3rd for obviously razor trying to bring more attention to himself because he clearly wants all of it and thinks we're unable to see through his game
I know that's you, no one else is autistic enough to keep on talking about this shit.
Thomas Reed
It's not me though, I'll go to the previous thread and show that I have no (You)s
Dominic Moore
Adrian Green
minus weapons and price, try to name 3 objectively bad things about this car. good luck, I doubt you'll be able to.
Jordan Long
>tfw I can't
The fact that it's weaponized is enough reason not to buy it though.
Oliver Diaz
>they did a half-assed job with the license plate, stretching it to be mock-Euro style when they've shown they can do them more accurately with the Pigalle's >it's an Ocelot when it would make more sense for it to be a Coil >it doesn't sound nearly beefy enough for a V8
The front bumper also looks dumb as hell because it's much too tall, but I'm giving that the benefit of the doubt until I buy it because it might just be an option.
Owen Ortiz
Even though it's a Lotus, Rockstar refused to give it a unique brand name or merged it with Coil since the Voltic is a mix between a Tesla and a Lotus.
There's also a problem with the license plate being a stretched piece of shit when they should've deleted it or copied the one from the Pigalle, the engine sounding nothing like a proper 4.0 twin-turbo V8, and the general shape is too bulky and not roundly smooth like the fifth generation Esprit.
I'll still buy it regardless, but I hope the inclusion of this vehicle doesn't prevent us from getting the E-Type a lot of people requested.
Josiah Harris
I really hope youre not a virgin player user
Carter Green
Has this girl become a gtag meme or what?
Austin Garcia
#1: That plate #2: Ocelot #3: The interior respray option is missing.
Brayden Gonzalez
these comics are confusing to me. sometimes chad is the winner, sometimes virgin is. in this example, virgin is the clear winner.
Camden Walker
I wonder if Razor would fly into an autistic rage if someone shipped his character with Generic Blue-Haired GTAO Girl, like the guy who made Reize Seatlan does when people ship his OC with icky girls.
Julian Scott
sorry for your loss
Luis Reed
Chad gamering is the endgame of GTAO, sorry to inform you.
Austin Brown
>No beta option with tryhard outfits, hydra/weaponized vehicles and """operator"""" gear
Cameron Hughes
someone needs to do that already, where's the artist who created this fantastic portrait?
Mason Morgan
>wasting that artist's legitimate talent on fucking Razor
Get some fuckstick off deviantart to do it.
Jose Edwards
Did they fix the PS4 date and time empty lobby trick?
Angel Rogers
Yes. Several weeks ago. Drop your MTU if you want to be alone now.
Jayden Gray
What's even the point of racing if everyone goes at the same speed? It's just one guy in front and everyone else just crashes into you like it's gonna help them win. Always have to hope for that RNG to start in front of everyone, good game.
Aaron Price
Oh. At least MTU still works.
Jackson Young
>what are race lines
Elijah Wood
>guy tries to push you off the stunt track >you counter and he falls instead that warm feel man
Jacob Howard
Can I get an invite to the PS4 crew?
SC: Razor1096
Levi Stewart
nice meme
Michael Robinson
fuck off manlet twink
Nicholas Torres
Why the hell in-game SC can't find the band? I'm tired of playing Loading Screens: The Game, just because someone leaves after a minute of playing. PC, SC: BlackBarsy
Alexander Moore
Gotcha. Welcome. Don't grief crew.
Asher Reed
fuck off manlet twink
Kayden Bailey
apparently there was a leak saying that grand theft auto was in development. where would you like to see the game take place? which era would you want it to be in? kinda like how vice city took place in the mid 80s and SA in the early 90s? what direction would you like to take the story? what about the main character(s)?
Eli Thompson
I'd be better if someone drew his THIGG imaginary gf in some primo NTR faceless niggger gangbang Vice city obviously. Maybe near-future? Most likely modern setting though.
Carter Turner
A neon-drenched Outrun/muderwave/vapourwave styled love letter to the 80s set in vice city
Gabriel Cox
I'd rather see it die after GTA:O
Liam Fisher
Good answer.
William Scott
Not gonna lie, if his imaginary waifu was rendered by someone who could actually draw, I'd stand at attention.
Jason Kelly
Holding out for a Carcer City GTA in realistic brown/True Detective setting. Story setting would be more grimey instead of the usual rags to riches format.
