/owg/ - Overwatch General : doomfist sucks edition

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you will never get to touch widowmaker's shiny butt

>ywn have sombra voice actor lick your cupcake

Here comes T.Racer!


Caution or irin?


kill yourselves
generals were a mistake

Is it me or has the game gotten super shitty today? My first match today and the tank was a complete pussy. Wouldn't push or get his ass on the point. Saw him running around in circles shooting at the ground way behind the team twice. In my second game literally half my team were waiting outside a gate not doing anything while them enemy sat and waited too.

>stuck playing healer for a team that can't get out of the spawn

What hero would be the most cancerous if they could flash ignite

Every good player is over at QP testing Doomfiat out.

user, it's okay! I think the fact that there are people here who love the characters enough to post about them really goes to show how great Overwatch can be!

This was QP. I avoid comp. I prefer the less faggoty of the two evils.

>1 Terabyte of MyStErY PaTcHeS previous to Doomfist release
>Still have to download a patch for Doomfist

nth for reinhardt's charge is still fucked, see you in 5 more months

How to fix Pharah
>replace jetpack with fan the hammer
>each rocket does 60 damage
>has an 8 second cooldown
How to fix Mccree
>replace fan the hammer with jetpack
Actually I don't care about balance, I just want to imagine what it would be like to swap hero abilities around

Reaper now gets genji's ult, replacing the sword with a side

>people stagger themselves so hard that we end up given numbani 2nd point away for free
How is this even possible

>reaper with blink

>and sombra's passive

>wallriding Reinhardt

I fucking quit.

I fucking quit until something is done about one-tricks.

>A game off GM
>KOTH Oasis
>4-Stack, autolock Torb, Sym, Bastion, Orisa
>Are you fucking kidding me?
>Check their profiles
>Torb, Sym are one tricks
>Enemy team has a fucking modicum of common sense and runs Pharah and Sombra
>We get stomped every. fucking. fight
>Literally 0-100 first 2 maps
>Ask if they can please, for the love of god, change
>No response
>Third map they just start emoting and jumping up and down on the elevator saying "Hello"

I am fucking done. No one gives a shit about this game in ranked. From gurl gamer Mercy mains, to throwers to fucking one-tricks, this game is a fucking shit show.

I'm out. Fuck you Blizzard.

In terms of skill importance

Charge is probably Rein's least important skill

Why play ranked when you can only ever rely on playing a tank/support?

Torbjörn and Symmetra mains can do wonders if you play with them together without getting tilted, though.
I love them.

Is that not dramatically smaller than it is on Doomfist

>avg weapon accuracy

Just don't play ranked. It's much more chill in QP, and even when it's a shitbalance you only have to stick around to the end of THAT round to avoid a penalty.
More XP too overall.

hey guys! ready for another exciting day of post-doomfist-launch Overwatch, a hero you totally weren't playing in ptr for a month if you actually care? but now we get to play him in the LIVE server, in yet MORE meaningless qp and no limits shitfests, with a bunch of casuals that actually think he came out just yesterday and will git gud at him in a week! isn't it great? at least blizz had the foresight to fucking forbid me from playing him in a remotely meaningful or structured type of game, so that I don't go ruining everyone's esports careers by "locking in a hero I've """"never"""" played before right after release xd"


not really an excuse to leave it fucked, when you do get an opportunity to charge it's basically an instant kill. I hit a 76 head-on on the first point of hanamura attack and he just walked aside from the collision, no push back or anything


That number's irrelevant though, I empty clips into the floor whenever I'm walking from spawn

>triple blinking straight into your face for 280 crit
Hell yeah

Yeah not an excuse, it needs fixing.

But having Earthshatter and his hammer fixed is huge

I actually dropped him since the bugs without knowing they existed for a while, wanted to learn sombra/aiming and played winston whenever with friends.
>earthshatter a M1+W reaper on eichenwalde's last stretch
>it misses him and he ults my team

still pretty sure they bugged him deliberately because he can't actually be nerfed, his kit is too intact.

