>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki: finalfantasy.wikia.com
"What version should I play?" Information: pastebin.com
>FF Lost Stranger
July update: forum.square-enix.com
>FF XIV Stormblood
KING’S KNIGHT announced for Mobile & Fishing game for PSVR
XV manga incoming
Episode Ignis Trailer: youtu.be
Brotherhood episodes: pastebin.com
>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF: happypluto.com
Upcoming Banners List: docs.google.com
Friend Codes: docs.google.com
FAQ Pastebin: pastebin.com
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP: pastebin.com
GL FAQ: pastebin.com
Friend Codes: docs.google.com
>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
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>Other game information
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FFT is shit
Not as shitty as FFXIII
I disagree.
you need to add FFXV Comrades to the general post.
Are all 3 of Luneth's enhancements worth upgrading?
then pull
No, Advance sucks.
I finally finished my Vanille due Moogles and swapped out Ludmille so i can do all 3 Soleils.
I know Miyuki is definitly bad choice (Genji Blade is free and better, Lass Weapon is "free" only 6 points weaker, Dwarfs Katana was "free" and only like 20 weaker), but i decided to go for it for the novelty of it.
>no one wants to do multiplayer and be bros
to live is to suffer
>still no news on Nier collab when
kek, just did a single pull and... well wrong BSB
should I push my luck?
yeah I agree if you don't have a medica it's your last chance for a while
I'll be playing that when beta starts because I got nothing better to do around that time.
it doesn't
Different user, what if I already have like, 3 or 4 medicas? Is it still worth pulling on?
medicas and bsbs are different things, list them out to be sure
user with the lucky pull here.
I feel compelled to draw again to try and get this and complete Ace(implying SSB), but I know I'll be angering the RNGods by abusing my luck, so instead have some!
wait, Iris is his daughter?
>SE recycled Roxas for WoFF
>then recycled Xion for XV
who's next? Riku for X-3?
Do it, you need a medica user. I'm not sure how you went two years without one.
We do know that next week is a collab event, so it's either NieR or Ariana Grande. However, since it'd cross over with the FFT trial, I imagine it will be AG. This will give us another week for a raid, meaning NieR is probably in two weeks.
Lightning's swimsuit is cute! Cute!
Y'shtola BSB, Larsa BSB, Aerith BSB, Yuna USB, Selphie USB, Arc SSB
I'm not actually sure what a medica is. Isn't it just an AOE heal?
x3 singles with 4* on all of them
via catgirl WALL from her original banner + Shout on his original banner, I usually RW a medica if needed but aside Divine Guardian or other Regen buffers I never got any good medica
the fuck did you do for medica lucky draws
skipped the original White Mage nightmare and got 1/11 on this last fest's medica banner with Rosa's Bow
Rate my pull
All BSBs are medicas, but not all medicas are BSBs
You have yshtola and larsa bsb, probably top tier
Yuna is MP top tier
You have great medicas, only pull if you want easier magicite clears. If you want to do sub 30 sec clears, deuce bsb is mandatory though
nip nog toyota nintendo ching pong maruchan 0/11 honda kun-chan
Are these beta sprites or something?
what the shit is this??
man how old is that?
i wish the background actually looked like that
t. Triggered GLcucks
Huh, I wonder why was that. Let me try with x3 singles.
>did x4 singles because I'm an idiot
>all 3* shit
I deserve that.
>all these people getting Ace stuff
>all I get is a fucking Nine shield for 65 mythril
It hurts to live.
time to pull again user
These are a reference to Nintendo's Shyguys.
What is this Happy Mask Salesman shit
Why couldn't ashe have looked like this, fuck
they're just waiting for halloween to dance
boing boing zoom
should i pull once on viii-1 or wait for potential waifus on viii-2
>he thinks I didn't try
No, I literally can't use gems right now, before you ask. I'm flat out zero on mythril, only thing I can hope for now is that this is where my luck evens out so I don't miss the real stuff I'm looking forward to.
follow your dick_
what if I don't have one
Not at high levels it doesn't!
>tfw that guy in the last thread stole all of my saved up meme magic
I'm really scared to pull for Deuce BSB now
are you feeling II now mr. LP user?
Don't bother, you waited too long. Moment's passed
>don't have a single healer BSB
>skips the white mage nightmare
>instead wastes 20 mythril on meme single pulls
based retard
follow it anyway
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my aching back...
I've been holding it back and I couldn't admit it. But I gotta come clean and honest man. I just gotta let it all out.
that single pull user took the last meme magic, but I guess I can wish you luck if you're going to try
Don't worry user
I have some meme magic locked away for a rainy day
let me go fetch it
It's now with you
Real talk I got her USB and SSB and I've already spent 150 mithril in that banner, should I just cut my losses and save my self the disappointment?
>150 mythril hoping for Ace or Nine stuff
>Deuce USB, LMR, SSB
>Ace SSB
>3 Nine SSB
Kill me too.
Chorizo is best Exvius.
that's the sensible choice, but we all know (you included) that you're going to pull anyways, so good luck and enjoy your off-banner shared SB
if this is you do not pull, you have way too much stuff on that banner
I'm sorry user but you just didn't get it, time to move on
real talk the pulls are independent of each other
you have the same chances whether you have already spent 150 or 0 or 1000
don't fall for gambler's fallacy
with that in mind it's a spectacular bsb and youre doing yourself a disservice not having it
>youre doing yourself a disservice not having it
Okay fine. One last time.
>used goods
may Cosmos bless your pull
Meme magic, hope you get it.
>I've gone 5/55 my last 5 pulls
I'm 20/56
Anyone have a poison RW?
I can set my Kefka's BSB if you want
I can feel it
this is it
deuce bsb
it will be yours
take this meme magic
Please and thank you.
Ah, deadly Iraqi soldiers.
If he pulled it we would've heard about it by now
he's probably stringing up the noose right about now
If you're really tired of the game, just cast warp on everything. Even bosses.
>one sole Disco ball comes out
>so distraught I didn't even take a screenshot
Well lads. Convince me not to go buy the Levithan Pouch and keep pulling.
does that still works on the ports?
give me a moment please
Hell I'm running from every enemy I meet. They don't do anything for me anyway anymore, they're just a waste of magic. Specifically the jelly enemies. Jelly my asshole.
And that's twice in a fucking row I've run into a dead end.
I thought she was japanese for some reason
Well anyway still a qt and a best
What are they saying? Translate you weebs!
>I thought she was japanese for some reason
She is.
Oh please, like the other Exvius girls aren't sluts, Chizuru just gets MILF points.
But i mean it mere that she hits a good point between rarity and power, she is good and easy to use and synergize VERY nicely with free and starting equipment, and at 4-stars she isn't that hard to pull and even after you pull the better shit her potential for 100% dodge give her a niche.
Sorry, user.
>they're just a waste of magic. Specifically the jelly enemies. Jelly my asshole.
I lol'd
Go for it user. It's just 30 bucks and you don't want to wait 6 months for another chance at it do you?
>150 lapis per ticket plus goodies
Yes please
Spending money on a mobile game is stupid
>like the other Exvius girls aren't sluts
Fuck you, Aileen a cute
14% chance to get something good
For the guaranteed 5*, that's 13/14
For the 10 others, thats 99/100
So your odds of not getting a deuce bsb on your 5th pull would be 1-((13/14)^5*(99/100)^5) if I did it right
So you have a 65* chance of pullling deuce bsb in 5 pulls
But in my defense I've never seen official chizu art
And in the pic she looks Caucasian
I still have her on my main team even awakened phantom shadow to +2 so
I'm not racists or anything