Hell, let us play a cop this time around, uncovering crazy conspiracies as the story continues or go deep undercover.
I just want Team Mafiya Work back for multiplayer, other than that I don't care ;_;.
Samuel Martinez
A relatively near future smog drenched New Orleans like a vaporwave Shadowrun. Neon lights, futuristic weapons, and voodoo magic all cutting through the haze.
Jacob Reyes
Would you ever let your name resemble FourLoko?
Lincoln Martin
>Vice City >Multiple protags, one of which is female >Multiple cities and wilderness in Florida to explore >Miami, Orlando, small redneck towns, and swampland >Option to get in a plane and fly to Liberty City or Los Santos a bit like in SA >Pic related for swampland travel
Jace James
you memewave fucks need to suffocate on your own vomit.
Lincoln Cooper
Kill yourself
Owen Howard
sounds fucking gay
Dylan Richardson
Jason Watson
I don't understand what was confusing about my post.
Tyler Phillips
I'd love a focus on the rural setting, but it'll never happen.
Jaxson Perez
Why does everyone post the version without color? Appreciate the whole image, not just phases of it.
Gabriel Harris
Might as well look forward to Farcry 5.
I know I am.
Luis Myers
Wake up blater
Camden Lee
I'm waiting for the final product. It's never as good as the E3 previews.
Charles Brown
>looking forward to another game with virtue signaling in it
William Hill
Evan Ward
No it's not, but Far Cry is pretty consistent in its quality. I pretty much know what I'm getting in the game.
It's also doing away with the minimap, meaning the world is going to have a different design about it than the last couple of games.
Don't respond to shitposters.
Andrew Wright
Blake Gonzalez
Not him but how is it a shitposting, it's a valid criticism.
Christian Morgan
Connor Cooper
>I pretty much know what I'm getting in the game. that's kind of the problem, each far cry since 3 has been the last one with a fresh coat of paint and a couple gimmicks thrown in (autogyro and elephants, now cropduster and ai sniper), the only major improvement has been co-op in 4 only worthwhile part of far cry is seeing what they do with the spinoff, to see if they make it stupid fun like blood dragon or just stupid like primal
Jacob Scott
They seem to have good ideas about gameplay and presentation, even if they fall short. The games would be helped a lot by solid characters, but Ubisoft always seems to have trouble with the writing.
Dylan Jones
I wouldn't bother, most of the tags here are far-left wing LGBTQGHYRSDA and other gimmicky made up pronouns. Now stop being homophobic and agree with their cultural Marxist agenda CIS scum.
Chase Garcia
>bad guys are a white, southern religious extremists >paints minorities in the most positive light possible by contrast
Kevin Bailey
good. i got sick of blowing up tan skin desert dwelling religious extremists.
Joshua Morris
Seems more like bad writing to me. The best villains are always misunderstood, not evil.
Gavin Clark
>Muslim terrorists blowing everything up. >Let's pretend it's white people because it's Islamaphobic otherwise, whites are any easy target.
This is Ubisoft, extremely left wing. Not a surprise.
Justin Rivera
>southern religious extremists You don't even know anything about the game you're complaining about.
1. The game takes place in Montana. That's not in the southern united states, retard. 2. What minorities? There's literally one black ally that's been shown so far. 2/3rds of the allies that help you are fucking white.
William Edwards
>dude kill evil white christians lmao jewbisoft strikes again
Jacob Wood
You didn't dispute anything I said, "retard".
Daniel Allen
So what issue do you have with killing evil white people
You didn't seem to have an issue going overseas to shoot up brown terrorists
Nathan Davis
If you're the first poster, you're retarded for thinking that Montana is a southern state. If you're the second poster, you're retarded for thinking the entire comment was directed to you and not just the "you have no idea what you're talking about"
So all in all, you're really fucking dumb and should reevaluate your life.
Ethan Smith
because killing subhumans sandniggers isn't an issue dumb redditposter. especially when you have to put up with pakis and their bullshit everyday in real life
Joshua Carter
edgy and stupid
Jeremiah Bailey
fine, white western religious extremists in a country that actively works toward separation of church and state. hey, that literally sounds worst than what i originally said.
>What minorities? black pastor >There's literally one black ally that's been shown so far. there'll probably be more, game already doesn't have a set race/sex apparently so they're likely going to sacrifice narrative for diversity
William Hill
Basically the one minority aside, you're complaining about a bunch of stuff that you just now made up in your head.
