In the last day /dfg/ was struck down in the deep threadlands.
Lucas Flores
woah is that a dwarf fortress!?
Mason Barnes
he man!
Josiah Rodriguez
Jonathan Edwards
who dis man what he doin
Luis Ramirez
my guess is strand extractor
Luis Stewart
Jose Barnes
does anybody else get the bug with the siege engines? not sure about catapults but whenever my ballista dorfs actually hit a zombie the game crashes. Is this just me?
Leo Fisher
we should develop an art canon for dorf fort so if you have little skill drawing you can still make art for the thread!
Bentley White
toady knows how to make some comfy graphics
James Robinson
Thatd be nice, I want to make some art to commemorate my dorf who was constantly starting fights with the same 2 other dorfs and lost every single one of them I suck at art though
James Thompson
>tfw never got past the first level in that game
Charles Gutierrez
IVFM is actually unique among Toady's games, in how it actually has great gameplay. the visual cues the game offers are just good enough to make it challenging and beatable at the same time, and the penalties for clicking the wrong room are just enough.
I really recommend gitting gud at this game. for the rough 30 mins-1h that the game lasts, it's a real blast.
Hunter Phillips
Doing something like this, except multilayered, is my dream. Hopefully one day I'll be good enough.
Sebastian Parker
>artsy organic elf crap is my dream well then you might be gay user
Parker Gonzalez
>mfw this looks like it could be early childhood ninedots work
Jonathan Powell
Don't use ballistae or weapon traps in this version, if the weapon/ballista arrow gets destroyed, the game crashes because that dumb Toad shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the languages with pointers.
Xavier Johnson
>lmao don't let dumb toady code yeah, I'm sure we'd be much happier if he didn't make DF for us in the first place.
Xavier Ortiz
>implying commie blocks are anything else than elven propaganda used to neuter the dwarven race
Hudson Roberts
it makes comrade urist the uberzwerg
Justin Rogers
> The list is down to about twenty nuggets like this, which take a day or two each. Not that I'd extrapolate a release date from that... it never works that way. But we're getting there.
I can feel it, the release will be in less than a year.
Caleb Foster
one of my miners is just stood in the dining hall holding his pick not mining, its turned on in labor and preferences. he's a few levels lower than my other miner so he probably stopped mining a while ago. what do?
Nathan Kelly
Ill keep posting my sketches err day and will take requests if anyone asks. Scanner just got delivered too so no more grainy lamp glare photos. feed me more (You)s
Ryder Ward
Isolate the problem. general (non-exhaustive) list of possible causes someone isn't doing his job: he doesn't have the necessary tool, his arm is injured, he's just not doing it yet (check the jobs list), he can't reach the job site, someone else is doing it, his labor isn't enabled, he's on break/sleeping/eating
My bet is on you fucking up the designations trapping him somewhere down without a way up.
Wyatt Gomez
i literally embarked 25 minutes ago, once he dug out the dining room he has just stayed in there holding his pick with no job, the other miner is digging out the rest of the area around him just fine
Kayden Morales
What about other dwarves, what about other jobs, what about the same job in other places? Again, isolate the problem.
Parker Price
hes now looking for vermin to eat despite being in the dining room surrounded by plump helmet roasts, is it possible to have dorfs with down syndrome or something?
Jayden Sanders
Show us your unit, job and labor manager/v->p->l screens and the meeting hall. Also did you create any burrows?
Ian Walker
What's his favorite food? Anyway, my guess is still you fucked up stairs or something. What about other dwarves? are there other dwarves that can't access the mining area? Or the dining room?
Elijah Williams
i just saved and reloaded and now he's mining fine again. for the record he had no other labors on apart from masonry, there were no active burrows, and my other dwarves were getting food from the barrels next to him just fine
Easton Powell
bby scan your previous ones
Luis Hall
Well, it sometimes just happens. When I removed a tavern, everyone got back to work, except for one miner who was too drunk to notice that party's over and kept socializing with dust and gabbro tables for almost a month. Eventually he got thirsty, left his fascinating companions and started mining again.
Zachary Harris
>stumble across sleeping army bug >try to fix it using DFhack's siren command >they're still fucking asleep
I'm so mad.
Brayden Martinez
Is there any worldgen wizard that can tell me how to get a world with lots of major rivers?
Jace Sanders
i mean thinking practically, if you have lots of mountains spread out and lots of rainfall then rivers will follow.
Ian Campbell
Is this good enough?
Joseph Mitchell
oh god I'm getting conniptions just looking at that
Give me some cool ideas for worldgen to make in perfect world.
Cooper Mitchell
will do. I will probably post an imgur link or something instead of spamming the thread though. Btw im out of town until sunday nite so no new draws until then but i will post 3 on Sunday bc I must autistically post 1 a day.
Ryan Ortiz
gib parameters pls
Jose Bailey
>a little less swampy
Tyler Rogers
Wait a bit, I am on phone.
William Nguyen
Gonna try out a swamp embark, see how it goes
Aiden Lewis
enjoy the trenchfoot
Jaxson Morgan
>how do I do this thing? >use the given feature that is explicitly directly related to that thing. >kill yourself. If you just wanted someone to give you a world why did you ask how to do it yourself?