>just play QP bro!

Fuck off.

>complaining about 'M1+W'

8 sensitivity
38% accuracy

I adjust sensitivity for each individual hero though, with zero-skill heroes like sym/winston at 15 and heroes like mccree at 6.
Most heroes I have between 6 and 10 though.

>How to improve your aim gradually
Lower your sensitivity by 0.05 after every game, it works, trust me.

give me orisa protips /oWog/

Kinda weird that they didn't do anything new with Numbani now that Doomfist is out.

At least with Orisa, they changed the attack spawn and payload.

its because chu doesn't like nigfist

>don't know

>jump in the air, be invisible, untouchable forever
>choose any location to land on, have all the time to wait for stars to align
>300 damage in a radius.

Who thought this was right?
Doomfist has litteraly the only ult in the game that is a GUARANTEED kill.
>one of his other skills is also a oneshot that comes at you much faster than Rein charge.
Fuck these retards at Blizzard in charge of game design.


Don't forget he can be healed while 100% invincible :^)))

>Rein's swing fixed
>Charge and earthshatter still miss things they should have hit
Small steps, I guess.

What more can you do to Numbani? There's no war yet.

It takes him forever to move locations and automatically drops down after a certain period of time.

Also, just fucking move out of the way?

How is OP image OW related?

Answer: it fucking isn't! Don't make OPs if you don't even bother to post anything OW related, cunt.

t. genji

He has plenty of time to choose targets and wait for that one moment they are a bit more grouped.

>just fucking move out of the way?
I take it you never saw it in game. You can't dodge it if it falls on you, litteraly no time to move out. The only thing that can save you is a Zarya bubble, and that is with unreasonnable reaction time.

You can't defend this bullshit ult. It's the only one of which you can't mitigate the impact.

>Genji having any problems dealing with Doomfist
Try Ana.

What's the best recolor for doomfist in your opinion?

Why do shitters hate dive so much? They would literally rather sit behind reintard's shield instead of fast-paced gameplay.

I like his blue one a lot

I don't know, but there's still no reason to escort an empty payload. Does Widow still have the "I'm not leaving here without that gauntlet" voiceline? That'd be funny if it wasn't taken out

>changed rein's axe sound
>he still says hammer down

How the fuck am I supposed to play aim intensive heroes in maps like Illios or Hollywood now that the crosshair barely has a dark outline and blends against the background no matter what you do

Also why is the crosshair still transparent at 100 opacity?

Fucking Blizzard

Because they're too zetta slow.

sunset or lake?

Dive is fine, dive with Dva is cancer

>buy smurf
>constantly win
>im getting matched with masters now
>my team still consists of beginners

lvl25 will be a long long road

Nearly every character in the game has an ability to escape it, and lucio means your whole team can. It also puts him right in the middle of your entire team.

If you get solo ulted by any other character you're also going to die.

I've been using a white dot sight since launch.



People like playing Roadhog and Zarya because there's a DPS/fragging out component where they feel like they can still carry even if they don't get to be DPS.

No one wants to play D.Va because you're just facilitating your team to do work. Especially frustrating if your DPS isn't doing work. You can still get POTG bombs, but those are very rare and you're expected to use your ult just to zone out the enemy, which isn't very fun when you could get a huge Grav or something.

Winston is similar in that he needs his team to follow up, or he's just going to feed. He's not Rein where you can't get those fight winning Shatters.

It's also a very shitty meta to play support. Ana is a non-starter, you're a fucking masochist playing Zen in solo-queue, so you're either Lucio or Mercy, the two healers who have the "I got carried that round" feeling the most.

yeah and you can't see it at all now that they fucked up the outline

When I watch a game of dota, the draft is the most significant part of the game.

What strat will a team go for? Push? Rat? Deathball? Four protect one? Early game? Maybe they'll pick a carry like Naga, but no! It's a feint, they went Naga support and the opponent's picked to counter the naga support.

