany and do it right

ghee tee ee?

>W. R. X
not 'wex'

>>>he pronounces GTR as "GEE TEE ARE" and not "Guitar"


how triggered do you krauts get when we call porsche poorsch and not poorscha

>he doesn't say GEE TEE ARU

>he pronounces AMG as "AYYY EM GHEE" and not "I am gay"

>He pronounces it Nine Eleven
>Not Nine One One

>He says Em Arr Tu
>Not Mister 2

>pronounces it Civic dee ecks
>Not Civic dicks

>he pronoucnes it 'bee emmm dubble ewww'

Props for posting dennis

That's not right either-

Gay tay eee?

Can you tell me if I’m saying kompressor correcty?

>he pronounces it "mee arr tuh" not "em ex fyve"

>he pronounces it “eff-arr-ess”
>not “furrs”

>not “werks”

>he pronounces k.i.a as key-ah

>he pronounces it T D I and not teedey

he pronounces it >bee em doubleyou
not >bumway

obscure reference

>he pronounces it "gee tee are" not "guitar"


It is cringe how Burgerkangz pronounce Volkswagen, they pronounce it "Foulkswoaguen" like some retards.

Hope the rotting kikes get them into a war with the Northern gooks, than atleasts we don't have to deal with their retardes Le 56% shit!

Well the Jewpuppet can't help himself being like that.
It's not his fault, it's the kikes school system, food and music/movie propaganda that made them that dumb.

he pronounces
>toh yo tha

>He pronounces it teedey and not tiddy


>he pronounces it Por-sha and not Pores-ché



This guy looks like my unshaved gooch

>Volks wagen
>Gee Tee Eye
>Gee Tee Arr
>Neye gar as well

You have to say KOMPRESSOR in a German voice

That’s one of the most german words ever. KOMPRESSOR

> t. German