Colton Fisher
You linked to my post then said nothing related to my post. You do know how to post on here right?
Matthew Moore
t. razor vermillion
Kayden White
getting all ape shit over a representation of the minority is a /pol/tard thing, can't believe i share this general with you people.
Austin Myers
Knew it wouldn't be long before some lowcunt whipped out something about /pol/.
Chase Gutierrez
>You linked to my post then said nothing related to my post.
Except for the "You don't know anything about this game you're complaining about" part.
>S U M M E R Oh you.
And they're doing it in a GTA thread of all places, a game series that's had non white people appear in it since 1997.
Samuel Wood
But user, brown people are bad and white people are good and pure, how hard is this to understand, anyone that doesn't recognise the inherent superiority of my specific skin color is a racist niggerlover.
Robert Walker
>act like a /pol/tard >complain when people call you a /pol/tard
Kevin Harris
>And they're doing it in a GTA thread of all places, a game series that's had non white people appear in it since 1997.
tbf most of those characters can either be ignored or modded to look white. it's not like each installment is instrumental to your experience in the next game. i suspect this why most people are bigger fans of vice city and not coonville.
t. never played gtasa
Gabriel Bennett
>modding characters to look white
Caleb Russell
>thread suddenly turned into /vpol/ can we all agree that it's stupid to get mad over video games? my property taxes are about to go up, and i'm still roughly 6 years away from paying off my mortgage. if you want to be mad about something, be mad with me over this.
Luke Bell
it's my property so i can do whatever i want with it. who the fuck are you to judge?
Grayson Williams
>who the fuck are you to judge? You can mod whatever you want to and I can laugh at you for being a snowflake if I want to.
Charles Kelly
>this why most people are bigger fans of vice city and not coonville. I legit hope you're trolling. SA has been the most beloved GTA since it released, and will likely continue to be until Rockstar figures out how to make the campaign experience fun again.
The last time I had fun with GTA was Damned and Ballad. Over a decade of waiting for them to get it right again.
Matthew Bailey
>who the fuck are you to judge? someone not so insecure about muh race I can play san andreas without resorting to turning everyone into wiggers
Levi Gomez
omgahd, it's so /pol/ in here.
Angel Anderson
Yeah, mine too. I'm trying to appeal the new appraisal because of the tax increase. If anyone gets tired of being mad about games, they should buy a house.
Henry Ward
let's be honest here, the only thing SA had going for it was unpredictability. aside from that, it has the objectively worst aesthetic and characters. tommy was straight to the point about what he wanted and took down anyone who attempted to cross him, classic gta character. if anything, all the over-the-top shit that cj was capable of is exactly why GTA started to decline after SA.
Logan Evans
t. eurotard libcucks good luck in 2040 if you make it fags kek
Brayden Murphy
>it has the objectively worst aesthetic and characters
Carter Hill
>has to mod fictional games to only feature his race >KEK KEK LIBERALS EUROS HAHA when called out on being hilariously pathetic what a sad, strange little man
Luke Miller
i'm sorry user but that looks like shit. gta sa sacrificed much of its visuals for size and as a result it's aged even worse than all its predecessors. you prove no one's point with this webm.
Benjamin Lopez
If you think that webm looks like shit, then I have bad news for Vice City
Aiden Jackson
How accurate is this?
It's so hard to find to-scale GTA maps
Michael Collins
>leading zeros on money
Grayson Thomas
>no qt realism overhaul that lets us pump gas and work on our vehicles with our mechanic >no lotto system that lets us buy tickets in hopes of winning the weekly(every tuesday) jackpot >no dating/marriage system >no job system that lets me work in the studio and create mixtapes that I can pass out in hopes of getting signed >no weight gain/reduce system that lets me workout and get in shape, or eat myself stupid until i'm chris christie mode >no NEET mode that lets me move in with my parents and do nothing while they both work hard and give me a weekly allowance and have mama cook tendies for me while I play games in my bedroom 'GTA: Sims' when?
Wyatt Nguyen
>actual usable space is basically the size of SA thanks to half the map being fucking mountains >desert is only a third of the old desert's size, only a tiny forest on the slope of the mountain >only 2 small towns 5's map is depressing next to SA