Ryan Walker
It just rejects world, doesnt help in any way to create the rivers in the first place.
I accidentally trapped this guy in a jeweler's workshop and a little alcove for a season. I hate how tantrums basically don't exist anymore, nor do truly bad moods.
Owen Morgan
Luke Myers
How do I help elves survive worldgen? Everytime they get anywhere near humans or goblins they get wiped out in few years.
Gabriel Lewis
A dwarf left a trail of tears. Looks like the trail goes cold at a parchment called The Village and Beyond.
Ryan Fisher
>the now-tradeable artifacts Game's getting easier by the day. On the other hand, having a fuckload of artifacts stashed somewhere isn't ideal either.
Robert Wilson
is this a harem anime?
Nolan Adams
>the amount of invaders is proportional to the amount of artifacts you have sounds fun no, that's called a gangbang
Ryan Myers
Yep, bi dwarf turns his men into traps and always ignores poor Tosid-san.
Caleb Russell
More tears. What's going on here? Is it the pool of troglodyte blood I tracked through the stairway?
Carson Hughes
>the game just keeps stacking more invaders against you Sounds boring
I found one of them. I guess he was struck by the beauty of my storytelling. The dwarf was also present for my story.
Tyler Robinson
Why is he keeping fun away from us uh??? I want tantrum spirals...
Isaiah James
>We don't do balance t. Toady
Benjamin Bailey
He is trying to make npc personalities more far complex but it may take him a long time to figure out how to make it have a more fun effect.
Aaron Johnson
What is this and where can I get it?
Colton Rogers
Is there even any point to a map larger than smaller and with more than 50 years of history for fortress play?
Caleb Parker
More population, more interesting migrants, older beasts
Christian Peterson
Less cool spots to embark, much lower chance to influence the world, higher chance to get invaded by the shitty kind of werebeast.
Isaiah White
>elven caravan has arrived >oi urist get the ballist- >caged giant wolf (tame) >no need to waste wood on bolts, urist
Bentley Hall
>much lower chance to influence the world How do you do this from fortress mode? I can't think of much
Parker Powell
Man I really like that calendar date changer script but I wish the game didn't make it so the days would get slower the longer you left it on. 20 years is about as far as you can go before it becomes unbearable. Not 20 years period though I'm talking about 20 years per time you start a new game in the world and the calendar activates.
Ethan Young
>dem books >dem travellers >dem exports >dem getting a queen/king and becoming the mountainhome
Noah King
Tantrum spirals were never intended anyway, so they probably aren't ever coming back unless the pendulum swings too far back in the other direction when he starts tweaking personalities again.
Adrian Baker
>remember how starting on a new world means that sites will be founded all over the place and wars will happen frequently >want to play an adventure mode character to experience it all >remember that none of it will matter because all the armies and refugees will just go the fuck to sleep
The more I play the more I run into this bug and I swear to god its making me want to commit sudoku.
Ayden Wood
It's really fucking horrific.
Jack Cook
>when you post stories and shit on bay12 >piles of views >no comments
Dylan Howard
Yep. He better fix it in the update because if he doesn't I'll bet like a million dollars that all the new thieves and adventurers will also sleep forever.
Gavin Turner
flooding the market with granite, diorite, and gabbro crowns, toys, amulets, and other crap..
Benjamin Jenkins
Post link. I'll view it, not comment, and be mean to you here. Actually, I can do the last part anyway. Faggot.
Josiah Perry
>TFW: you wish there was some requirement for supports for underground structures. >Feels weird making a 11x11 room without a central pillar. >find it hard to play hilly embarks because i get neat-freakish about things that I can fix later (like entrance aesthetics) >hate tree-roots revealing/ soil on underground layers. >worry about running out of space in any particular direction.
Jaxson Jones
>embark on volcano >cant decide where to start digging I love and hate this game
Camden Peterson
There's the problem - Toady wants phisacs and complex chemistry as well but he's afraid to overburden CPU too much. I'm pretty sure we'll get something mediocre in the coming decade, probably even IRL-like mechanics.
Carson James
You have only one real option.
Logan Rogers
wait what
Ayden Rodriguez
>sandy clay loam wall >can get neither sand nor clay from it
Christian Parker
Blood and venoms were in the game forever but are useless and can only be aquired through caravans. >get a (*sparrow blood Barrel*) >think about the amount of sparrows squeezed to achieve that
Anthony Hughes
King Cobra venom is even harder to achieve, and an entire fucking barrel would sell for billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry for antidote preparation.
And here I get it for 30
Josiah Taylor
Termite ichor barrels are even more mind boggling. And gremlin tears.
Austin Walker
>bumblebee ichor barrel
Ayden Cooper
>this was brought by the dwarven caravan at one point
Isaac Williams
What tileset?
Sebastian Wright
don't remember, the screenshot is like 1-2 years old
Jordan Sullivan
How long does it take for dorfs to realize something is forbidden and drop it?
John Richardson
Errrrr What
Isaiah Kelly
>2 of my top 3 swordsdwarves/teachers don't appreciate martial skills >both Legendary +3 Fighters
Cameron Mitchell
>painstakingly design square miles of intricate bedrooms and hallways by hand >about to get mined out >autosave >freezes