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>Patch 4.05 Notes
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Morning lander
nth for finally finding a use for this fucking shitty skill.
or just use it for phase transitions...?
You're a phase transition.
Where the erp at on Coeurl?
>>crafting isn't profitable
Not even the highest tier shit? Should I just not even bother continuing to level crafters then?
not at this patch currently, SE kneejerked after the awful crafting experience of 3.0 and made the 4.0 crafts all too easy to do.
Most of the glamour stuff still makes money
Are you on the Omega server by any chance?
There is an FC that literally uses this kind of insult for everything.
No but I am profoundly unfunny and deeply retarded regardless.
I dunno the skill is horrible and its sole use is so dubious I can barely muster the strength to violently explode my turret for anything except Deltascape V3.
Thanks for not forcing yourself
This is a good girl catboi.
you didn't forget about your wife did you user?
anyone got any tips for a new brd player?
it's machinists' better version of tornado kick
I dont see the issue
Nope! I make sure she enjoys her pineapple pudding ever week
tfw no retarded moonslut wife
no i visit khloe every day!
>browse previous thread
>pampers cringe posting for 4 hours straight
mods, i beg you, it's telling you banned liora but not him
if you got banned for cringe 80% of Veeky Forums's userbase would die
Hello this is c@
I just hate I have this one ability I can use once every blue moon. Or alternatively whenever I see someone I know and want to make an explosion happen atop them.
fuck off
post those hung catboys
No. Go away.
I guess I should keep going and hope they add the big profits later. Maybe I'll finally catch up for once.
it's all about patch day sales. even materials that are like 300 gil now were 10-15k per
does anyone have that list of /xivg/ posters, or a recent one
Sorry, was asleep. Comms are closed for now. Gotta finish what I have then work on a project
If you can make it work, why not.
its way too easy to get ao dai lewds
Thank you user for reminding me about her free scrips, you're amazing.
Define: "make it work".
If it looks good for you, then go for it.
Paging Liora need to make the cummies
Ban all lioraposting right now please
I will bounce the ball back and say the same thing the avatar drones are telling posters here whenever plastic bimbo is attacked - do not stop posting. The fact that you make Ultrash shitposters froth at their mouths is a gift.
Also do report them in game if they nag you. That Bad Manners guy got banned already, the next one should be permanent.
>be cat
>want to become femroe
>the "goofy giant" animations and complete lack of hips/ass keep putting me off
How do I get around this?
no stop I want this dress so badly but all of my markets have crashed.. don't ruin this for me...
Accept it in spite of its faults and embrace what makes it unique and enjoyable.
cant you just fucking make it yet???
I can i am just one short... i thought it required two. I'm retarded?
I want the most obnoxious fucking mage glamor you can think of.
I don't mean fuckin shit like Moogle hats or holiday meme shit. Just give me the most obnoxious fucking combination of low level armor, clashing colors and clothing, and incredibly shitty looking gear as humanly possible.
>when you realize you should have just bought a jump potion but you're too far into the story now
cotton halfrobe
velveteen sugarloaf hat
dreadwyrm shoes
moogle arms
no pants
metallic dyes
Why couldn't female Au Ra look like this and be the size of the males?
because that's ugly you mong
This is my suggestion.
I took the middle route and went Hyur Highlander for muscle babe shenanigans while still having decent animations
How so?
I don't want to be muscly, just not tiny and looking like a teenager.
As a grown woman I can't self insert as a kid anymore.
my grown woman didnt have the problems u are when playing au ra, so perhaps u arent very grown at all
>As a grown woman
Ayyyyyyy gurl how's yo pusssssssy? How's yo pusssssssy? Is it hard? Are you wet now? Did I turn u on? I'll self insert a kid for u babygurl ;) ;) ;)
>weekly raid lockout is tied to character and not job
I don't want to be locked into tank anymore, I hate these stupid useless DPSs that can't even hit 3.5k dps.
I've been wondering the same thing for 76 years
What are you even trying to say?
What is the status of your vagina in real life? Is it big? Hairy? Got a name for it?
Are you autistic?
Race war now, remove all degenerate cats
Guess we're in for a short conflict with the lalafells.
Just because you got your dick cut off doesn’t mean you’re a woman
>Learning parties only looking for NIN RDM SAM and BRD
come on man
It's xivg, everyone here is.
Why do healers take so long to ress someone in this game? Like, there is one dude dead, the tank is full health and clearly manages the situation and the healer does nothing. And it's happens all the time.
In any other mmo i played he would get chewed out so hard you would actually feel sorry for him.
you have my yugioh cards
Remove angry lalas instead
If my swift cast is up. i'll raise right away
Because the cast time on raise is long as shit my dude. By the time you have the res out you've lost control of the health pool and the party gets wiped.
sorry, red mage's job to rez ppl
if you're playing with good players the opposite issue will happen, where both healers, the red mage, and the summoner all raise the guy at the exact same time instantly.
mp wasted x4
I shouldn't be surprised you stuck your neck out to get decked.
I got you, homie.
DUCKS and cats
i'm getting really mad at how XIV's endgame works
I know the combat sucks shit, but is WoW still okay otherwise?
Why is he such a fuck up?
>the combat sucks shit
u wat
wow combat is silky smooth
The raids are way better, items too, bbut not the titanforging shit that is cancer.
I absolutely hate Savage right now. It's so god damn annoying without a static and it isn't even that rewarding.
I quit XIV back in HW because end game was the same formula as ARR. It got tiring. Came back in SB and refuse to do endgame. All my old friends try to get me back in the static and its still the same old game it was 4 years ago
>this perfect cute nose c@ exists
Abe and B'hnaka should just stop trying desu.
Are people enjoying scholar at 70?
I don't really wanna play AST anymore.
But that's not moon...
wow's formula hasn't changed really either, it's just that instead of raid gear being locked to the "elite" players for one patch cycle, anyone can possibly get better gear, and even an item that would be crap might end up being best in slot if it titanforged high enough. that's the cancer this user speaks of currently in wow.
Hello /xivg/!
What job makes me actually have to think the most
Any healer during hard content.
Endgame Bard.
PVP tanks.
Being a healer is ruff
Why do people claim RDM is fun?
Did I fall for a meme? This is the most braindead rotation in the history of rotations.
Because they fly around the arena and you always get to move.
>implying every rotation in this game isn't braindead
What's the best/quickest/most efficient way to get poetics? I just finished ARR so I know I need to be getting Ironworks gear now and then start saving them for Shire?
DRG isnt braindead
my wife is my property, and she did not complain as much as u do about a video game avatar
wow has six button rotations though
>You received a player commendation!
>You received a player commendation!
>You received a player commendation!
fine post hung male au ra then