Pajeet took my job again

>pajeet took my job again

should have never majored in CS

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you mean freelance? how often does this happen?

Programming is just something you should do if your enjoy it as a hobby. Anyone that's relying on it for a job is going to be shit out of luck and even more so as time goes on.

Unless of course Trump nukes india.

try restarting your loo

>not restarting all education every 5 years
just wait for the AI revolution. You'll be begging to live in Pajeet's dumpster

Thank Obama

in 10 years all programming jobs will be outsourced to india or china, even game developers has begun to hire shitskins in india to write the crude tedious code for their games, and have like 2-3 imported negros in their closet to polish it for them

it's a dumb useless skill that takes litally no brain power, which is why indians and other minorities excel at it.

learn something useful instead

what do you suggest? i wanna freelance

t. someone from 2001

>excel at it.

No they don't

aren't programmers smart and shit?

>t. someone from 2001
so someone who was correct and continues to be?

Learn how to trade futures by the tick chart

Meanwhile I make 6 figures with a CS degree without any pajeet to be seen. Only the most mediocre programming jobs are given to underpaid indians because guess what ? The good ones make 6 figures too.

Pajeet is a problem precisely because of useless "useful" people. If you knew anything at all about the work you were buying software to automate, productivity would skyrocket. Imagine, instead of being a covetous Jew and cutting jobs, you instead enabled the same workers to deliver more value. But it'll never happen as long as we put know-nothings with useless talker degrees on a pedastal.

>he only learned programming from CS
Pajeets aren't an excuse. They don't go near shit like security, architecture, networks and data.

This tbqh.

There are plenty of economists who wrote published papers on how programming is now practically a planned obsolescence blue collar job these days.

t. econometrician

Use you programming skills to mix with statistics and become an analyst instead. Much more stable career. What's good about this is that even though Pajeet can do programming and statistical analysis, they often lack the "critical thinking" ability that goes with it; that is, what the next step is for business, or what the numbers mean in a real context.

Pajeets and the like are just robots.


I would say a good progammer will always find a high paying job relatively easy. But 95% arent good, pajeets included.

The good programmers are the kids who started at the age of 10 as a hobby and scored 10/10 every school math test without reading or practising, they are rare. If you go in to cs to learn to program and then get a job you will probably get destroyed in the work (real world).

Every job will be automated in 10 years, law, finance etc. programming is actually the last one. The best programmers will be programming the automating systems then. Then we will even have the robots coming which require these talented software guys more than any other field probably.

>The good programmers are the kids who started at the age of 10 as a hobby and scored 10/10 every school math test without reading or practising, they are rare. If you go in to cs to learn to program and then get a job you will probably get destroyed in the work (real world).
( ._.)

Your meme is shit and you should an hero because you're probably a shitty programmer working for shitty companies

Literally every Pajeet I have ever worked with in IT was a useless leech and probably bought his degree

>pajeet is smarter than u though

Please try to keep up white boys

you guys are making me regret my interest in computer science which is now making me feel hopeless since i was strung on it for years since early hs

what the fuck do i do? i grew up with computers (not really with programming, but technically), thought it was one of the decent skills i had but know this thread is making me doubt

my inferiority complex is spiking and i haven't thought things through in the slightest. fuck

If you're passionate and not a retard you'll be fine. There's jobs all around and so many sub-fields that you'll always find something to do if you're flexible and not an autist.

I grew up around computers and technology as well and was studying CS in college and grew kinda tired of school/living at home so I took a shitty computer support job that required no experience -they were literally hiring let go bankers and all that- and even that made me 48k a year after taxes.

don't study CS just to land a decent paying job, I did that mistake. If you program for fun in your spare time or are just not a people-person then go for it m8

CS is a bad major? then wtf is a good major? Engineering and Chemistry?

You must be shitty at your job. Indians and other people from 3rd world countries are shitty programmers

>Work for an IT company
>Bosses decide to outsource to Pajeetistan
>Lay off ~80% of my department (I survive the cut because I go out for drinks with the owner occasionally)
>Sandeep and Sadoo over in Poodelhi fuck everything up so bad that we terminate our contract with them after 4 months
>I'm interviewing 2-3 people a day as we try and rebuild our department

Could have been worse. I basically had a 4 month break where my default answer to any problem was "India fucked it up again, try asking them".

