League of Legends General - /lolg/

Officer Ahri Edition

Old Thread: >Very Useful Links


>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


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How big is sonas butt

I love Jhin!
Jhin FREE week!

I won't be back for a while, so while I'm gone remember to stay positive!

i mean everyone's seen it by this point

>riot making Pentakill Sonas chest bigger

What did they mean by this?

Friendly reminder to eat out your support!

xth for best pair in all of the valoran

comfy bfs~

goodnight cuties


Best guy!
I made it to Gold 1 tonight, awesome!
g'night lolg


rad champ

She's a ton of fun so far. I have zero clue how to be a lane bully though. Guess that's something that comes with experience.

do you use wall to your advantage?

Nobody to love

Love me, user!


Love him user!

my god those thighs
so bulbous

the only one I need is myself

posting more proof because user doubted me
reminder I am the nicest player in all of Veeky Forums

Also extremely metallic and with sharp edges

are you nice enough to give me a kiss?

Stay positive.

Are you cute?

oh yes

After playing him for the first time today, I can see why you obsess over him. I literally can't find a flaw, from gameplay to the character itself.

I guess!

holy shit fuck flex queue riot can keep their rewards

Kinda, I just really am not used to making trades as the initiator as all I used to play were tanks. I'm just trying to learn when to take trades and to not be a bitch and be aggressive. Also learning how to fight Teemo.

xth for Syndra

You can always love yourself


Can i really love you?
I'm an alright guy, but no one really cared for me in the past.

>mfw i saved a thumbnail
point still stands

also here's the loading screen thingy you get

Of course you can and I'll love you back!

I want to _______________be_______ Lux


try q1 onto a minion, walking right next to a wall and e'ing onto the enemy, q2 them for the true damage and walk away with a w to their face. Depending on how the matchup is going you can also weave in auto attacks.

with teemo you have to all in him at 4

Are you a girl?

This desu


My lovely, lovely user!

I want to be inside of Lux

Then you should do some cosplay. However, if you are a male and lying, get these distrubing thoughts out of your head.

What do you think about Tryndamere mains?

>no EspaƱola champion

Not him but I though you had to max W because this was the one instance where your other abilities would be useless from the blind

I think they're autistic.

Thanks friend. Will have to try this.

gods in bronze/silver/gold, otherwise annoying fucks who wont get the fuck out of toplane regardless of which team theyre on

How do you get the new arcade skin for the rift?

Is there an excuse to be lower rank than platinum?

Isn't is normal for them to rotate bot?

same excuse than being in plat I would guess

That only 10% of any given server's population can be Plat+

playing the game less than 7 times a week, 50/50 on whether those matches are ranked

Why the fuck would you want that

only if their bot goes top after towers down and I've yet to see bot lane not go mid

Reminder Kayn isn't a homo

maxing either q, w, or e is always situational. Very rarely should you ever be maxing the same one every game. But yeah w max if you are in a losing matchup/against ranged champ

np. I would recommend checking out Weeknd on youtube, he is a challenger Camille player. This is his video for beginner Camilles and a must watch if you are serious about learning her. youtube.com/watch?v=2HTNj8vRCqk&t=72s

Are you on euw?

>play caladooty
>just want to hang out and have comfy sniper gameplay
>enemy team bans me from using a scope before the match starts

>play overwatch
>want to play pharrah
>enemy team bans me from picking pharrah before the match starts

>play magic the gathering
>looking forward to playing deck i've built
>opponent bans cards out of my deck before the match starts

Daily reminder that the entire idea of Drafting and Banning is tedious, boring, time-wasting garbage and only exists because Riot is too talentless to balance

their own game, and so outsources it to the playerbase.

Yes, I'm gonna start leveling an account to 30 later today!

>Plays cancer regardless of game
>Complains about constantly getting banned out
Go play blind pick fag

Riot sucks at balancing because they won't just make everything OP.

Can you guys keep it down for a little bit? My wife (Riven) is sleeping.

>Buffed Nasus isn't going to be OP
This is how you can tell that most of lolg are a bunch of silver surfers and bronze shitters


So do you carry everyone as jungle to get the honors or just suck everyones dick?

i think i know you

oh man 49% winrate... whatever will we do, literally unbeatable

my brother just got me into magic, it is pretty fun so far

not sure if i want to focus on green or go white

Is it possible to get to Diamond by one tricking Riven?

>will never watch the sunrise with someone you love more than life itself

>want to play a champion who sets traps
>they can kill
>only champion to choose is teemo

Fuck riot. When are we getting a trap based champion?

Do you? I have talked to someone about this some days ago who didn't play for six months or so. Is that you?

Literally all of those games are hilariously unbalanced compared to League
The fact that you used a fucking card game as an example is also pretty lol


Is your ign histopian


They ripped off Attack on Titan

I see. I guess this is where our conversation ends.

I wish. Then we'd have a teenager anime girl instead of an annoying old hag.


>implying teemo is not the most versatile and fun champ to play

part of her draw was that fact

plenty of champs fit your criteria, leave cyborg milf to us

>Graves 2 shotting my carry at the same lvl
>only builds ad
>infinite dashes
>dies like a tank


Now that's just cold

Why would I?

> finally getting the hang of ryze's ult

still kinda feels like a shitpick but he's so fun i can't stop

Because i'm sorry.
I did not realize my position and responsibility in that kind of situation, and i acted before i could think.
I've only managed to grasp the value of human connections in the past couple of months, and i'm just inexperienced and i think that i know what i'm doing.
I really am sorry.
I just... want to love someone.



Holy shet, that was so stylish.


thank the lord for anonimity

>what is blind pick