When I watch an overwatch game, there is only one strat passable. There is no variation in team compodition or hero choices, at best you'll see them pick one slightly optional offense hero like sombra, which everyone instantly starts playing in every game. It's an absurdly stale state.

Dive itself is fine, but when dive is ALL you can do, it sucks ass.

How are they gonna fix junkrat ult? Shittiest ult in the game, slow, loud and gets destroyed in less than a second, can see it coming a mile away, I like the character but his useless ult ruins it

Reminder that Macaroni loves to lick Doomfist's smegma ridden pee pee

I understand some characters are more fun than others.
I understand some people are better with some characters naturally.

I still dont understand why someone would buy a team game with dozens of characters to only play one.
Even worse, why would anyone main mercy?

>mid plat
>solo healing because of dps instalockers
>mercy one-tricks are the cancer killing ow

You keep misspelling Hanzo.


diamond is much worse

I want a Pharah 6pad

Copy the koreans

Reaper + Junkrat vs Dva dive.
Reaper with healing support just moves right into the dva, moving around her shredding her as she tries to get DM on him to stop him murdering her

While junkrat loads grenades into her and her team behind her

Because of how DM works everyone funnels in a cone behind dva to stay protected. Junkrat loves that

I feel that.

I made a smurf just to play Sombra (want to practice her in comp, don't want to tank my SR learning a new difficult hero, QP is a joke), getting to lvl 25 took a long time. I only played it a couple of hours a day, but it took at least a week.

This is the problem with overwatch. People say the problem is a stale meta when the real issue is that there's a meta at all. I dunno what the fuck is wrong with blizzard but they do this autistic take turns style of balance where every team type gets their time to be in the spotlight but these comps are never all simultaneously viable.
Blizzard have got to have the biggest joke of a balance team I have ever seen

Why do half the characters not have ankles and lower legs in this game? widow hanzo pharah and a couple others all look like their legs or the lower half of their legs are metal and don't have room for someone's legs/ankles to be in their armor

Here comes the T.Trace racer!

So who counters Vi, I mean Doomfist?

I need to know so I can preemptively counter pick those shitters

you're too slow then

There is always meta in every game, thats why bans exists. Too bad ow has fuck all characters, so implementing a ban system is not an option yet.

i thought the summer games had started now

>widow hanzo pharah
They have ankles and lower legs.

yea im not going to play reaper or junkrat they are two most boring dps heroes in the game

>still missing her summer games voiceline
Now I'll never get it

Here: let me fix it

One ban (voted on by team)
Hero exclusivity (if they pick d.va, you can't)

there boom fixed

muh artstyle. literally the only """good""" explanation anyone has ever given

some of them even look like ball joints. it's stupid

Bastion, anyone with range, the dive DPS do good against him because he's Boykin levels of big and they can juke/out range him.

>Sunset skin has the nice brass gauntlet
>spirit, caution and leopard have the blue glow

I can't choose

>Hero exclusivity (if they pick d.va, you can't)
All this means is that one team's just going to always have the advantage.

>Enemy goes Soldier and takes highground


Literally the only reason this works is that it took people by surprise and a PROFESSIONAL team are coordinated enough to avoid being exposed to high ground.

Not something you can even think of running in solo queue lol

Were you one of the guys that though Pharah was an amputee?

Standard way to compensate is
>team one pick
>team two pick
>team two pick
>team one pick
>team two pick
etc, trade first pick/last pick for two picks in a row

also with two bans before there's a very small chance that any one hero with enough power to determine a game will get through. Any that is, should be nerfed anyway.

I didn't participate in that debate much, but at the time yes there were canon/official images that certainly made it look like she had ball joints.

So whether she does or not, they drew and circulated pictures that looked like it.

They said they're experimenting with either more health or more speed, not both though.

I hope they go with more speed. More fun and harder for enemies to shoot and matches the idea of being a fucking tire. More health will feel like shit because they could double the health and soldier would still destroy it in a fraction of a second