Depends what industry. You guys are looking at it from a very basic perspective. Poos almost never have a deep understanding of programming. They are useless to the defense industry, and pretty much any r and d work that isn't shit.

Law, Finance and Industrial/Civil Engineering.

All of the other majors are wagecuckie

Why do the companies do this? Do they even bother consulting what outsourcing a competent workforce does? They're just buying broken shit or soon-to-be broken once Pajeet gets his hands on it.

Pay more for good result or pay little for pretty much noresult at all.


Get good; add value. If Pajeet can replace you, then you are replaceable and anyone could replace you, don't blame Pajeet.

1. Stay the fuck away from enterprise development.
2. Stay the fuck away from enterprise development.
3. Specialize in related areas of computing other than cold hard programming to make your skills more competitive.

It's not a meme you prick

This is even more fucked up:

>Literally every Pajeet I have ever worked with in IT was a useless leech and probably bought his degree

But they're cheaper, so..

>Learn how to trade futures
Not for everyone but an amazing skill if you are good at it.

He had to pay 100,000s of dollars for his degree, he can't compete on price with someone from a 3d world country, even if he wanted to.

Actually, with the way they're pushing social skills and "team player" bullshit, good programmers are at a steep disadvantage. They're actually, you know, good, so they're liable to run afoul of some butthurt cowworkers just by showing up.

>every job will be automated in 10 years

I'm assuming you mean integrated with technology because if you actually believe that robots/code are going to replace 100% of jobs in 10 years, you're crazy.

>tfw manage all the pajeets
They're code monkeys. They're really good at mindless coding, which is why they get hired.

>excel at it

This is wrong. They're just runt programmers. codemonkeys.

People began to affiliate Computer Science with Programming and writing code and that absolutely destroyed the degree. CS used to be an applied mathematics degree, now it's codemomkey training.

And what are those related areas? Software Development?

Not necessarily. Georgia Tech is probably the best school in the world for Computer Science and it's because of their curriculum. They allow students to focus on different fields within CS when earning the degree.

Check some of the threads out. That is what the future of Computer Science is. Not Java and Python

>actually thought about going to CS

I know some C++ and python, but it's not interesting at all for me.

I love finance though, love reading about LBOs and M&As and shit, read most of warren buffet's books and enjoyed them, but I'm wary of falling for the "go study what you love meme"

I love finance but chances of finding employment are slim, so should I just go for the useful degree meme, aka CS?

No. You'll be absolutely miserable and will probably drop out and CS is pretty demanding as a degree. If you want a useful meme degree get a statistics degree.

I thought of maybe going into CS or engineering, with the goal of going into consulting afterwards. I'm fluent in 3 languages (Learning my 4th), and I know firms like McKinsey and Bain recruit people straight out of college with a plethora of degrees, so I thought I'd do CS and if I absolutely hate it fall back into consulting with the goal of transitioning into Venture Funding for software, or something of that sorts

I know though I'll be miserable. But the alternative is going for Finance or Economy, for which the competition is RUTHLESS. If I don't get an internship at a good IB/PE shop I'll pretty much be done. Hugh risk, no reward...

I know you love finance. This is why I'm telling you to do stats/math with a finance minor. Look into it.

Stats and math are on par with CS though - CS is basically an extension of a math degree. I don't see how they are valid substitutes, if I don't manage to find interest in CS, why would I find interest in those degrees?

The big question is if the suffering is worth it, and if I'm able to endure for 3 years in order to get my piece of paper.

You're fucked if you don't go to a top 20 school- enjoy below average paralegal pay
JD will put you into debt up to your ears
You're fucked if you don't go to a top 20 school- enjoy below average analyst pay
>Industrial/Civil engineering
Enjoy working in CAD all day and getting fired and replaced with pajeet

Uni isn't suffering, for me at least. I am learning a ton and it's fun

The suffering begins when you graduate and enter the job market: it's do or die and you want to kys every day

Because you don't have to code in Stats or Math. You do math and stats.